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Security sector and HRD from a 1325 perspective

Security sector and HRD from a 1325 perspective. Eva Zillen, Kvinna till Kvinna Maj Linda Johansson, Swedish Armed Forces. SWEDINT & NCGM. ISAF and the implementations of a gender perspective. Major Linda Johansson Head of Section, Capability and Liaison

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Security sector and HRD from a 1325 perspective

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  1. Security sector and HRD from a 1325 perspective Eva Zillen, Kvinna till Kvinna Maj Linda Johansson, Swedish Armed Forces

  2. SWEDINT & NCGM ISAF and the implementations of a gender perspective Major Linda Johansson Head of Section, Capability and Liaison at Centre for Gender in Military Operations 2010-2011 Gender Advisor to COM RC N 2008-2009 Gender Field Advisor to COM PRT MES linda.1.johansson@mil.se

  3. Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations

  4. Why do ISAF work with women? Why do ISAF workwithwomen? To strengthen women's role in issues relating to conflict prevention, conflict resolution and operations to establish peace. In order to succeed along ISAF three lines of operations (security, governance and development), we must enable women to have a role in each of these key areas.

  5. Afghan Border Police Women’s Drivers Training supported by Combined Team – North (CT-N) WHO: Nine Afghan Border Police Women (ABP) WHAT: Basic Literacy Training (8 Hours), Basic Drivers Training (36 Hours) and First Aid (2 Hours)WHERE: TSS & Camp Shaheen, RC-N, Afghanistan WHEN: 11 July 2011–19 July 2011 WHY: Provide basic first aid, language and behind the wheel drivers training in order to encourage professional growth of the ABP Women How: RMTC Drivers Training Course through ANA Instructors assisted by CT-N Engagement Team and Drivers School Mentors. Proud to be in the driver’s seat Basic First Aid Demonstration to 5th Zone CDR Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services Cone Driving Obstacle Convoy training Hill driving UNCLASSIFIED//REL TO NATO/ISAF Class 11-001 Vehicle Egress training with weapons

  6. Security related gender perspective in ANSF 5th Zone ANBP Outcomes: Build on the relationships at Hairatan. Increase training opportunities and professional development for women. Objectives: Develop partnership with policewomen and support the Commander’s intent to integrate women into the force.

  7. CT- N Female Security Shura • RC N COM Conclusions: • CT-N will attempt to incorporate the ideas and solutions proposed by the female participants during the Shura for future joint ISAF/GIRoA planning meetings. • Support Provincial Department of Women’s Affairs assisting GIRoA in reaching their goals in Governance and Transition. • Successful Combined Team engagements with Afghan women will have great potential to influence families/communities to not support the AAF, influence other women to get involved in local governance, and influence family and community members to support GIRoA.

  8. Women, Peace and Security • Way Ahead: • Improve the involvement of women at all levels in the peace process and ensure women’s participation in the struggle of bringing Peace and Develompent to Afghanistan. • Gender Perspectives in Operations should be planned, executed and evaluated in line with the operationalobjectives. • “Looking the other way makes you a part of the problem. Protecting the people not only requires protecting them from physical harm but also corruption and abuse of power” • - COMISAF Directive 2009

  9. GENDER COACH A concept providing gender coaches for senior officials Enhancing their knowledge in gender equality : To influence structures and behavior Deepen the understanding of gender equality Implementing a gender perspective Handpicked the senior officials Handpicked the gender coaches It was a success!

  10. Focus on that Gender issues is essential for the operational effects • Education, training and understanding • Leadership

  11. Questions?

  12. An organizational structure of gender monitoring and reporting is to be established, in order to mainstream gender perspective in RC N. RC N Gender Advisor (GENAD): supports the commander and RC Ns units in the implementation of: Security related gender perspective in the military tasks of RC N Gender perspective according to ISAF mandate, SOPs, FRAGOs, Directives etc UNSCR 1325(2000), UNSCR 1820(2008) Female KLE Engagement Teams (MET, FET, PET, CST, FTT) FET is one of several tools for the BSO, but Female Engagement is to be mainstreamed in all functions and units of RC N. Activities characterized by: Face-to-face engagements, female Shuras, CERP funding, engaging Provincial/District Councils Support GIRoA efforts to increase females roles in ANA/ANP RC N Gender Advisor

  13. Supports the COM in the implementation of the UNSCR 1325/2000 and 1820/2008, in order to mainstream gender issues at all levels of the PRT work. Organisational structure of gender monitoring and reporting is consist of: PRT GENAD, support operational planning and the tactical implementation of a gender perspective in the operations. Full-time Gender Advisor to the CO PRT. PRT Gender Focal Points at respective units in the field are in charge of implementing and reporting measures dealing with gender issues. PRT Gender Field Advisor PRT Gender Field Advisors


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