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Introduction to GFIS Gateway and Partnership Development Roger Mills

Introduction to GFIS Gateway and Partnership Development Roger Mills Acting Keeper of Scientific Books, Oxford University Library Services Eero Mikkola, GFIS Coordinator, IUFRO IAALD World Congress 2008 24-28 August 2008, Tokyo, Japan. Volume of globally generated information is enormous

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Introduction to GFIS Gateway and Partnership Development Roger Mills

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  1. Introduction to GFIS Gateway and Partnership Development Roger Mills Acting Keeper of Scientific Books, Oxford University Library Services Eero Mikkola, GFIS Coordinator, IUFRO IAALD World Congress 2008 24-28 August 2008, Tokyo, Japan

  2. Volume of globally generated information is enormous • and continuously growing; • Difficult to locate a significant proportion of the available online information; • The majority of institutes fail to create adequate reference data (i.e. metadata); • => Global Forest Information Service, GFIS Challenges to organize and disseminate electronic information

  3. 1. Partnership to organize forestry information: Partners for the whole forest community of practise 2. Internet gateway that allows institutions to share forest-related information through a web portal at www.gfis.net What is the Global Forest Information Service – GFIS ?

  4. Vision of GFIS Through enhanced exchange and dissemination of forest related information, • Contributes to an improved understanding of forest-related issues and better decision-making, and • In this way supports the conservation and sustainable management of all types of forest and tree resources worldwide.

  5. GFIS and CPF • GFIS is a CPF initiative; • It is led by IUFRO; • CIFOR, FAO, USGS-BIO , the UNFF Secretariat are core partners • GFIS is open for partners outside CPF.

  6. Partnership Development • GFIS is built on the principle of partnership, across sectors and international, and in this way maximising the value of all forest information resources and providers worldwide. • A Steering Committee (SC) has been established and provides strategic guidance to GFIS. • At the operational level, GFIS is led by the Implementation Group (IG) which is responsible for developing, implementing and maintaining GFIS. • Partner:Organisations providing pivotal contributions for the maintenance and further development of GFIS are called GFIS Partners. • National/Regional support organization:Institutions with expertise in information management and dissemination that help new information providers using the tools and to streamline their metadata through GFIS. • Information provider: Organizations that collect and maintain forest-related information and make it available to GFIS.

  7. Objectives 2007-2011 • To develop and apply uniform guidelines for sharing forest-related information resources; • To develop and maintain a system of internet-based tools for information exchange and dissemination; • To enable participation in GFIS of both information providers and users through appropriate training and educational measures; • To promote networking and partnership for sharing forest-related information.

  8. What is GFIS good for? • Helps partners organize information – and make it available; • Helps users to find forestry information – from one place; • Strengthens international collaboration.

  9. How does it work? • Institutes manage their own information; • Common GFIS standard for information exchange; • Institutes make their metadata available in these formats; • GFIS harvests and indexes the metadata; • Users search; • Feedback to partners on information usage.

  10. Where is GFIS? • GFIS gateway at http://www.gfis.net • GFIS information types: News, Events, Recent publications, Job vacancies, Library and document collections and Datasets and databases; • The freshest items will be displayed on the front page of the gateway; • Around 150 forest events on the GFIS calendar • Interface in English, French, Spanish, German, Finnish and Russia; • 98 information provider partners and many more partners will join, Africa, Asia, Latin America, Russia etc.; • The solution is scaleable.

  11. GFIS Financial Contributors The organizations listed below have made financial or in-kind contribution to GFIS. We would like to thank them for their generous contributions without which the progress made thus far by GFIS would not have been possible. Bundesministerium für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt und Wasserwirtschaft (BMLFUW) http://www.lebensministerium.at/en/ Korea Forest Research Institute (KFRI), www.kfri.go.kr/ International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO), www.itto.or.jp/

  12. GFIS In-kind Contributors Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), www.cifor.cgiar.org/United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), www.fao.org/Finnish Forest Research Institute (Metla), www.metla.fi/International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO), www.iufro.org/The National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII), www.nbii.org/United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF) Secretariat, www.un.org/esa/forests/

  13. Welcome to use and provide information to GFIS! “Sharing forestry information around the world”

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