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Parallel Operations External MP Kick - Off Meeting

Parallel Operations External MP Kick - Off Meeting. 10/8/2013. SPP Parallel Operations Team. Agenda. Purpose and Objectives Purpose, Processes, Outcomes, Differences from SMT Role of SPP and MPs during Parallel Operations Parallel Operations Success Metrics/Readiness

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Parallel Operations External MP Kick - Off Meeting

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  1. Parallel Operations External MP Kick - Off Meeting 10/8/2013 SPP Parallel Operations Team

  2. Agenda • Purpose and Objectives • Purpose, Processes, Outcomes, Differences from SMT • Role of SPP and MPs during Parallel Operations • Parallel Operations Success Metrics/Readiness • Purpose, Processes, Outcomes of Integrated Deployment Tests • IDT Success metrics

  3. Purpose and Objectives

  4. Market Trials – Where Are We?

  5. Purpose of Kickoff Provide Market Participants with: • Understanding of objectives of Parallel Operations and Integrated Deployment Testing • How to Support the Objectives of Parallel Operations and IDT • What are we doing? • Why are we doing it? • What are the expectations of the individual Market Participants? • How will IDTs work?

  6. Section 2 objectives

  7. Parallel Operations Objectives • Process – How is this different from SMT • Explain Integrated Deployment Testing • Expectations • Timelines • Metrics • Roles • Expected Outcome • Communication Plan

  8. Parallel operations purpose, process, outcomes, changes from SMT

  9. The Goal of Parallel Operations • Exercise all SPP systems with full use of all policies and procedures as developed and tested during earlier phases of Market Trials. • During the Integrated Deployment Tests (IDTs) the Real-Time systems focus on verifying the ability of SPP to maintain Area Control Error (ACE), to meet CPS1 and CPS2 standards, with all MPs and all available Resources being dispatched by the Integrated Marketplace.

  10. Parallel Operations Processes • Every day of the week is an “Official Operating Day”. • DA, RUC, RTBM, RTGEN, & Settlements run daily. • Seven scenarios not tested in SMT will be executed in Parallel Operations: • Scenario #7 - Must Offer • Scenario #13 - DDR with Settlements • Scenario #24 - Repricing (Part 2) with Study MCE • Scenario #28 - NFT with CMS • Scenario #29 - Reserve Sharing Group • Scenario #31 - BDR with Settlements • Grandfathered Agreements carve-out

  11. Parallel Operations Processes • All critical systems will be live and running in parallel with EIS systems. • The EIS Market will continue to determine the Resources’ actual Dispatch Instructions and serve as the basis for all Settlements. • Integrated Marketplace Setpoint Instructions will be sent to Market Participants for information only purposes. • Offer Curves should continue to be consistent with EIS costs, and all submission items should continue to reflect EIS systems in such a way that same amounts of generation to be dispatched and same active transmission constraints are reflected in both systems.

  12. Parallel Operations Outcomes/Exit Criteria • Successful completion of Parallel Operations must demonstrate the robustness of the Integrated Marketplace software, processes, and systems, both from a technical and commercial perspective including the ability of SPP to reliably maintain ACE for the SPP Balancing Authority footprint within Compliance Standards. • Successful completion of Deployment Tests. • Successful execution of Integrated Marketplace Bid toBill functionality consistently for 7 consecutive Operating Days according to protocol timelines.

  13. Parallel Operations is not Integrated Deployment Testing • The requirements to start Parallel Operations is decoupled from IDT • IDT may start without Parallel Operations • Parallel Operations may start without IDT • The current timeline includes IDTs as specific tests within the Parallel Operations Market Trials testing sub-stage

  14. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations • Communications • Hotline will be used during the first 2 weeks of Parallel Operations (11/12 – 11/27). • Hotline process ends on 11/27; no weekend or Holiday coverage. • Additional Communications channels (Starting 11-12) • For Real-Time Operational issues. • Contact SPP Operations Desk (24x7). • For Questions, Inquiries, Requests, etc.: • Submit an RMS with your issue, inquiry or request (24x7). • Contact your SPP Customer Relations Representative by phone or email (8 AM – 5 PM CDT).

  15. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations • Logistics • Parallel Operations will operate from Maumelle in November. • Resource planning will look similar to SMT. • First 2 IDTs will be performed from Maumelle and are tentatively scheduled to run from 9:30-11:30 am on 11/19 and 11/21. • All appropriate access, systems should be tested and support staff engaged for the IDTs. • Staffing to support all IDTs. • Move to ODC beginning of December.

  16. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations • Tracking Mechanisms • RMS reports will continue throughout Parallel Operations. • Known Issues Log continue. • Release Scorecard will continue to be updated until everything is operational for Go-Live. • Scenario Tracker continues.

  17. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations • Weekly Meetings • External Meetings – Additional meetings will be held for Deployment Tests. Current weekly schedule will remain in place for November/December, possibly phasing out in January. • Phase out the weekly calls’ overview of the previous OD. Focus instead on anomalies, defects, IDTs, & Parallel Operations scenarios only. Single thorough weekly meeting. • One registration for all meetings, continue using SMT bridge/ WebEx. • Participation Report • Readiness metrics will be the same list of SMT reports

  18. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations • Daily Calendar • Current 3 month calendar will be supplemented with a 3 week look ahead to provide a thorough, single member-facing calendar. • Plan for 1st 3 week release October 22 (3 weeks prior to November 12). • RMS • Quick picks will be revised. • New CPOCs will be defined and trained by 11/1/13. • External email distribution lists • Phased out in December.

  19. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations • Processes for Analysis of Statistics • Analysis for Deployment Tests. • Reviewing current metrics lists. • Integrated Deployment Tests (IDT) • 15 separate tests planned, each will have its own checklist/plan. • Communication line opens 1 hour before test. • Requires two conference bridge lines.  During IDT, we will have the ‘walled’ MP-side and the ‘non-walled’ Reliability side in separate rooms. 

  20. Changes from SMT to Parallel Operations IT Support Processes Structured Market Trials Parallel Operations Go-Live October November December January February March SMT Support Process Parallel Operations Support Process Production Support Process Interim Support Process • MP’s contact SPP through RMS or Hotline. • Customer Relations routes RMS tickets to Workstreams. • Defects are tracked in SILK. • Market Trials Hotline will continue to be operational. • Hotline will address issues or reroute as appropriate while transitioning to Parallel Operations Support. • MP’s contact Real-Time Operations or for Non Real-Time issues contact Customer Relations or log issues directly into RMS by selecting the appropriate CPOC. • If Customer Relations is contacted they will route RMS tickets to appropriate CPOCs (Departments, Desks, IT, etc). • System defects will continue to be tracked in SILKCentral. Remedy will continue to track Change Requests and emergency fixes. • Same as Parallel Operations Support Processes.

  21. Transition from SMT -> Parallel Operations • How 24x7 operations will work: • 18 operators available to run 24x7 – performing all key IM processes – Balancing Coordinator, Reliability Unit Commitment, & Real-time Balancing Market; Day-Ahead will be staffed at Go-Live levels. • Weekday 8 AM to 5 PM window, operators and coordinators available to assist/interact with MPs to simulate production. • Less than a full host of operators in place to cover all functions in the “off peak” hours/weekends (specifically scheduling, Tariff and Gen Dispatch). • Issue resolution for these functions may require a slower response time during these hours. • The main focus during that time will be to maintain the systems and continue to test/work through our processes and procedures. • During the IDTs, every function supported by multiple operators, engineers and other operations staff.

  22. Parallel Operations Timeline • 11/03/13 – Structured/Unstructured testing complete. • 11/4/13 - 11/11/13 – Systems are scheduled to be down for data cleanup and updates. • Will ensure data is available to run Settlements on DST OD. • ETSE data purge prior to Parallel Operations after DST OD. • 11/12/2013 – Parallel Operations is scheduled to start on

  23. Key Dates • 11/03/13 - The end of SMT will include this 25 hour Daylight Savings Time day. • 11/04/13 - 11/11/13: Test data purge for Settlements. • 11/12/13 - Parallel Operations begins – Moving to 7 Operating days per week and the Hotline will be open 24x7. • 11/19/13 - First Integrated Deployment Test. • 12/02/13 - Start of production processes for all systems.

  24. Role of SPP and MPs during parallel operations

  25. SPP Activities During Parallel Operations, SPP will: • Execute Multi-day Reliability Assessment, DA Market, DA-RUC, and ID-RUC. • Execute and monitor Real-Time system components, including RTBM/AGC, State Estimator and all Real-Time security applications. • Execute all EMS 2.5 Production studies, RTNET, RTRFCALC, RTCA, Losses, etc. • Execute RTBM every 5 minutes using Market Participant data from ICCP and Portal submissions. • Execute all rolling Forecasting applications, Wind, Parallel Loop Flow, Mid-Term, & Short-Term Load Forecasts. • Verify Market Participant submission activities.

  26. SPP Activities cont’d • Work with Market Participants to resolve issues. • Generate Setpoints, LMPs, MCPs and Shadow Prices. • Execute AGC every 4 seconds. • Execute Deployment Tests to deploy generation from the new Integrated Marketplace systems. • Communicate Real-Time reports and outputs. • Update Counterparty credit limits with self-selected credit limits submitted by Market Participants. • Generate Awards, Day-Ahead LMPs/MCPs, and other reports. • Produce Meter Agent Reports. • Communicate DA Market and RUC reports and outputs to the market. • Produce Settlement Statements, Invoices.

  27. Market Participant Activities During Parallel Operations, Market Participants will: • Submit, update, and cancel DA Market submission items: • Three-Part Supply Offers (including Start up and No Load Costs) • OR Offer • OR Self-Arrangement • Energy-Only • Demand Bids • Virtual Offers and Bids • Verify ability to receive Resource Setpointsvia ICCP & XML.

  28. Market Participant Activities cont’d • Report non-conforming Loads. • Create and Submit Meter data for each day. • Report any issues through the RMS Download and review pre-DA Market and post-DA Market Report postings. • Download and view Meter Agent reports from Portal. • Download and review RUC postings, as applicable. • Download and review Real-Time postings. • Submit self-selected credit limit to SPP, if desired, as often as weekly. • Create and Submit Bilateral Settlement Schedules. • Download and review Settlement Statements and invoices.

  29. Market Participant Activities cont’d • During Parallel Operations RTBM submissions need to be in closer tolerance then during SMT. • Update a unit’s min/max capacity if it changes by >10% or 5 MW, whichever is greater (for SMT it was >20% or 10 MW). • Update a unit’s offer curve if it changes by >10% or $2 per 5 MWs, whichever is greater (for SMT it was >20%).

  30. Integrated Deployment tests purpose, process, outcomes

  31. Deployment Test Purpose • These tests will be the first time the entire footprint will follow SPP Integrated Marketplace Setpoint Instructions. • EIS BA’s AGC system should still be able to calculate ACE, CPS1, and CPS2 during the Deployment Tests, but not adjust any Setpoints to control for the EIS BA’s ACE. • All EIS BAs have received waivers from SPP RE and MRO. • CPS1/CPS2 violations waived with the requirement of the BA’s to maintain logs of start/stop times. • A mock Deployment Test will be planned for the week prior to the 1st scheduled IDT – Tentatively set for 11/14/13.

  32. Deployment Test Purpose • Verify that SPP can transmit proper AGC signals to Resources and that the EIS BAs within the SPP footprint can receive the new information. • Verify SPP can calculate a single ACE and respond to it appropriately. • Verify that Resources respond to AGC signals received from SPP. • Verify that Resources can respond to a Congestion Management Event (CME/TLR). • Verify that AGC is correctly biased in response to a Reserve Sharing System event (RSS/CRD). • Verify that SPP and Resources can respond to a Contingency Reserve Deployment (CRD).

  33. Deployment Test Processes During the Integrated Deployment Test: • EIS and Integrated Marketplace systems will continue to operate in parallel. • Resources will be switched from EIS to Integrated Marketplace and back. • RTBM will provide Base Points and manage congestion. • AGC will maintain ACE, provide Regulation dispatch instructions and dispatch Contingency Reserves (including Supplemental) during RSS events. • The Market will settle based on EIS dispatch. • Uninstructed deviation penalties will be waived for a period before, during, and after the Deployment Tests.

  34. Deployment Test Processes During the Integrated Deployment Test: • Schedules will be mirrored from EIS production and convert the LCA/GCA for internal Balancing Authorities to an SPP CBA for calculating NSI for use in RTBM and AGC. • No tags should be input by Market Participants for the period during the Integrated Deployment Test. • Integrated Deployment Tests will be scheduled to ramp in/out at the bottom of the hour to minimize the impacts of transactions ramping at the top of the hour.

  35. Deployment Test Processes • Timing of tests will be designed so SPP can test for operational control in various conditions throughout the day: • Demonstrate AGC operation during extended heavy load pick up during morning period. • Demonstrate AGC operation during an evening load pick up period. • Demonstrate crossing midnight period and operational continuation between days. • A daily calendar has been developed with specific dates and times for the tests.

  36. Timing of Integrated Deployment Test (2 Hr) 01:15 Begin Cutover Window EIS-IM 3:45 Cutover Complete 03:30 01:30 Integrated Marketplace Dispatch 00:30 Initiate MP Conference Call 03:30 Begin Cutover Window IM - EIS 04:30 Close MP Conference Call 01:30 Cutover Complete

  37. Timing of Integrated Deployment Test (2 Hr) • 00:30 – One hour prior to the start of the IDT, SPP will begin the open conference call. • 01:15 – 15 minutes prior to the start of the IDT, SPP will notify the BAs that they should prepare to be cutover from EIS to IM by 01:30 – if the BA cutover process only takes 2 minutes then they should begin that process at 01:28. • 01:30-03:30 – 2 Hour IDT – Resources respond to IM Setpoints and SPP manages the SPP BA ACE. • 3:30 – SPP will notify the BAs that they should begin their cutover from IM to EIS and all BAs should be following EIS setpoints by no later than 03:45. • 4:30 - One hour following the end of the IDT, SPP will end the open conference call

  38. Integrated Deployment Test Marketplace Setpoint target Real-time EIS Setpoint Tact Tini Ttar 0 5 15 10 Every 5 minutes, both EIS and Marketplace snap where physical Resources are in time. The updated dispatch instruction is sent via unique ICCP Object IDs.

  39. IDT Calendar

  40. IDT Calendar

  41. IDT Calendar

  42. Integrated Deployment Test Go Criteria • If at any point in the IDT communication plan, a Resource owning MP deems it is not capable of participating and that MP’s Resources are scheduled to be online, SPP shall consider cancelling the IDT. • This will be case-by-case. • EIS-BA MPs must 100% be ready for each IDT.

  43. Deployment Tests: Unit Commitment • Unit Commitment will continue to be managed by the existing Balancing Authorities. Important all normal EIS functions occur in parallel with Integrated Marketplace during Deployment Tests. • RTBM does not require RUC systems to operate to produce Base Points. RTBM will use Resource’s metered MW, telemetered Control Mode, CROW outage information and RTBM offer parameters for dispatch during Deployment Tests. • When Resources are online, coming online or going offline in EIS, MPs must update RTBM offer, telemetered Control Mode, and Commitment status to “Self” in the Integrated Marketplace. Otherwise, RTBM may not be able to dispatch them accordingly. • All online Resources must have a valid commitment status in the Current Operating Plan (COP) in order to be eligible for dispatch by RTBM. • MPs can offer a commitment status of “Self” for all online resources.

  44. Deployment Tests: Unit Commitment • Note that the Integrated Marketplace will NOT be the basis for Unit Commitment. • The SPP Integrated Marketplace tariff doesn’t take effect until 03/01/14 and SPP cannot be responsible for Unit Commitment until then. • Therefore, following the DA RUC, SPP will perform a COP True-Up to essentially substitute EIS BA’s unit commitment plans for the results of the DA RUC.

  45. Deployment Tests: COP True-up • Allows the RTBM to dispatch resources based on real-time (EIS) operating conditions. • If Resources are online in EIS and not in the COP, they are unable to be dispatched economically by RTBM. • Output will be echoed. • Not eligible to clear reserves. • After the DA RUC run, SPP checks the EIS Resource Plan statuses for the OD to identify Resources with conflicting status with the COP. • SPP uses the ID-RUC to commit or de-commit resources that have a conflicting EIS status with the COP. • If the resource has a  EIS status of “Unavailable” and is committed in the COP, it will be de-committed by the ID-RUC. • Process repeats at least 2 hours a day from 8am-4pm during supported ODs. • During unsupported days, the COP True-Up runs once a day.

  46. Deployment Tests: Energy Offers In order to minimize differences between RTBM Dispatch Instructions and EIS Market Dispatch Instructions: • Resource Offers should be consistent with operational parameters submitted in the EIS Market Resource Plans and the Energy Offer curves submitted for use in the EIS Market. • Regulation Ramp Rate curves and Contingency Reserve Ramp Rate curves should be set equal to the Ramp Rate Curve submitted in for use in the Up direction in the EIS Market.

  47. Deployment Tests: Regulation Deployment • Regulation will be deployed by the Integrated Marketplace during Deployment Tests. • All Regulation Resources should have been self verified or tested by SPP during Structured Market Trials. • All Resources scheduled to provide Regulation during the Deployment Test window in EIS should self schedule those Resources in Integrated Marketplace for Regulation for both up and down regulation. • Regulation dispatch status “Fixed”. • Fixed amount should be equal to capability of the Resource. • Offer price of $0/MW. • All other Resources eligible to provide regulation should offer in with a status of “Market” with an appropriate $/MW offer.

  48. Deployment Test: Contingency Reserve Deployment • Contingency Reserve Deployment will be deployed by the Integrated Marketplace during Deployment Tests. • All Resources scheduled to provide contingency reserves during the Deployment Test window in EIS Ancillary Services Resource plans should self schedule those Resources in Integrated Marketplace for contingency reserves. • Spinning dispatch status “Fixed” at specified MW amount with $0/MW offer. • On-Line dispatch status “Fixed” at specified MW amount with $0/MW offer. • Off-line dispatch status “Fixed” at specified MW amount with $0/MW offer. • All other Resources eligible to provide spinning and/or supplemental reserves should offer in with a status of “Market” with an appropriate $/MW offer. • Any event that would trigger a reserve sharing event will be entered into the EIS RSS as well as the Integrated Marketplace RSS.

  49. Regulation-Qualified Resources For Integrated Deployment Tests (IDTs) for Reg-Qualified Resources, ensure: Dispatch Status = Fixed

  50. Regulation-Qualified Resources (cont’d.) Commitment Status = Self

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