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E-PRTR vs. UWWTD Eurostat JQ - IW vs. UWWTD Data Streamlining. Hana Prchalová Petra Ronen Miroslav Fanta CENIA. 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA. Content of the Presentation. E-PRTR vs. UWWTD
E-PRTR vs. UWWTDEurostat JQ - IW vs. UWWTDData Streamlining Hana Prchalová Petra Ronen Miroslav Fanta CENIA 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Content of the Presentation E-PRTR vs. UWWTD - E-PRTR basic data structure and content - UWWTD basic data structure and content - E-PRTR vs. UWWTD – Main inconsistencies conformity, comparison Methodology of comparison Results of comparison Recomendations 2) Eurostat JQ - IW vs. UWWTD - Eurosatat JQ – overview, main tables - UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ - Conclusions 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Discharges of treated or non-treated water to surface water body – effluents of urban waste water treatment plants and industrial discharges; activities and emissions are reported above min. treshold value only E-PRTR – basic data structure and content Organisation ID, Name, Address Facility ID, name, address, coordinates, RBD All data are provided per facility and year (exception – disaggregated data in case of disaster) Summarized discharge volume from the facility cca 80 polutants can be reported: Hazardous Substances Total Nitrogen Total Phosphorus … 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
E-PRTR – basic data structure and content (2) Industrial facilities repoted without limitation Minimum urban waste water facility capacity: 100 000 p.e. (smaller UWWTPs should not be reported) Reported discharges: calculated / measured / estimated Values exceeding minimum treshold are reported only: Total Nitrogen 50 000 kg / year Total Phosphorus 5 000 kg / year 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
UWWTD – basic data structure and content Treatment plant ID, name, coordinates, Link to agglomeration, discharge points, receiving areas Detailed information about treatment plant technology and technical equipment are provided: type of collecting system level and type of treatment: primary, secondary treatment N-removal, P-removal, UV, chlorination, ozonation, sand filtration, micro filtration … 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
UWWTD – basic data structure and content (2) Load entering (p.e.), Treatment plant capacity (p.e) Treatment performance for: BOD5, COD, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, … Incomming loads, discharged loads: Measured / calculated / estimated for each of main substances: BOD5, COD, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, … Treatment plants linked to the agglomerations > 2000 p.e. reported only 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
E-PRTR vs. UWWTD data structure – main inconsistencies Different treatment plant IDs in E-PRTR and UWWTD size (capacity) of reported treatment plants (100 000 p.e vs. > 2 000 p.e.) all (mostly industrial) sources of waste water vs. urban waste water only cca 80 substances reported vs. main substances in detail only (BOD5, COD, Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus) – voluntary parameter in UWWTD reporting data exceeding treshold value reported only vs. no minimum treshold value used 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
E-PRTR vs. UWWTD data structure – conformity, comparison Selection of E-PRTR facilities with the main activity Urban waste water treatment plants Selection of UWWTPs from UWWTD with the load entering to plant or capacity of plant > 50 000 p.e. (E-PRTR facilities reported in many cases with capacity < 100 000 p.e.) Common determinands - Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus discharges can be compared only Limitation: miminum reporting treshold in E-PRTR voluntary parameter in UWWTD 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Comparison of E-PRTR data with UWWTD reporting - methodology Spatial comparison (facilities with distance < 10 km) Comparison of names Comparison of discharges (if reported in UWWTD) 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Comparison of E-PRTR data with UWWTD reporting - results E-PRTR data – 2007 2007 UWWTD reporting: 2006 data (9 countries) or 2005 data (16 countries) Results reported by ETC Water (Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen) on UWWTD (6.11.2009, Brussels) and E-PRTR (21.1.2010, Copenhagen) workshops: Maps and tables of common UWWTPs Number of common UWWTRs with similar load 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Comparison of E-PRTR data with UWWTD reporting - recomendations Establish 1:1 relation between UWWTP (> 50 000 or > 100 000 p.e.) and E-PRTR facilities IDs in the most feasible reporting stream: - UWWTD reporting – add E-PRTR facility ID parameter (already provided by Slovenia in 2009 UWWTD dataset) - E-PRTR reporting – add UWWTD treatment plant ID Check the units of discharge in UWWTD reporting 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Comparison of E-PRTR data with UWWTD reporting - recomendations Fill the information about entering load or capacity of plant and incoming + discharged loads of Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in UWWTD reportning (voluntary -> mandatory parameters for 2011 UWWTD reporting ?? - has to be aggreed by MS if proposed) Check UWWTPs in E-PRTR without N or P discharges (below the minimum treshold value?) 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Eurostat Joint Questionaire – Inland Waters Type of data: - mainly generated waste water (= waste waters before or without treatment) - discharges – only effluents of UWWTPs - total emissions per country - no tresholds (all emissions included) Examples of reported substances: BOD, COD, N, P, Cd, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn Geographical coverage: 33 European countries + Turkey Period: 2006 (13 countries), 2007 (3 countries) 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Eurostat JQ Tables 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Objective: pre-filling of Eurostat JQ by UWWTD data Table 4: Population connected to wastewater treatment plants – no available data (parameter aggGenerated [p.e.] can not be used – population equivalent contains influence of industry, tourism and other activities recalculated to the „relevant“ number of inhabitants from the point of view of waste water amount; therefore, population equivalent can be very different from the number of inhabitants, especially in industrial areas) UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Table 5: Treatment capacity of WWTPs - in terms of BOD5 – UWWTD: uwwCapacity [p.e.] -> can be recalculated Independent treatment (amount of waste water from each agglomeration, which is treated by IAS) – data partly available from UWWTD check identical definition of term „Independent treatment“ in JQ and „IAS“ (Individual Appropriate System) in UWWTD other (non-urban) WWTPs – no available data UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Table6: Sewage sludge production and disposal – from UWWTP: unit [kg] UWWTD: uwwWasteWaterTreated [m3/year] – can not be recalculated to [kg] other (non-urban) WWTPs – no available data UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Table7: BOD, COD: part of data*) available from UWWTD: uwwBODDischargedMeasured / Calculated / Estimated uwwCODDischargedMeasured / Calculated / Estimated or from WISE-SoE Emissions Total Phosphorus, Total Nitrogen: part of data*) available from UWWTD: uwwPDischargedMeasured / Calculated / Estimated uwwNDischargedMeasured / Calculated / Estimated or from WISE-SoE Emissions *) part of data = voluntary parameter in UWWTD, data not reported by all coutries and / or not for all treatment plants UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Table7 (cont.): Volume: Water Quantity - only wastewater connected to urban wastewater collecting system from UWWTD uwwWasteWaterTreated [m3/year] check identical definition of term „Water Quantity“in JQ and „uwwWasteWaterTreated“in UWWTD Suspended Solids: no available data; Population equivalent: UWWTP data available from UWWTD: uwwLoadEnteringUWWTP [p.e.] uwwCapacity [p.e.] UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Table7 (cont.): Heavy metals except Cr: Total data available from WISE-SoE Emissions; Cr: no available data. UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQ 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Very limited utilization Different aggregatiom level in JQ and UWWTD JQ – whole country aggregation UWWTD – agglomerations / treatment plants above 2000 p.e reported only Harmonisation of terms needed check / confirm identical definition – e.g. „Indepentent Treatment“ Many usable parameters in UWWTD are voluntary only discharges of BOD, COD, N, P WISE-SoE reporting could be used as data source for JQ in certain cases - 13 coutries had reported Emissions in 2009 only - diverse amount of data UWWTD Data Possibility for Eurostat JQconclusions 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Comparison E-PRTR with the new UWWTD database: scope similar as in2009; limited utilization Comparison new Eurostat JQ IW data with new UWWTD database: only effluents of UWWTD – total annual load per country Comparison new WISE-SoE Emissios data with new UWWTD database : scope similar as 2009 ETC Water – planned work in 2010 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA
Thank you for your attention 1. - 2. 2. 2010 WISE TG Meeting Stockholm Hana Prchalová, Petra Ronen, Miroslav Fanta CENIA