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Rome Continued

Rome Continued. Quiz. Name the mountain range in the north of Italy that protects Italy from northern invaders. According to legendary tales, _____________ and Remus founded the city of Rome. They were the sons of a Latin woman, and Mars, the war god.

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Rome Continued

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  1. Rome Continued

  2. Quiz • Name the mountain range in the north of Italy that protects Italy from northern invaders. • According to legendary tales, _____________ and Remus founded the city of Rome. They were the sons of a Latin woman, and Mars, the war god. • Name the word that defines, “that which belongs to the people.” • Members of the land holding upper class were referred to as what? • The farmers, merchants, and artisans, who made of the vast majority of the population were referred to as whom?

  3. The Roman Army • Divided into legions of between five and six thousand Roman citizens • All citizens had to serve (length of service varied) • Century: (80 men under the command of a Centurion. (Highest ranking non patrician) • Cohorts: 6 centuries (480) • Legions: 10 cohorts (4,800) Each with its own standard and legionary Eagles • Auxiliary troops made up of non-citizens were called on to support the regular army • Discipline: Decimation

  4. The Roman Republic Grows • By 270 BC had conquered most of Italy • Defeated the Latin League and the Greeks in the South • Life under Roman Rule • Citizenship, Municipalities, Allies by treaty, Garrisoned lands • All had to acknowledge Roman superiority, pay taxes and supply soldiers • Opportunity to move up and become citizens

  5. Roman Expansion • Rome and Carthage • What and where is Carthage? • The problem

  6. The 1st Punic War (264-261BC) • Naval conflict • Results • Treaty in which both sides promised not to attack each others allies (Carthage paid a tribute for 10 years) • Rome gains its first territory off the Italian peninsula • Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia

  7. The Second Punic War (218-202 BC) • Brought about by the Punic Empire in Spain • Carthage seized a town that was a new Roman ally causing Rome to declare war • Hannibal attacks over the Alps losing half of his men and 2/3rds of his elephants • Battle of Cannae: Hannibal captured or killed 30,000 Roman troops (65,000 Romans v. 32,000 Carth.) • For 10 years no Roman General would engage him in a large battle • Publius Cornelius Scipio • 204 BC Scipio lands in Africa after conquering the Punic Empire in Spain • 202 BC Battle of Zama (Hannibal’s mercenaries deserted) • Carthage was made a dependant ally of Rome

  8. Hannibal and Scipio

  9. The 3rd Punic War 146 BC • Rome decided to eliminate Carthage once and for all (Cato the Elder) • They were once again economically successful • They violated the terms of their treaty by crossing a Roman imposed frontier in 149 BC • After a three year siege they completely wipe out Carthage in 146 BC • By 133 BC Rome controls all of the Mediterranean • Macedonia, Asia Minor, Africa, Spain

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