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Discover how Barnahus Linköping works in cases of child abuse, featuring a child-friendly facility, multidisciplinary team, trauma-focused assessments, and more. Explore the effective cooperation between social services, prosecutors, police, medical professionals, and more in handling child abuse cases. Hear from partners on the benefits of collaborative efforts at Barnahus Linköping, providing crucial support and resources for children in need.
Barnahus Linköping Working together in Child Abuse cases.
Barnahus includes… - Child Appropriate/Child Friendly Facility - Multidisciplinary Team -Coordinationof Resources-Forensic Interviews - Medical Evaluation - Crisis- and Therapeutic Intervention - Competence development - Trauma focused assessments - Statistics and evaluations
Barnahus Linköping • Barnahus team • 9 social services, around 90 social workers in 9 municipalities, 260.000 inhabitants • 4 prosecutors • 2 police districts around 10 police officers • Child and adolescent medical hospital • Child and adolescent psychiatry • Forensic medicine • Women´s Hospital
Cooperation agreement • Important document5 years, extended by 2 years if not terminated by either partner 6 months prior to the termination of the agreement. • Signed by all partnersNot only those who contribute economically. • Including commitments For each individual partner
What is mainly included in the Cooperation agreement • Aim/purpose and the goal of Barnahus Linköping • Target group • Organisation • Economy and cost allocation • Assurance of competence • Evaluation • Commitments - specified for each partner
Polismyndigheten • Delta på samråd. • Barnförhör enligt målgruppen ska ske på Barnahus. • Medverka till att barn som besöker Barnahus blir väl omhändertagna. • Ansvara för sin del i den brottsutredning som pågår. • Medverka till att sprida information och kunskap om Barnahus verksamhet. • Delta vid kompetensutveckling inom samverkan. • Delta vid kompetensutveckling som avser Barnahus målgrupp, inom den egna myndigheten. • Bidra till statistikinsamling, utvärdering och uppföljning. • Genom representanter medverka på arbets- och styrgruppsmöten. • Ansvara för nödvändig teknisk utrustning i förhörsrum samt i medhörningsrum. Kommun/socialtjänst • Delta på samråd. • Delta i medhörningsrum under barnförhör. • Medverka till att barn som besöker Barnahus blir väl omhändertagna. • Ansvara för den utredning som pågår enligt socialtjänstlagen, vilket inkluderar den skyddsbedömning som görs i samband med barnförhör. • Tillse att handläggande personal har den kompetens som behövs. • Medverka till att sprida information och kunskap om Barnahus verksamhet. • Delta vid kompetensutveckling inom samverkan. • Delta vid kompetensutveckling som avser Barnahus målgrupp, inom den egna myndigheten. • Bidra till statistikinsamling, utvärdering och uppföljning. • Genom representanter medverka på arbets- och styrgruppsmöten.
How do we make it work? Prosecutors (4)”Children weeks” = the same prosecutorthatattends the joint consultation meeting is also present in the hearing room during the interview, the same week. Social servicesThe social workerwhohandles the caseattends the joint consultation meeting and is present in the hearing room. Child-and adolescentpsychiatryA representative attends the joint consultation meeting. If the child has an ongoingcontact, that person attends. Police (6 + 4)”Children weeks” = the police officers thatattends the joint consultation meeting are also conducting the interview, the same week. Children´s hospitalThe specialists have a ”Barnahus-schedule” for attending the joint consultation meeting. Examinations are done by pediatrician on call. Barnahus teamSchedule for holding joint consultation meeting and presence in the hearing room. Teamassistent calls tojoint consultation meeting and works as a secretary. Offers crisis intervention and sometreatment. …together!
”We don´t need to plan and be responsible for the practical things around the child. Barnahus staff has the overall picture. Barnahus is a neutral place where we meet and collaborate on equal terms”. Helene Gestrin, prosecutor. ”We win a lot of time since the partners plan together at the same occasion. We notice a huge difference when we have cases outside Barnahus district.” Maria Eklund, social services ”We get a lot of practical help around the planning and also when the child comes to Barnahus. This means that we can focus on what we are good at: the interview of the child. We can also contact Barnahus staff for help and support.” Linda Vallin, police officer “Barnahus promotes good cooperation between the child- and adolescent psychiatry, the municipalities and the other partners.” Åsa Lundberg, child- and adolescent psychiatry “We enjoy having a well-functioning and robust machinery that facilitates good communication between the partners. It makes our job easier.” Peter Wide, pediatrician
Voices about Barnahus Linköping Our positive development is largely due to a well-functioning and vibrant working group. In the workinggroupyoucan be prestigeless and addressshortcomings. It facilitatesimmenselytohave a placewherewecanmeet and worktogether. You are well looked after at Barnahus! We have a thought of solving issues together! It is a peaceful place when you come to Barnahus. We have a strong children's perspective! Openness and respect! A good collaborative climate allows us to try out changes. The work in the house is alive and things are captured, discussed and changes are made both in the big and the small! Good knowledge of the staff at Barnahus. The different professionals can help each other. Constant work to get better!
Things raised in the working group Examples of ”details” in the cooperation… • From prosecutors – social workesneedto be better prepared for the joint consultation meetings. • From social services – prosecutors have been tough in their appearance in the joint consultation meetings. • From pediatricians – reminding ourselves about routines when children come to the hospital outside office hours. • From the police – importance of having right name and phone number to witnesses, in the police report. • From Barnahusteam – questioning time aspects. Examples about broader issues… • How do we ensure the best child´s perspective? • How can we improve the routines when it comes to genital mutilation and honor-related issuses? • What kind of themes do we want in the meetings ahead? • What kind of need do we have according to competence buildingand what can we learn from each other?
Always ongoing… Euqal terms Understanding of each other's possibilities and limitations Evaluation Developing our skills