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The Mexican Version of the Little Red Riding Hood. By: Abigail Morales & S andra A lmazo. INTRO.
The Mexican Version of the Little Red Riding Hood By: Abigail Morales & Sandra Almazo
INTRO • Life is full of adventure but sometimes life is just well lame so therefore,…. never mind lets just start the story with the Chicana she is somewhat immune to the Mexican style of everything. She wears Mexican skirts not the one full of wannabe miniskirts. Well lets just get to the whole point of the story ……………… • You actually thought we were going to write it here it doesn't fit now turn the page.
CHARACTERS (abuela)Grandma: Pancha (abuelo)Grandpa: poncho little red ridding hood: La Chicana (Mama)Mom: Maria (Papa) Dad: Mario (Hermana)Sister: Adilene (Hermano) Brother: Herman (Su mejor Amiga)Her best friend: Dj (Los gangeros) The gangsters
SETTING • 26 street (En la 26) • In the grandmas house ( La casita de la abuela) • In the Chicana house (En la casa de la Chicana) • In la Chicana school (En la escuela de la Chicana)
Part 1 The story begins…..
Once upon a time there live a girl, her name was Magalie but a lot of people call her la Chicana because she's an illegal immigrant. Her grand mother bought her a red dress with a red cape that she wanted her to wear every time she goes to her house. • So here begins our story…….. • One cold winter day la Chicana’s mom told her to go to her grandma’s house to take her all these things, that afternoon. That morning she was getting dressed for what came her way.
“You’re so lame!!!!!!!”shouted her sister Adilene that morning. “Tell me ,why am I lame?” la Chicana rebbudled “Because I said so because you are lame, duh!!!!!!!!” said her sister. Her grandma interjects “Mocosos que se train pongansen al tiro no esten Como mensas peliando son hermanas de la misma sangre y todo , no se traten asi.” “ Abuela please, your so lame get out of my room, later!” said Adilene.
That afternoon la Chicana was heading out for a day of adventures, not knowing what would cross her path. “mija!!!!!” yelled Maria. • “what do you want mother!!!” I yelled back • “Honey, you need to take the pinto beans to your grandma pancha” • “But maaaa! She lives all the way to 26 street, I don’t want to go” • “Vas a ir porque vas okay!!!!, I already pack the pinto beans, come down stairs to help me pack the tortilla chips for your Abuela.” • “uff,fine whatever”I replied
While walking to 26th street the gangeros were at the side smoking. La Chicana passed. she was wearing her street clothes. All of sudden a guy screams "what uuuuuup chicanaaaa”, “what do you want losers!!!, leave me alone” said the Chicana. • All the gangster started laughing. But la Chicana ignored them and kept walking to her grandmas house.
Part 2 Give us tu pan! Chicana
“Come on Chicana give us tu pan "The Gangeros said. • “What do I look like a bakery ?”said the Chicana. • “Oh, no Chicana what we mean is give us tu pan and your frijoles to spare yo life?”said the gangeros. • Chato the main gangero sat back and let Chenzo deal with it. they wanted bread and the Chicana just wanted to Get to her grandmas. • “ Whatever ,you know Chenzo my mom wont give you anymore food if she hears about this and by the way don’t you have a familia to feed your hungry mouth”said the Chicana.
La Chicana gave up,and gave them her frijoles and pan. • She had to run back to her house change into the dress her mother told her to wear while delivering to her grandmas. • She went downstairs to reload her basket. • “Que pasa Chicana no as ido ala casa de tu Abuela” said her mom Maria. • “Leave me alone mom is that I was hungry so I ate it "the Chicana said. • “Ay mija let me guess you are lying your to weak sweetheart ponte al tiro don’t let the gangeros fool you they wont lay a hand on you.”maria was wrong…….
Part 3 Where is abuela pancha???how about abuelo poncho??
While crossing the street onto 26 street, she heard a truck passed by with the music so high she could even heard the lyrics. So she ignored it and just keep walking and then she got to her grandmas house. “Hola mija, Como estas “, said her grandma. “Bien abuelita, y tu”.. , said Chicana “Good honey” , said Abuela Oh that’s great, grandma can I used your bathroom I'm so tired of walking and I really need to go, said Chicana.
“Ha-ha” laugh her grandma, “of course you can, just take your time”. So while la Chicana have done using the bathroom and have give all the pan to her grandma and stay to join her she then left. And when she left all of sudden she sees something that her eyes had catch , la Chicana couldn’t move a bone she was froze and scream Noooooooooooooo!!!!…………. TO BE CONTINUE………………