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Learn about the history of agriculture and soil fertility, principles of soil tests and plant analysis, types of plant nutrition experiments, nutrient balance, and environmental aspects of soil pH, lime status, and organic farming. Explore the heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plant nutrition and the basics of an environmentally friendly plant nutrition advisory system.
ENVIRONMENTALLY SOUND PLANT NUTRITION 1. History of agriculture and soil fertility 2. Basic principles and methods of soil tests (30 slides) 3. Principles and methods of plant analysis4. Types of Plant Nutrition Experiments5. Principles and method of nutrient balance 6. Plant nutrition and environmental aspectsof soil pH and lime status 7. Assessing of organic farming from the aspect of sustainable plant nutrition 8. The environmental aspects of plant nutrition9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition 10. The basics of environmentally sound plant nutrition advisory system : Evaluation of the database of Hungarian long-termfield NPK fertilization exeriments11. The structure of environmentally sound plant nutrition advisory system 12. Comparative evaluation of the environmentally sound plant nutrition advisory system, and its application in case of some farms
9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY POWER PLANTS
The growing environmental load of heavy metals 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Heavy metal load sources of agricultural soils (Lisk, 1972) A / Metal content of soil forming rocks and minerals. B / Heavy metals that get into the soil with the impurity of fertilizers and liming agents and as a component of pesticides and organic manures , and as a contamination of wastewater sludge . C / metals fromindustrial and mining wastes, waste disposals , fossil fuel combustion products , soil particles carried by wind erosion, experimental nuclear explosion , materials from pollen, meteors, dry and wet sediment materials from volcanic activity. Heavy metal pollution from transportation. D / metal content ofsoil particles transported by water erosion, metal compoundsdissolved or suspended in water which come from moving soil water. Heavy metalsdispensed by irrigation. 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
A / Metal content of soil forming rocks and minerals. In natural state, uncontaminated soil, the vast majority of the toxic metals are generally derived from soil-forming rock. It is therefore correct to call metal from such sources"geochemical pollutants" . A variety publications give information about rare metals content of rocks (Johannsen, 1932; Lindgen, 1923, Oertel and Prescott, 1944 etc). 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The concentrations of toxic metals in the soil and various rocks and their accumulation in the plant and human organisms
Heavy metal contents of certain agricultural and industrial raw materials
The heavy metal content of the soil improvement and yield-enhancing substances The magnitude of Cr contaminationof tannery sludge is expressed in percentage 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The heavy metal content of the soil improving and yield-enhancing substances 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The heavy metal content of the soil and yield-enhancing substances 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The heavy metalscontent of the soil improving and yield-enhancing substances
The heavy metal load ofpesticides In old orchards the Pb, As, Cu, Zn, etc. content of the previous extensively used pesticides resulted in the enrichment of heavy metals in the topsoil. The installation of arable crops or new fruits in this area was hindered in many cases by toxic heavy metal concentrations for the certain cultures(Benson, 1968; Bornemisza, 1985). 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Among pesticides used in agriculture seed treatment materials with large organic mercury content caused great environmental damagein the past. These chemicals were on the markete.g.. in Sweden, between 1940 and 1965 for 25 years, and some native wild bird species were threatened with extinction. Since 1965 more environmentally friendly seed treatment materials has been used in Sweden. Mercury-containing seed treatment materials caused damage in Hungary as well. In the early 70-ies a number of wild geese died due to it in Kardoskút. Soon mercury-containing pesticides were also banned in Hungary. Most common,the receiver examines pesticide residuesfrom food items exporting to west. The number ofnitrate and heavy metal contamination tests is insignificant compared to that. The amount of pesticide per hectare shows a downward trend with the spread ofhormonal materials g / ha in western countries. In our country the tendency is similar (Király, 1985) . 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
In the mid 80s 11 kg / ha pesticide was released on average in Hungary, in which the quantitiesof active ingredient was 5.5 kg / ha. This timethe quantitative distribution of pesticides used in Hungary was as follows: 60% herbicides, 30%fungicides and 10% of insecticide (King, 1985). 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The heavy metal load from sludge release 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The heavy metal load from sludge release 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Heavy metal balance of arable lands in Hungary in the 80s, related to g / ha( Kadar et. al, 1998) BALANCE SHEET iTEMS Zn Pb Cu Ni As Cd Se Source fertilizers 8 5 8 <1 30 0.8 1.5 organic manure 180 30 60 15 15 1.6 1.5 sewage sludge 50 17 17 3 2 0.3 1.7 lime 2 <1 1 <1 <1 - - by products 80 8 60 7 <1 0.8 0.5 sedimentation 200 70 4 15 1 5.0 1.0 * total 520 130 150 40 48 8.5 6.2 Losses plant uptake 200 10 100 10 1 1.0 1.0 wash-off 20 10 5 5 4 1.0 0.5 evaporation - 5 - - 5 - 1.0 Total 220 25 105 15 10 2.0 2.5 balance +300 +105 +45 +25 +38 eg +6.5 +3.7 Eject % of revenue 236 520 143 267 480 425 248 * Molnar (1997) 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Heavy metal balance of arable lands in Hungary in the 90s, related to g / ha (Csathó and Hungary, 2002) BALANCE SHEET iTEMS Zn Pb Cu Ni As Cd Se sourec fertilizers 1 1 1 <1 4 0.1 0.4 organic manure 135 22 45 11 11 1.2 1.1 sewage sludge 8 1 2 1 9 0.3 0.4 lime 1 <1 1 <1 <1 - - by products 54 5 40 5 <1 0.5 0.4 sedimentation 197 35 36 12 1 1.5 1.0 * Total 396 64 125 29 25 3.6 3.3 Losses plant uptake 134 7 67 7 1 0.7 0.7 wash-off 20 10 5 5 4 1.0 0.5 evaporation - 5 - - 5 - 1.0 Total 154 22 72 12 10 1.7 2.2 Balance+242 +42 +53 +17 +15 +1.9 +1.1 Eject% of revenue 257 290 174 242 250 212 150 * Bozo (2003) 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Heavy metal balance of arable lands in Hungary in the 80s and 90s, related to g / ha (Kadar et. Al., 1998; Csathó and Magyar, 2002) BALANCE SHEET iTEMS Zn Pb Cu Ni Dig CD Se 1980 +300 +105 +45 +25 +38 +6.5 +3.7 1990+242 +42 +53 +17 +15 +1.9 +1.1 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Available microelement content in 0-10cm layer of soil versus the distance from the M7 highway 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Heavy metal amounts issued by irrigation compared with the heavy metal content of secondary treated waste water 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Average heavy metal content of soils in Hungary in 0-30cm depth mg/kg, 1986 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Chemical reactions of heavy metals in the soil Ion exchange reactions Formation of metal-organic complexes Specific cation adsorption precipitation Oxidation - reduction processes 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Relative mobility of heavy metals and other toxic materials in soil (Korte et.al. 1960)
The heavy metal concentrations 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The soil adsorption capacity The yield of oat versus arsenic doses by soils with different textures 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The soil adsorption capacity B content of plants versus B concentration of the soil 9. Agricultural production plants feeding associated with heavy metal load
The pH and lime status of the soil The effect of limingon the Cd concentration oflean grass on acidic sandy soil, mg / kg. (Jaszberenyi, 1979). 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
The tolerance of plants to As poisoning (OVERCASH és PAL, 1979) 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Tolerance of plants to B-poisoning (BINGHAM, 1973) 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Maximum allowable toxic element content of forages 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Maximum allowable heavy metal concentration of foods distributed in Hungary 9. Heavy metal load of agricultural production related to plants nutrition
Maximum Cd content Cd P fertilizers in Western Europe, Japan and in Hungary (IFA, 1990) Country forms of control Cd mg / kg P2O5 mg Cd/ kgP Norway Recommended 01.01.1991 onwards 44 100 01.01.1996 onwards 22 50 Annually reporting to authorities Sweden Annually reporting to authorities Denmark Maximum 07.01.1991 onwards 87 200 * Allowed 07.01.1992 onwards 66 150 07.01.1995 onwards 48 110 Finland Maximum 07.01.1998 onwards 44 100 Allowed West Germany Voluntary 90 206 Austria Maximum 01.01.1986 onwards 120 275 Allowed Switzerland Recommended 31.08.1996 onwards 22 50 Japan Maximum 150 344 Allowed Hungary Maximum 02.01.2001 onwards 20 46 Allowed * Statutory