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Cushman and Wakefield March 20, 2014. Examine the Data for Education in Georgia. Academic Achievement Milestones. School Readiness. Literacy by 3 rd Grade. Numeracy by 8 th Grade. High School Graduation. Workforce and/or College Ready. School Readiness.
Cushman and Wakefield March 20, 2014
Academic Achievement Milestones School Readiness Literacy by 3rd Grade Numeracy by 8th Grade High School Graduation Workforce and/or College Ready
School Readiness Percent of Children with School Readiness Skills
NAEP 4th Grade Reading Percent At or Above Proficient
NAEP 8th Grade Math Percent At or Above Proficient
Georgia High School Graduation Rates Source: The Governor’s Office of Student Achievement, State Report Cards.
Education Pays Source:*U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Table A-4. Employment status of the civilian population 25 years and over by educational attainment. **U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Table 5. Quartiles of usual weekly earnings of full-time wage and salary workers.
Compounded Impacts of High School Non-Completion Source: Levin, H., et al., (2007). The Costs and Benefits of an Excellent Education for All of America’s Children.
Disparities in Early Vocabulary Growth Professional Families 1,116 words Working Class Families 749 words Welfare Families 525 words Source: Hart, B. and Risley, T. R. (2003). “The Early Catastrophe: The 30 Million Word Gap by Age 3.”
Economic Benefits of Early Education: Perry Preschool Study Source: Schweinhart, L.J., et al. (2005). Lifetime effects: The High/Scope Perry Preschool study through age 40.
Essential Building Blocks of High Performing States • Higher Standards • Rigorous Curriculum • Clear Accountability System • Statewide Student Information System • Leadership Training
100 Georgia Ninth Graders * Data provided by the Technical College System of Georgia . Based on 2008 graduation data
Predicted Workforce Gap Georgia’s Young Workforce with a Certificate or College Degree 60% Complete College Georgia 250,000 additional graduates 42% 43% Current Path 2012 2020 Source: Complete College Georgia,: Georgia’s Higher Education Completion Plan 2012
HS Graduates and Economic Development • With an additional 30,000 HS graduates: • $242 million increased earnings • $191 million increased spending • This additional spending would support: • $350 million increase in state gross product • $18 million increase in state tax revenue Source: Alliance for Excellent Education. “The Economic Benefits of Helping High School Dropouts.” December 2012.
Georgia’s Future Workforce 1. Increasing demand for highly skilled labor force 3. Increasing academic rigor and expectations + 2. Changing demographics + = Perfect Storm? Trifecta of Opportunity?
Profile of Child, Family and Community Wellbeing – Fulton County* * Data provided by Georgia Kids Count, Georgia Family Connection Partnership, http://www.gafcp.org
3rd Grade Reading Achievement in Georgia: Closing the Gaps % of Students Exceeding Standards Source: Georgia Department of Education.
8th Grade Math Achievement in Georgia: Closing the Gaps % of Students Exceeding Standards Source: Georgia Department of Education.
High School Graduation Rates in Georgia: Closing the Gaps Source: Georgia Department of Education.
ESSENTIAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Transportation Health Housing Financial LEARNING & SOCIAL SUPPORTS Childcare Providers Afterschool Programs Civic Opportunities Academic Supports Job Training How Will You Insulate the Birth to Work Pipeline? K – 12 System Early Childhood Post Secondary Work & Career Source: The Forum for Youth Investment
Help Insulate the Pipeline Early Childhood Read to children every day Quality Rated: Encourage participation of your early learning centers K – 12 System Read and mentor students Leverage partnerships with business and post-secondary Build a cadre of effective teachers and leaders Post Secondary Provide internships/ apprenticeships Be involved as a community volunteer in Georgia Apply to College Increase the number of post-secondary graduates
Random Acts of Improvement Aligned Acts of Improvement Aligning Educational Strategies GOALS GOALS
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