1. 1
2. 2 Overview CSAF Vision = Capabilities Focused Process
AF Concept of Operations (CONOPs)
Capability Review and Risk Assessment (CRRA)
Requirements Transformation
Capabilities Planning
Capabilities Development
New DoD 5000 and CJCSI 3170 Process
AF Implementation
Way Ahead
3. 3 CSAF Vision
4. 4 AF CONOPS Concepts of Operations (CONOPS) will guide planning, programming and acquisition decisions
Global Strike (ACC)
Space & C4ISR (AFSPC)
Global Mobility (AMC)
Homeland Security (ACC)
Global Response (ACC)
Nuclear Response (ACC)
7 Capability Review and Risk Assessments (CRRAs)
6 CONOPs + Integration CRRA
5. 5 Capabilities Review and Risk Assessment (CRRA) Review and analysis centered around CONOPS
Shifts focus from program status to how programs contribute to warfighting capabilities and effects
Evaluates health and risk of each of the required capabilities and assesses risk in terms of achieving desired capabilities
Highlights priorities and disconnects in relation to how our programs support capabilities
6. 6 CRRA Focus
7. 7 AF/XOR Role
8. 8 Global Strike – Our First CRRA
9. 9
10. 10 Requirements Transformation Where we’re headed …
Began with requirements reengineering
Entry level and advanced requirements training
High Performance Teams (HPTs)
Integrated Resource Support System (IRSS)
Way ahead will leverage ...
Evolutionary acquisition and spiral development
Capability Reviews & Risk Assessments (CRRAs)
Capability Planning
Integrated Capability Development
Long term process…will take a few years to fully develop
11. 11 AF Initial Vector
12. 12 DoD and Joint Staff Vector Defense acquisition process
OSD cancelled 5000 series and issued interim guidance
Rewrite focused on spiral development
DoD 5000 series released May 2003
Requirements generation process
Joint Staff released new guidance June 2003
More planning and analysis up front – focused on capabilities
New requirements documents
Milestone A: ICD - Initial Capabilities Document
Milestone B: CDD - Capability Development Document
Milestone C: CPD - Capability Production Document
13. 13 New DoD 5000 Process
14. 14
15. 15 Born Joint - Capabilities Based Methodology
16. 16 Joint Potential Designator (JPD)Definitions J8 Assigns Joint Potential Designations
JROC Interest – Approved at JROC (All ACAT I/IA)
Joint Impact – Approved at FCB (ACAT II and
below that affect Joint force)
Joint Integration – Requires certifications (threat,
intel, C4I, insensitive munitions, NSS & IT
interoperability and supportability), approved by
service/component (ACAT II and below with no
significant affect on joint force)
Independent – No certifications required, approved
by service/component (ACAT II and below)
17. 17
18. 18 Oversight Body Comparison Services
DIA Representative (Intelligence Supportability) Services
Combatant Commanders
USecAF (Space)
DIA Representative Mission Requirements Board Executive Secretary
19. 19 Functional Capability Boards Functional Capability Boards (FCB)
Standing organizations at Joint Staff to provide oversight of JCIDS process
Comprised of flag officer chairman, service O-6 representatives, and representatives from other key DoD agencies
Ensure new capabilities are conceived and developed in joint war-fighting context
Develop and maintain prioritized lists of capability gaps and DOTMLPF change initiatives
20. 20
21. 21 FCB Stakeholders
22. 22
23. 23
24. 24 AF Process to Implement JCIDS
25. 25 AF Capability Planning and Development
26. 26 AF Capability Planning and Development
27. 27 Way Ahead Implement direction on Operational Capability Requirements (AFI 10-601)
Policy and guidance in document
Detailed “how to do” on website
Develop AF instruction on Capability Planning
Update AF training programs
Implement web-based staffing tools
Complete first Integration CRRA
Analyze results and update process
28. 28
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30. 30
31. 31
32. 32
33. 33 All HPT Documents (Simultaneous O-6 Coord w/Joint Staff)
34. 34 All Non- HPT Documents