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ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOUR (OCB). Work behaviour can be seen in terms of in-role and extra-role behaviour. Willingness to engage in extra-role behaviour is indicative of high OCB OCB is willingness to go the extra mile OCB is product of high level of motivation and commitment

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  1. ORGANIZATIONAL CITIZENSHIP BEHAVIOUR (OCB) • Work behaviour can be seen in terms of in-role and extra-role behaviour. • Willingness to engage in extra-role behaviour is indicative of high OCB • OCB is willingness to go the extra mile • OCB is product of high level of motivation and commitment • High OCB related to high performance level and less need for hierarchical control • Individuals become self driven • Also reflective of willingness to be resourceful beyond immediate role requirement.

  2. DIMENSIONS OF OCB • Altruism: • voluntary actions motivated by the belief in doing good to others • Conscientiousness: • A pattern of going well beyond minimally required role and task requirement in order to serve the interest of the organization • Courtesy: • The discretionary enactment of thoughtful and considerate behavior that prevents work related problem for others • Civic virtue: • Willingness to participate in non-work related activities for the sake of the organization • Sportsmanship: • Willingness to tolerate the inevitable inconveniences and imposition that result in an orgn w/out complaining, and doing so with positive attitude

  3. JUSTICE AND OCB • One aspect addressed in equity theory is perception of fairness and justice. • Justice affects trust • High trust acts as social glue • People more likely to be helpful and make extra effort under condition of trust • Reduces need for monitoring • Theories of justice identify three forms of justice as affecting OCB: • Distributive justice. • Procedural justice. • Interactional justice.

  4. IMPACT OF LACK OF JUSTICE • Leads to perceived psychological contract violation • Breach of expectation • Reneging • Inability • Emotional response. • Reduces OCB. • Can lead to withdrawal and employee turnover. • Undermine trust and work group cohesiveness • In extreme situations can lead to counter productive work behaviour (CWB)

  5. MANAGING OCB AND JUSTICE • Distributive justice • Fair reward • Understand and clarify obligation • Procedural justice • Fair application of procedure • Transparency in practice • Interactional justice • Management’s interpersonal skill • Develop emotional intelligence • Medium and mode of communication • Sensitive to others’ perspective

  6. ESSENCE OF JUSTICE IN ORGANIZATION • Level of justice can affect motivation and satisfaction • For leaders, it affects their credibility and influence over subordinates • Most profound impact is in generating resourcefulness • Subordinates experiencing injustice more likely to withold creative contribution and less committed to organization • Will also undermine work group effectiveness • Remember that justice is product of policies, processes and leader behaviour

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