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Specific Targeted Research Project, 3 years (June 2004 – May 2007) Empirical objectives

The European Socio-Economic Models of a Knowledge-based society. Specific Targeted Research Project, 3 years (June 2004 – May 2007) Empirical objectives

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Specific Targeted Research Project, 3 years (June 2004 – May 2007) Empirical objectives

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  1. The European Socio-Economic Models of a Knowledge-based society • Specific Targeted Research Project, 3 years (June 2004 – May 2007) • Empirical objectives • To analyse the socio-economic models of some EU and extra-EU countries, integrating macro and micro analysis levels, in order to contribute to the reflections about the EU socio-economic model, including the new entrants integration and the european knowledge-based society issues. • Theoretical objectives To elaborate a theory of socio-economic models integrating the macro and micro levels and the dynamic dimension (theory of institutional change), in order to renew the existing representations of the economic models and of their processes of change.

  2. Consortium • GERPISA, Université d’Evry et EHESS (France), Coordinator • CEPREMAP, Commissariat Général du Plan et CNRS (France) • GRES, Universités de Bordeaux 4 et Toulouse 1 (France) • Ecole des Mines de Paris (CGS et CERNA), (France) • Institut Européen d’Administration des Affaires (INSEAD) (France) • Max Planck Gesellschaft zur Foerderung der Wissenschaften (MPG) (Germany) • Universität Bielefeld (Germany) • Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin fur Sozialforschung (WZB) (Germany) • Università degli Studi di Padova(Italy) • University of West of England(UK) • University of Manchester(UK)

  3. Methodology • Analysis and comparisons of the socio-economic models at the macro level • based on previous works on Innovation and Production Social Systems (IPSS) • - integrating the dynamic dimension (countries trajectories, current change processus) • countries : France, Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Sweden, USA, Japan, … • Analysis and comparisons of indutrial models at the firm (micro) and industrial sector (meso) levels • based on previous works on Productive Models in the automobile industry • focusing on 3 aspects : financialization, employment relationship, product policies and • productive organization • integrating the links between firms, industrial sectors and the political institutions level • countries : France, Germany, UK, Italy, Sweden, Poland, … • industrial sectors : automobile, aerospace, ICT (electronic and software), food • industry, biotechnologies, public utilities

  4. Work Packages • WP1 State of the art and methodological issues • WP2 Analysis of the complementarity / conflicts of various socio-economic models in Europe at the macro level • WP3 Financiarisation and its impacts on industrial firms Current evolutions in the finance domain, their effects on firms and their use by firms • WP4 Employment relationship and the company governance compromise Employees involvment, competences policies, equality issues, interests representation • WP5 Product policy and productive organization New innovation oriented design organizations, modularity, NTIC, public policies, … • WP6 Synthesis and policy implications

  5. Schedule and deliverables WP 1 State of the art and methodological issues WP 2 Analysis of the complementarity / conflicts of various socio-economic models in Europe WP 3 Financiarisation and its impacts on industrial firms WP 4 Employment relationship and the company governance compromise WP 5 Product policu and productive organization WP 6 Synthesis and policy implications 06.04 06.05 06.06 06.07 WP1 report State of the art and analytical grid Intermediate report WP 2-5 reports Final report and Policy implications Deliverables

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