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The Cold War. Quiz. 1). Organization formed by the US and allied powers during the Cold War 2). Leader of Cuba during the missile crisis 3). Bay of _ was the failed invasion of Cuba. 4). Protection strategy for Cold War superpowers
Quiz • 1). Organization formed by the US and allied powers during the Cold War • 2). Leader of Cuba during the missile crisis • 3). Bay of _ was the failed invasion of Cuba. • 4). Protection strategy for Cold War superpowers • 5). Which country backed down during the missile crisis? (FIB) • A. Castro D. Mutually Assured Destruction • B. NATO E. Pigs • C. Warsaw Pact F. Kruschev
Big 3 meet at Yalta to discuss end of war Big Three (Stalin v. others). Own motives Atomic weapons Soviets: buffer zone U.S: Self determination Divide Germany SUSPICION!!! The Peace Efforts/Aftermath for Allies
Free elections contested by Truman, military action? Stalin Broke Yalta with no elections Two sides form: Communist world takeover Capitalist world takeover Take sides world! Potsdam Conference
UN created to keep peace. Reminds you of? 11 member security council, but 5 main ones (China, France, US, USSR, UK w/ veto power) United Nations
Goals of Each Superpower • Determine which of the goals were most important for each side and explain why. • Overall, describe the US goals as well as the Soviets’.
Soviet Occupation • Soviets fearful of invasion and anti-communist governments on borders so they…. • Decided to stay in eastern Europe and install communist governments. • Angered Truman, broke Yalta agreement, angry words.
Germany, the rest of Europe, and Berlin split into two zones, democratic and communist. “An iron curtain has descended across the Continent… All these famous cities lie in what I must call the Soviet sphere” Churchill The Iron Curtain
US Response: Containment • Looked to prevent spread of communism/USSR by helping weak countries/alliances (Greece in ’46). • Truman Doctrine: we must support weaker countries so that they can resist outside forces trying to subjugate them to oppression. • Set off mass migrations in Europe. Why? • Where have we heard these words lately?
Dean Acheson • “Like apples in a barrel infected by disease, the corruption of Greece would infect Iran and all the East…likewise Africa, Italy, France…Not since Rome and Carthage had there been such a polarization on this earth.” • Overly cautious? Necessary? Pitfalls? Advantages?
Looked to rebuild Europe’s economy, industry. Why in the world would we give billions of dollars away? Where does Communism flourish? Did it work? Soviet view of Plan? Berlin Airlift for 10 months. Over 2.3 million tons of food dropped. Marshall Plan
Berlin Wall • August 13, 1961: Nikita Khrushchev has a wall built around West Berlin to restrict travel/migration. Divided/increased tensions • Led to airlift
Alliances • As tensions rose in Germany, NATO is formed in1949. • Defensive agreement against USSR military action.
Warsaw Pact • 1955 Stalin’s containment policy gained power with his allies. • Not every country in Europe/Asia/World joined a side, but many will come to ally themselves with one. (Foreshadowing)
Nuclear Weapons • By 1953 both sides possessed H-Bombs • How do you protect yourself against an attack from either side? • M.A.D was the idea both used to protect themselves. • Positives and Negatives?
Arms Race • 1949: Soviets test first atomic bomb • 1952: UK test first atomic bomb • 1952: US tests first Hydrogen bomb • 1953: Soviets test first Hydrogen bomb • 1957: Soviets launch first satellite (Sputnik) into space
China goes Communist 1945-1949: Mao Zedong leads a successful communist revolution in China • Reason for success? • Chinese peasants had been controlled and taxed heavily during 1930s & 1940s • Intense political corruption under Chiang Kai Check
Bans religion Established labor camps for political prisoners Called for collectivization of agricultural lands to increase productivity, takes urban businesses also. Great Leap Forward failed miserably (55 MILLION die of starvation). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=efBQKHOfW60 Murderous “Cultural Revolution” Mao’s Communism
Korea & the Communists • 1945-1949: Kim Il Sung leads a Communist movement in North Korea • 38th parallel is set up to divide North & South Korea • North: Communist • South: Democratic Capitalist
Korean War (1950-1953) • 1950: North Koreans invade South Korea • UN Security Council calls for troops to defend the South • N. Korea pushes south to Pusan • MacArthur takes US/UN forces north to Chinese border • Chinese invade and push US/UN south to 37th parallel • 1951-1953: Each side pushes with little advancement • 1953: Armistice signed…38th parallel settled as the border • North Korea remains communist • South Korea remains democratic
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld41-cyFLDk Chosin Reservoir retreat Sweet Clip
Quiz • 1). South Korea is Communist/Democratic? • 2). Caused massive starvation in China • 3). This divided Korea • 4). Chinese leader supported by US and overthrown • 5). Chinese Communist leader • A. Cultural Revolution D. Mao Zedong • B. 38th Parallel E. Great Leap Forward • C. Chiang Kai Check F. 44th parallel
Castro overthrows Batista nationalization assassination attempt Soviet protection Bay of Pigs Cuban missile crisis. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ZYmCQu5oyk Cuban Missile Crisis (1962)
Bay of Pigs • Facts About the Invasion • - Richard M. Nixon proposed it • - Dwight D. Eisenhower planned it • - Robert F. Kennedy championed it • - The CIA carried it out • - 1,189 invaders were captured • - 200 of them had been soldiers in Batista's army (14 of those were wanted for murder in Cuba) • - One CIA soldier fired the first shot • - 4 American pilots and over 100 Cuban invaders were killed in battle • - One U.S. ambassador lied to the United Nations • - One U.S. president was embarrassed in front of the whole world • -CUBA ALLIES WITH THE USSR AND IS ONLY 90 MILES OFF THE COAST OF FLORIDA
Quiz • 1). US’s treaty organization • 2). Russia’s treaty organization • 3). Communist controlled countries • 4). Met here to decide post-war Europe • 5). Rebuilding of Europe • A. Warsaw Pact D. Yalta • B. Prague E. NATO • C. Eastern Bloc F. Marshall Plan
Vietnam • French imperialistic involvement • Ho Chi Minh and Battle of Dienbienphu • Domino theory. Ex of what? • Gulf of Tonkin led to troop deployment against Vietcong. • Guerrilla warfare, support for rebels from outside, and popular support for rebels led to problems for U.S. • Led to mass bombing
Tonkin Resolution • "to take all necessary steps, including the use of armed force, to assist any member or protocol state of the Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty requesting assistance in defense of its freedom.” • How is this an example of American foreign policy during the Cold War and why?
Bombing of Vietnam • B-52 bombers, that could fly at heights that prevented them being seen or heard, dropped 8 million tons of bombs on Vietnam between 1965 and 1973. This was over three times the amount of bombs dropped throughout the whole of the Second World War and worked out at approximately 300 tons for every man, woman and child living in Vietnam.