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How to Enter The ADDYS

How to Enter The ADDYS. Did You Know?. ADDYs originated in Miami in 1960 and was adopted nationally in 1968 Because of you the ADDYs is the largest creative competition in the world. 6 time larger than Cannes 3 times larger than the Clios. It’s All About The Work.

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How to Enter The ADDYS

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  1. How to Enter The ADDYS

  2. Did You Know? • ADDYs originated in Miami in 1960 and was adopted nationally in 1968 • Because of you the ADDYs is the largest creative competition in the world. • 6 time larger than Cannes • 3 times larger than the Clios

  3. It’s All About The Work • The creative idea and how well it is executed • The size of the agency or the budget doesn’t matter

  4. Who Should Enter? • YOU should! • If you are in business, you are in advertising • If it’s advertising, there is a place for it in the ADDYs

  5. Why Enter? • Money for your business • Attention for you and your clients • Retains clients and brings in new ones • Promotes industry esteem in your market • Keeps creatives motivated • Award-winning work translates to more effective work • Portfolio builder and door opener

  6. What’s The ROI? • Makes recruitment easier • Gives your agency confidence • Clients love awards! • Prospects need innovation, innovation is rewarded in creative shows...do the math • Competition makes you better • Keep business local • Great feeling when your small market ad beats out a large market

  7. Beyond Winning • Awards are a symbol of a bigger picture • Takes creativity in this cluttered media environment to engage your target audience • Takes more than just winning • Can’t sit back and wait for the phone to ring • Promote yourself! • What you do after you win is just as important as what you did in creating the piece that won

  8. Beyond Winning • Submit press releases to industry relevant publications for the type of client you won for • Boosts your client • Gives you credibility in that industry • Don’t wait for potential clients to search you out, let them know you are out there • Do what you do for your clients... • PROMOTE, PROMOTE, PROMOTE

  9. What Wins? • Superior execution, attention to detail, and originality • Judges look for the BEST work in THIS market • Execution: photography, typography, layout, printing, sound clarity, etc • Details: every word, every frame, every link • Originality: most important, may even overcome mediocre execution • Be memorable: edgy or heartfelt, funny or bizarre, tap into emotions

  10. So What Should You Enter? • Ask yourself… • Would I put this in my portfolio? • Would I show this to a potential clients? • Would this be included on my demo reel? • Ask people around you... • Co-workers: But be careful, every baby is the most beautiful baby in the world • Clients: It can be very enlightening • Enter pieces in multiple categories • Single and campaign • Full-page versus partial-page within reason • Elements: photos, illustrations, animations, logos • Multimedia campaign Multiple entries + Multiple wins = >Best of Show chances

  11. Eligibility Requirements • NEW creative • January 1, 2013 – December 31, 2013 • Paid creative services • Except Public Service, Advertising for the Arts & Sciences, and Industry Self-Promotion • Enter in the market where it was CREATED

  12. Silver Forwarding • Best kept secret to winning • All different judges • All different perspective • Many national winners have received only a silver at the local level

  13. Getting Started • New ADDY entry software for 2013/2014 • Log onto https://enter.americanadvertisingawards.com/awards/

  14. Register

  15. Register

  16. Register

  17. Entry Process • Fill out an entry form for each entry.

  18. Entry Process • You must save the entry before continuing with the entry information and other tabs.

  19. It is very important that you include the date the entry first appeared and the method of distribution. • If the entry is a campaign list the methods of distribution.

  20. Entry Process If the entry is a campaign, make sure you indicate what types of media and how many are in each media in the “Collateral Count” box.

  21. When you add credits make sure you proof!!! • If it is wrong here it will be wrong on the certificates and in the credits in the show! • Can you spot the errors?

  22. No more pesky CDs to worry about

  23. Make sure all required elements are included (websites, digital uploads, images, etc.)

  24. Manifest

  25. You will need to print out the Manifest Form and bring it with you when you enter. • The Manifest will show what you have entered and how much you owe. • Make sure you sign and date the back of the Manifest Form.

  26. Manifest • When you have all of your entry forms finished, print out the Invoice and Manifest Form.

  27. Manifest • You will need to print out the Manifest Form and bring it with you when you enter. • The Manifest will show what you have entered and how much you owe. • Make sure you sign and date the final page of the Manifest Form.

  28. Preparing Your Entries • Place the entry behind the D4 entry form in the clear envelope provided. • Include TWO (2) copies of the entry form and affix an entry label to the back of the entry.

  29. What’s New In 2014 Sales Promotion Point of Purchase • 3D Branded Environment Digital Advertising Microsites • 35A Products • 35B Outlets • 35C Services Digital Advertising (cont) Online Publication • 38A Newsletter • 38B Magazine • 38C Annual Report • 38D Email Advertising and Promotion • 39A Banners, Rich Media • 39B Banners, Standard • 39C Games • 39D Podcasts

  30. What’s New In 2013 Television TV Self-Promotion • 47C Regional/National Single • 47D Regional/National Campaign Integrated Campaigns • 52 B-to-B, Local • 53 B-to-B, Regional/National • 54 Consumer, Local • 55 Consumber, Regional/National

  31. Checklist • 2 printed samples of entry • 2 copies of entry form (For EVERY entry - including digital entries: video/audio and web) • For “non-print” entries, all you need to include is the 2 copies of entry form in the entry envelope • Entry and materials properly labeled • Signed Manifest Form, listing all of your entries (1 per entrant)

  32. Technical Requirements • Video Sales Presentations & Infomercials • Must submit an edited representative content of NO MORE THAN five minutes in length. The edited entry must be uploaded as a digital video file. • Digital Advertising • Judging will be done online, using the URL whenever possible. URLs should not require any username or password for access. In cases where this already exists, the entrant should create an independent URL. URLs, banners and menus must not contain any references to the entrant.

  33. Technical Requirements • Non-Traditional Advertising • Entries in this category may also be accompanied by a written or digital (video) summary not to exceed 250 words (written) or 90 seconds (video). Digital summaries must be submitted by uploading the video file via the ADDY online entry software.

  34. Additional Rules • If it is Public Service, Industry Self-Promotion, or Arts/Sciences it can not be entered anywhere else • Elements must be entered by the original creator of the element • Very detailed descriptions of what fits where in software • Digitally enhanced photography, must show original • Elements of Advertising must show how it was used in ad

  35. Reminders • JPGs or PDFs of ALL Print Work • Entrants will be expected to upload a JPG or PDF of each print entry at the time the entry is submitted. • Why? • For the show and winners book.

  36. Things To Remember • Do not send original or irreplaceable artwork. It will NOT be returned. • Pieces entered into Advertising for the Arts & Sciences, Public Service or Industry Self-Promotion cannot be entered in any other category. • Each Elements of Advertising entry must include a sample, showing how the element was actually used. • DVDs and CDs are NO LONGER ACCEPTED (except in Categories 41 A, B & C), and will not be judged. • Do not put labels on the CDs & DVDs. • Use a CD/DVD safe pen to write entry numbers on disc.

  37. What NOT To Do • Enter that invitation with the event date in 2012. • Show up on Deadline Day without your manifest or check. • Cover up that typo with White-Out and hope the judges don’t notice. • Show up on Deadline Day with entries in hand and say “How do I do this”? • Mount your entries on illustration board. • Leave slates on your broadcast entries.

  38. Online Entry Tips • Start early!! • You can add and/or delete all the way up to the entry deadline • Do NOT finalize your entry until you are ready to submit. Once finalized it cannot be changed or edited. • Make sure all contributors are properly credited • Check spelling • Remember, the information in the system is used for the Winners’ Book, Show Reel, Winners’ Certificates and Press Releases • It is yourresponsibility to make sure it is correct • SAVE after every page

  39. Entry Day • Before you head out the office door on that fateful deadline day make sure you have: • Your Entries • Your Manifest • Method of Payment (check, credit card, first born) GOOD LUCK!

  40. And, Finally… • ADDYs is supposed to be fun! • Strut your stuff, show off your talents, impress your clients, celebrate your staff • If you’re not a member...JOIN! • Entry fees are discounted for AAF members!

  41. Questions? addys@4aaf.com http://4aaf.com/addys

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