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TIPS AND TRICKS WITH POPSELS!. NANCY LARSON FINANCIAL AID COORDINATOR FULLERTON COLLEGE nlarson@fullcoll.edu. GLRSLCT. The form used to create, edit or delete popsels. See handout #1. Best to use existing popsels and edit to start.
GLRSLCT • The form used to create, edit or delete popsels. See handout #1. • Best to use existing popsels and edit to start. • The form was designed to give users a way of writing SQL queries.
GLISLCT • Is the form that you can view all the popsels created for certain applications. Ours are FINAID for financial aid. Student, AR, Finance and other offices may have some created as well. Look at theirs! Use theirs! Copy them for yourself! • Use this form to search for existing popsels you may want to use to create your own.
SOME FC POPSELS • Will review and give out a small sample of some of our best used popsels. Handouts 2 thru 7. • HAS_FUND – Handout #2, can run and get a listing of any fund we have on RPAAWRD in the accepted column by designating (with dynamic parameter) the aidyear and fund code. • HAS_SAP – Handout #3 can run any SAP code status (New status field on ROASTAT). Good for running list of disqualified students, etc and can be used to run letters, etc. • HAS_REQUIREMENT – Handout # 4, list of students for a aidyear who have specific tracking requirement. • FA_BAL_OWED – Handout # 5 to find student who owe financial aid money. Note the table-PIDM ties here. • GET_POPSEL – Handout # 6 to be described later. • MANUAL – Handout # 7. To put students in a popsel by hand on the GLAEXTR form.
CREATING A NEW POPSEL • From an existing popsel, using: HAS_FUND (your handout # 2) • Using an existing popsel is the best way to start to learn to create popsels on your own.
USING RORRULE • Perhaps we want to change the HAS_FUND popsel because instead of looking for accepting award amount, we want to find the offered award amount. • What is the name of the column that holds the offer information? • We see that the accepted is a RPRTRM table (from GLRSLCT RPRATRM_ACCEPT_AMT), so perhaps offered is the same. • We will use RORRULE to find this column. RORRULE is a great search tool! • Put in the table RPRATRM • Hit the search button to view the columns for the RPRATRM table. Is there one for offered?
Text box will pop up. • Search for O% or offered, or scroll thru to see if there is a offered column. • Once we find the column name, we can now replace into existing popsel. • RORRULE can be used for any Table – column search if needed. It lets us view all the columns available for certain tables.
RORRULE • Can be used to look at Tables and columns and is a wonderful financial aid SEARCH form. • Columns are what we use for data element values to develop popsels on the GLRSLCT form. • You can also sometimes use your RORRULE rules as popsels! Look at them!
COPYING POPSELS • In order to use an existing popsel, created by someone else, you must first copy it and save it to make it your popsel . • If you are wanting to use an existing popsel and change a value-field, you would also copy and rename it as well. • For many processes you will need to be the creator and user in order to run processes.
REMEMBER GLISLCT! • Use this form to find popsels (use key words to search) that you may want to use, or to copy and edit !
MODIFYING THE ‘HAS_FUND’ POPSEL • Go to GLRSLCT (for the popsel you want to use to edit) and navigate to the 4th block. • Go to options and choose the copy option
You will see a new screen/block pop up. • Fill out the copy to information, a new description of what the popsel will do, name your new popsel, and SAVE.
Now you will see a new “revised” GLRSLCT with a new name, new description and you indicated as the creator.
Now the data element that you want to replace needs to be edited from: RPRATRM_ACCEPT_AMTo the one you just found on RORRULE which is RPRATRM_OFFER_AMT and SAVED.
Once you have SAVED the form will go thru a compile process. • You can now go back to the GLRSLCT form to view your new popsel and can begin testing it by running GLBDATA!
SEARCHING FOR A COLUMN NAME ON A FORM • Another way to search a column is to click the field (on a particular form) that you would like to capture in a popsel. In this case disbursed amount from RPAAWRD. • Then go to HELP and Dynamic Help query. • At this new dialog box you will see the column name. • NOTE: You can not always use this process as sometimes the field is just a “view” NOT a column .
COMBINING POPSELS • Running the GLBDATA process. • How to use the Union, Intersection, and Minus (parameter 05 on GLBDATA). • Running lists/spreadsheets from GLAEXTR and GLIEXTR and other forms).
GLBDATA • GLBDATA is the process that runs your popsels. • Refer to GBLDATA handout # 8. • Union – To take two popsels and combine them to create one unduplicated list/popsel. • Intersection – To take two popsels and combine them to get a list/popsels of people that are NOT in both popsels. “Show me the students that do not meet the popsel 1 and popsel 2 criteria.” • Minus – To subtract popsel # 2 from popsel # 1 to create a list/popsel.
GLBDATA – EXAMPLE #1 • Go thru example 1 to show how to combine popsels and use the new popsel created in a process. • Same person must be the creator of both popsels used. • Remember that the user who is running the process (who does not have to be the creator) will now BECOME the creator of the new popsel (named in parameter 03) that is being created by this combining process.
GLBDATA – EXAMPLE #2 • Go thru example 2 to show how to “use” the popsel created by the user in example 1, in another combined popsel. • Review the GET_POPSEL (handout # 6) used for this purpose.
PROBLEMS • Many times, confusion arises because staff will use the “creator” instead of the “user” when popsels are combined and used to run a process. • Important to remember – If you are combining two popsels created by BSTUDENT and BSTAFF is the user that is running the GLBDATA process and giving it a new name (parameter 03 from GLBDATA) then you need to remember that BSTAFF is now the CREATOR of the 03 parameter popsel and when using in a process needs to be the creator used, not BSTUDENT. • Trying to use a parameter 03 “created” popsel to combine with another, will not work and you will get a “has not been compiled” error message. If you want to do this, use the GET_POPSEL popsel which will then allow you to do this.
GET_POPSEL • This popsel can be used in parameter 01 or 02 so that you can use the popsel you just created (by combining 2 popsels) in another popsel. • This popsel will provide you with “dynamic parameters” once you have saved that will ask you for all the information from the popsel you created so that you can pull those students into your popsel.
Dynamic parameters should always be used in popsel creation if possible. • Dynamic parameters are set up on GLRSLCT in the value field as &WHATVALUEYOUWANT. GET_POPSEL (handout 6) is mostly comprised of dynamic values. • These then, pop up after the GLBDATA save as a 88 parameter that needs to be submitted before process is run. • This allows you to use the same popsel year after year.
VIEWING GLBDATA STUDENTS • The two forms that can be used for this are GLIEXTR and GLAEXTR. • GLAEXTR can be modified, deleted and used for Manual popsel entries. • GLIEXTR students can be viewed in alphabetically and is a view screen only. • Using the GUAOBJS set up, you can pull spreadsheet lists from these screens. • You can also run RORAPLT which is a report of GLBDATA students that were selected. This report shows an alpha listing and ID numbers.
GUAOBJS FORM • In order to be able to pull a spreadsheet from a form, the form needs to be set up here first. • The Data Extract option needs to be selected and saved for the forms you wish for this option. • Search and find your form, select the option and save. • NOTE: Not all will have modify access to this form and, not all forms can be set up for spreadsheets. • GLIEXTR, GLAEXTR and FGIBDST are wonderful forms to use this process for. • FGIBDST can be pulled to spreadsheet and budgets can be reconciled, great trick!
CREATING A SPREADSHEET FROM A FORM • From the GLIEXTR or GLAEXTR form for the popsel you want to have a listing for, go to HELP. • Choose the Extract Data option.
At this point you get another window. • Here you can choose SAVE or OPEN. • Choosing the open option:
You will have all your data pulled into a spreadsheet! • This is done very quickly and now you have a spreadsheet to edit and sort and print!
RORAPLT • The RORAPLT report will present you with a listing of students in a popsel as well. • This process takes a few minutes to run but will give you a report of students names and ID numbers.