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Betsy B. DeLong Office of Naval Research 703-588-0069 betsy.delong@navy.mil

ONR Programs Embracing the Modular Open System Approach (MOSA) for Military Aviation Architecture Conference Lexington Park, MD 21 September, 2010. Betsy B. DeLong Office of Naval Research 703-588-0069 betsy.delong@navy.mil. OUTLINE. Overview of Integrated Topside (InTop) Program

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Betsy B. DeLong Office of Naval Research 703-588-0069 betsy.delong@navy.mil

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  1. ONR Programs Embracing the Modular Open System Approach (MOSA)forMilitary Aviation Architecture ConferenceLexington Park, MD21 September, 2010 Betsy B. DeLong Office of Naval Research 703-588-0069 betsy.delong@navy.mil

  2. OUTLINE • Overview of Integrated Topside (InTop) Program • InTop heritage – The Advanced Multi-Function RF-Concept (AMRF-C) Program • Multi-Function Electronic Warfare (MFEW) Program • Navy/Industry InTop Open Architecture Study Group – organization and study results • Digital Array Radar (DAR) • Conclusions

  3. WHAT IS INTEGRATED TOPSIDE ? Open Architecture Multi-function apertures simultaneous beams simultaneous functions Scalable Systems • Dominate the RF spectrum • Dynamic management of RF spectrum • Control Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI) and increase RF availability • More capability per ship through optimized aperture placement and space/weight/power improvements • Software defined functionality • Enable innovation through a RF Open Architecture • Broader industrial base for government and prime contractors • Modular open RF design (apertures and electronics) to facilitate best of breed technology and cost effective upgrades • Continuous improvement in capability through software and hardware spirals • Create affordable systems that are scalable across platforms • Scalable architecture to meet multiple platform needs • Common maintenance, training, and logistics pipelines across platforms with attendant reduced manpower vs. numerous stove-piped program Operation & Support costs

  4. INTOP PROTOTYPES Low Band Comms Consolidated & IO Multibeam EW/IO/Comms FLEXAR Multi-channel Digital Array Radar MFEW ADM (complete) Consolidated SatCom for Submarines and Ships • Primary functions: • All (ex. UHF) SatCom • 4 to 8+ Simul. Links • Secondary Functions: • IO / EW Support • LOS Comm Augment • Primary functions: • S-Band Radar • Volume Search • Precision Track • Missile Data Link • Air Traffic Control • Precision Landing • In-Band ES/EA/EP • Secondary Functions: • Weather Surveillance • Navigation • IO/EW Support • Primary functions: • HF Comm • VHF Comm • UHF Comm • IO • Combat DF • SSEE • Secondary Functions: • Other Omni Comm • AIS • JTIDS • OTH Radar (Rx) • SW Radar • Primary functions: • HPOI Acq/PDF ES • ASMD • Sit. Awareness • SEI Support • Secondary Functions: • EA Support • IO Support • Primary functions: • X thru Ku band EA • EA Support (Rx) • Hawklink (TCDL) • LOS Network Links • SEI/ES Support • Secondary Functions: • SATCOM Augment • Prec. Landing Link • IO Support

  5. THE ADVANCED MULTIFUNCTION RF CONCEPT (AMRFC) • ONR initiated AMRF-C to determine the possibility of using wide-band arrays to meet multiple RF functions simultaneously • ONR used an open architecture approach to RF systems to allow multiple vendors to participate and pave the way for scalable, upgradable systems • The Multi Function Electronic Warfare Future Naval Capability (MFEW FNC) resulted from this effort • Demonstrated Functions • Comm: X-Band DSCS Satcom Link, Ku-Band Commercial Satcom Link, Ku TCDL • Navigation Radar • Electronic Warfare: Electronic Surveillance, Electronic Attack • Calibration

  6. MFEW RIMPAC 08 onboard USS Comstock MFEW DEVELOPMENT GOALS • Meets key Electronic Surveillance capabilities: High Probability of Intercept (HPIO), Precision Direction Finding (PDF) and Specific Emitter Identification (SEI) • Capable of supporting additional RF functions • Supports other platform configurations, including back-fit • Technology transitions to fleet • Architecture that is modular, scalable and open



  9. ONE SYSTEM – MODULAR, SCALABLE MF (EA) Unique application / installation (1-5) ES SA PDF SEI Future combatants passive sensors DDG-1000, etc. (5-30) Back fit SLQ-32 replacement DDG, CG, etc. $ (100-200) Future SLQ-32 V2 replacement Deep Water National Security Cutter (5-10) SA MDF RWR Small ship self protection LCS, Deep Water OPC & FRC (30-50) 1

  10. OPEN ARCHITECTURE SUCCESS • Separate contract let to DRS to develop a RFC SRU that met the open interfaces of the Northrop Grumman (NG) MFEW ADM architecture • DRS developed the SI-9161 RFC in parallel with their SI-9155 enabling ONR to leverage DRS investment in the SI-9155 for the NGC compatible SI-9161 • The lessons learned on one configuration was leveraged to both • the Si-9161 development efforts, collaboration with ONR and NG was very valuable to the success of the SI-9155 • The modular and forward thinking design of the two receivers enables the features between the SI-9161 and SI-9155 to effectively be interchangeable • The DRS RFC was used by Lockheed Martin (LM) during their RIMPAC testing • LM was able to integrate the SI-9161 in their ES architecture within a week • LM proposed the SI-9161 as part of SEWIP Block 2 • LM is also using the SI-9161 SEWIP Block 1B HGHS

  11. INDUSTRY SUPPORT • Ensure broad industry involvement in open architecture and standards development • Visits to and from industry • NDIA workshops (Industry and Navy participation) • Approximately 20 companies/40-50 individuals • 8 November 2006 – Overview and feedback on IT INP • 2 May 2007 - Business case • 28 June 2007 – Requirements and architecture • 2 August 2007 - Organization to define standards • Integrated Topside INP RFI responses received • Initiated industry co-led modular open RF architecture definition process in FY08






  17. CHALLENGES, RISKS AND IMPLICATIONS • Confirmation that SRU/CSCI interfaces and specifications are accurate and sufficient for acquisition from alternate sources • Navy must provide protection of contractor intellectual property even as it demands compliance with MOSA • The price for lower total life cycle cost could mean higher initial acquisition cost • Standards selection can be risky and problematic requiring greater knowledge on part of the government • Interface standards evolve with time. Difficult to project the extent a given standard will endure or should be replaced • Standards-based architectures tend to change the focus of systems engineering from design to integration • Shorter commercial product lifetimes create logistical support challenges

  18. potential operational performance benefits of oa based topside systems • The ability to adapt to evolving requirements and threats • Accelerating the transition from S&T into acquisition and deployment (make technology refresh an asset, not a liability) • Ensuring that the system will interoperate with all the systems with which it must interface without major modification of exiting components • Improving the extensibility for meeting new requirements and for introducing new capabilities

  19. DIGITAL ARRAY RADAR PREMISE/GOALS • ONR’s government owned and integrated Open Architecture Digital Array Radar sunsets in FY12 • Open Architecture test bed enables investigation of alternative solutions and risk reduction • Core government team with competency to design, build, and test next generation multi-mission radars (similar to SPQ-9, SPS-49, and APS-137 programs of the past) • Improves government ability to trade requirements throughout the development cycle • Competition at the subsystem level (vice TSPR) widens the pool of vendors able to compete • Constrain contractor costs by evaporation of sole source • Government develops and owns requirements and specifications • Government competitively selects subsystem vendors • The government has no business model impediments to the extensive adoption of relevant open commercial standards and specifications


  21. CONCLUSIONS • ONR has a solid S&T foundation to support MOSA based systems of the future • OA is a real enabler for making systems more affordable • Leverage commercial investment; • Enhance access to cutting edge technologies • Enhance commonality and reuse across platforms • Enable increased competition • Industry is a willing partner and its involvement is essential in defining MOSA based architectures and standards “Specifying modular architecture and open software standards is essential to allow spiral development of optimal systems design - constant evolution in capabilities should be expected.” -JASONS Summer Study Report 2008

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