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WELCOME. STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS (ELLs) Kim Ward Education Information Services Lori Rodriguez Pat Faircloth Student Achievement through Language Acquisition (SALA). Database Changes. Data Element: ELL, PK-12. Code LZ has the following added:
WELCOME STATE AND FEDERAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS (ELLs) Kim Ward Education Information Services Lori Rodriguez Pat Faircloth Student Achievement through Language Acquisition (SALA)
Data Element: ELL, PK-12 • Code LZ has the following added: This code also applies to McKay students who were formerly in an English Language Learners program.
Data Element: Test Form • Default Survey 7 (Z or zero filled) • Examples were added Note: For ESOL, Test Form 3 (CELLA) is only used for placement, not for exit criteria
Student Demographic – New Edit • 56. If Survey Period Code is 2, 3 or 5 and if the English Language Learners, PK-12 code is LF then one of the following must be true for the English Language Learners Information record: English Language Learners: Reclassification Exit Date is all zeros and the English Language Learners: Exit Date is within two years of survey date or English Language Learners: Reclassification Exit Date is greater than zero and is within two years of survey date. • The match between the Student Demographic record and the English Language Learners record should be based on District Number, Current Enrollment; Student Number Identifier, Florida; Survey Period Code; and Fiscal Year. If no matching English Language Learners Information record is found, then do not generate an error message. (This edit does not apply to Survey Periods 6 and 8.) ‑-state validation -
Student Course Schedule format – New Edit 5U. If Survey Period Code is 2 or 3 and FEFP Program Number is 130, then the Course Number must be a course in Appendix DD.
Student Course Schedule Format: Revised Edit 76. If ELL: PK-12 on the Student Demographic Information record is LY, and if Course Number is in Appendix DD, then ELL: Instructional Model must be other than Z.
Student Course Schedule -New Edit 5W. If ELL: Instructional Model is E or I, then Course Number must be a Language Arts Course Number in Appendix DD. Codes: E = Sheltered – English I = Mainstream/Inclusion - English
Student Course Schedule -New Edit 5V. Instructional Model is S or C, then Course Number must be a Mathematic, Science, Social Studies or Computer Literacy course in Appendix DD. Codes: S = Sheltered – Core/Basic Subject Areas C = Mainstream/Inclusion – Core/Basic Subject Areas
ELL Format – Revised Edits 2H. If ELL: Basis of Entry is code A and if ELL: Exit Date is 00000000 then the Test Name: Listening and Test Name Speaking must be other than ZZZ. Data Element: ELL: Basis of Entry, Code A = Aural/Oral
ELL Edits: New Edit 2I. If ELL: Basis of Entry is code R and if ELL: Exit Date is 00000000 then the Test Name: Reading and Test Name: Writing must be other than ZZZ. Data Element: ELL: Basis of Entry Code R = Reading and Writing
ELL Edits: New Edit 2J. If Survey Period Code is not 7, then Test Form must not be blank. If Survey Period Code is 7, then Test Form must be Z. – record rejected -
ELL Edits – New Edit 2K. If Survey Period Code is not 7, then the Test Level must not be blank. If Survey Period Code is 7, then the Test Level must be ZZ. -record rejected
Federal/State Indicator Status Formats - Revisions 2. Note 2 reads for reporting period 7, submit this record for each KG-12 student for whom an ELL record is being submitted. Deleted – and whom Country of Birth as reported on the Student Demographic Information record is other than United States.
ELL: Format - Revisions • Send a record for student identified as LY or LP for the ELL, PK-12 element whose ELL: Entry Date is after the Survey 2 Date Certain. Also send a record for any student determined to be LF on the ELL, PK-12 element whose ELL: Entry Date is after Survey 2 Date Certain.
Available Reports • F70803 – ELL by Code by School – a count of students by status codes by school. This count includes all codes. • F70897 – ELL by Native Language – a count of students by native languages. F70898 – ELL by Country Code – a count of students by country of birth.
Available Reports • F70908 – ELL by Category –a count of students by status codes by school. This does not include code LZ or ZZ. • F70910 – ELL Comparison Report – a comparison of ELL counts by current year and previous year. (LY and LP)
Available Reports Error Report • F70919 - ELL Error Report – counts of students in six areas of common reporting problems. (request for Survey 2 and 3) • F70907 – ELL Error Report (request for Survey 5)
Program Issues Basis of Entry K-12, L/S 3-12, R/W
Program Issues • Basis of Exit ▪K-12 have to score proficient on all 4 domains ▪ CELLA and FCAT ▪≤ 32% - student is in the ESOL program ▪ ≥ 33% - Student is exited from the ESOL Program
Program Issues • Basis of Exit (continued) ▪ No longer have FCAT Writes+, Alternative Assessment or reserved for local district use (X_ _). ▪ Alignment to Rules
Program Issues • Extension of Instruction ▪ Process ▪ What happens at the end of the 3rd year ▪ Assessments
Program Issues Immigrant Student ▪ Immigrant Grant Allocation – supposed to have been based on Immigrant Student data element rather than calculated on the definition ▪ Children born to US Military personnel stationed overseas
Program Issues Immigrant Student (continued) ▪ Foreign Exchange Students (code of 0 on Resident Status, State/County data element) ▪ Districts’ responsibility to update after the 3rd year, no longer qualifies
Program Issues CELLA ▪ 2009-10 New Vendor ▪Online suggestion forms ▪ Importance of accurate data reporting ▪ 2010-11 earlier assessment; March 7 to April 8, 2011 ▪ Survey 2 and Survey 7
Survey2 and Survey 7 Formats: • English Language Learners Information • Student Demographic Information • Exceptional Student • Federal/State Indicator Status
Survey Dates Survey 2 • Survey Week: October 11-15, 2010 • Due Date: October 29, 2010 • State Processing: October 18 – November 12, 2010 Survey 7 • Due date: January 10, 2011 • State processing : January 3 - January 14, 2011
Program Issues Title III ▪ 0910 Preliminary allocation ▪ 0910 Roll Forward due June 18, 2010 Federal (and ESOL) Monitoring No extensions
Program Issues PK Students v.s. KG students
Student ELL Plan These items must be contained in the student’s ELL plan: • Name • Instruction by program • Amount of instructional time (minimum number of hours per day/week) or instructional schedule • Date of eligibility to receive services • Assessment data used to classify or reclassify • Date of exit • Assessment data used to exit • Any modification to the student’s plan by ELL committee Rules 6A-6.0901, 6A-6.0902, and 6A-6.0904, F. A. C
Student ELL Plan (continued) Each ELL student plan should be updated to reflect current services: • at the beginning of each school year • whenever classes or courses change • whenever services change Data Element: ELL: Student Plan Date
Program Issues CSPR (Consolidated State Performance Report) USDE EDFacts (data collected for state reports) 13 Federally Required Data Groups Annually
ESOL Program Handbook • Formatted for online use • Direct links; up to date info
Program Issues ELP Standards World Language Standards Rule Development Update
Bureau of Student Achievement through Language Acquisition (SALA) (850) 245-0417 Lori Rodriguez – Chief Lori.Rodriguez@fldoe.org Pat Faircloth – Program Specialist Pat.Faircloth@fldoe.org Education Information Services (850) 245-9054 Kim Ward – Program Specialist Kim.Ward@fldoe.org CONTACT INFO