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2009 Medical Staff Update. EPs not rewritten as part of the SSI projectNew numbering system for ease of electronic sorting . 2009 Medical Staff Update. New Scoring MethodologyAll EPs are category A requiring 100% compliance except 4 which a category C scored on occurrences of non-compliance (90
1. 2009 Medical Staff Update John Herringer, Associate DirectorStandards Interpretation GroupJoint Commission
2. 2009 Medical Staff Update EPs not rewritten as part of the SSI project
New numbering system for ease of electronic sorting
3. 2009 Medical Staff Update New Scoring Methodology
All EPs are category A requiring 100% compliance except 4 which a category C scored on occurrences of non-compliance (90% for ESC)
4. 2009 Medical Staff Update Category C
MS.02.02.02 EP 5—Medical Executive Committee--The MEC acts on behalf of the medical staff between meetings
MS.04.01.01 EP 11– Graduate Education—The medical staff complies with residency committee review citations.
5. 2009 Medical Staff Update Category C
MS.06.02.05 EP 11--Completed Applications for privileges are acted on with the time frame in the bylaws.
MS.06.01.07 EP 3—Hospital completes the credentialing and privileging decision process in a timely manner.
6. 2009 Medical Staff Update Criticality Assignment
Level 2—Situational rule—possible PDA
MS.03.01.01 EP 2—Practitioners practice only within the scope of their privileges as determined through mechanisms defined by the organized medical staff
MS.06.01.05 EP 1—Licensed independent practitioners possible a current license
7. 2009 Medical Staff Update Level 3—Direct Impact—None in the MS Chapter
Likely to create an immediate risk to patient safety or quality of care
Require a 45 day response
Level 4—Indirect Impact—All medical staff standards except the two level 2 standards
Require a 60 days response
8. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS—may be revised based on further discussion
EP 20 The bylaws include requirements for completing the medical histories and physical examination
EP 21 A statement of the duties and privileges related to each category of the medical staff (for example active, courtesy).
9. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
MS.02.01.02 EP 4—MEC--The majority of the voting member are license doctors of medicine or osteopathy
10. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
MS.03.01.01 Oversight of Quality of Care
EP 12--The MS establishes and has continuing responsibility for written policies and procedures governing medical care provided in the emergency service or department
EP 13—Provides ER services—MS has written P & P for
Appraisals of emergencies
Initial treatment of patients
Referrals from off campus locations
11. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
MS.03.01.01—Organization does not provide ER service—MS has written P & P for
Appraisals of emergencies
Initial treatment of patients
Referrals of patients when needed
12. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
EP12—A doctor of medicine or osteopathy is on-duty or on-call at all time
EP13 Every patient is under the care of a licensed practitioner as defined: MD/DO, Dentist, Podiatrist, Optometrist, Chiropractor, Clinical Psychologist (but only for clinical psychology)
13. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
MS.03.01.03 EP 14—A doctor of medicine/osteopathy is responsible for care of Medicare patients for medical or psychiatric problems present on admission or develops
MS.05.01.01 EP 17—The medical staff attempt to secure autopsies for all unusual deaths and medical legal and education interest
14. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
MS.05.01.01 EP 18—The Medical staff, specifically the attending physician is informed of autopsies that the hospital intends to perform.
15. 2009 Medical Staff Update 13 new EPs to sync with CMS
MS.06.01.03 EP 9—A FT, PT or consultant radiologist qualified by education and experience supervises ionizing radiology services
MS.06.01.03 EP 10—The radiologist supervision ionizing radiology services interprets tests that are determined by the medical staff to require a radiologist’s specialized knowledge
16. 2009 Medical Staff Update
MS.01.01.01(old Ms.1.20)—Medical Staff Bylaws
EP 19 Implementation date of July 2009 suspended May 2008 pending work of the MS.01.01.01 Task Force—continues to not be in effect
17. 2009 Medical Staff Update The MS.01.01.01 Task Force, formed in January 2008, continues its work of determining the best approach to revising the standard relating to Medical Staff bylaws.
Key issues, include:
The relationship between the organized medical staff and the medical executive committee.
What needs to appear in the medical staff bylaws and how such decisions are made.
How to manage conflict that may arise between the organized medical staff and the governing body, and between the organized medical staff and the medical executive committee, regarding medical staff bylaws, rules and regulations, and policies.
The definitions of terms that appear in the standard.
18. 2009 Medical Staff Update Two New Elements of Performance
EP 20 The bylaws include requirements for completing the medical histories and physical examination
EP 21 A statement of the duties and privileges related to each category of the medical staff (for example active, courtesy).
19. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.03.01.03 EP 2 (New not CMS)
Education of LIPs on assessing and managing pain
20. 2009 Medical Staff Update Credentialing and Privileging Overview
Three new concepts introduced in revised standards
Six areas of general competencies (may be included, not must be included)
Focused professional practice evaluation
Ongoing professional practice evaluation
21. 2009 Medical Staff Update Six Core Competencies
Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and American Board of Medical Specialists (ABMS)
General Competencies
Patient care
Medical/clinical knowledge
Practiced-based learning and improvement
Interpersonal and Communication Skills
Systems-based practice
22. 2009 Medical Staff Update Six Core Competencies
Organizations Define Methods to Integrate
Peer Recommendations (MS.06.01.05 and MS.07.01.03) address:
Medical Clinical Knowledge
Technical and clinical skills
Clinical judgment
Interpersonal skills
Communication skills
Only Practiced-Based Learning and Systems-based practice not addressed
23. 2009 Medical Staff Update Six Core Competencies
Methodologies for Data Collection
From MS.08.01.03
Periodic chart review
Direct Observation
Monitoring of Diagnostic and Treatment Techniques
Discussion with other care staff
24. 2009 Medical Staff Update Core Privileges
MS.06.01.07—Core Privileges—Joint Commission Position
Core Privileges—activities for which the majority of practitioners who meet the defined criteria should be able to perform
Core terminology must define the specific activities included and any limitations, e.g. those that are outside the core
25. 2009 Medical Staff Update Core Privileges
MS.06.01.07—Core Privileges
Cannot assume an applicant can perform all core activities
Applicant specific evaluation required
Method for the applicant to request less than full core
Core modification as necessary at the point of granting
Applicant and staff notification
26. 2009 Medical Staff Update Core Privileges
MS. 06.01.07—Core Privileges
CMS issues on acceptability
November 2004 position letter
FAQ on jointcommission.org
27. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
Defines Circumstances requiring monitoring and evaluation
EP 1--Focused professional practice evaluation is done for all initial privileges effective January 1, 2008
28. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 1
All new privileges meaning all privileges for new applicants and all new privileges for existing practitioners.
All applicants for new privileges must have a period of focused evaluations
No exemption for board certification, documented experience, or reputation.
29. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
Multi-tiered approach
Different for different levels of documented training and experience, e.g.
practitioners coming directly from an outside residency program
practitioners coming directly from the organization’s residency program
practitioners coming with a documented record of performance of the privilege and its associated outcomes
practitioners coming with no record of performance of the privilege and its associated outcomes
30. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
group very similar activities together
evaluate a set number of any mix of the privileges, e.g., any ten from the group will be evaluated to determine competence for the whole group,
cannot just look at one privilege from the group.
31. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 2--Criteria are developed for evaluating performance when issues affecting care are identified, e.g.,
small number of admissions/procedures over an extended period of time that raise the concern of continued competence
increasing lengths of stay compared to other practitioners
Increasing number of returns to surgery
Frequent/repeat readmission for the same issue possible suggesting inadequate/ineffective initial management/treatment
patterns of unnecessary diagnostic testing/treatments
failure to follow approved clinical practice guidelines--may or may not indicate care problems but the variance needs explanation
32. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 5--Triggers indicating need for performance monitoring are defined
The very obvious, e.g.,
infection rates
sentinel events
other events that aren't sentinel such as sponges left in during surgery, etc.
33. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 3 Clearly defined Process
method for establishing the monitoring plan specific to the requested privilege
Predefined for new privileges
Determined at time of review
Review committee
Department chair
34. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 3 Clearly defined process
method to determine the duration of performance monitoring
Activities vs. time period
Volume may be excessive or insufficient when using time periods
-12 month provisional period could be burdensome for high volume activity
35. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
Activity numbers allow flexibility
method to determine the duration of performance monitoring
defined number of admissions e.g., 5, 10, 20
defined number of procedures, such as 5, 10, 20
short time period of time such as 1, 2 or 3 months
for infrequently performed privilege, numbers might work better than a time period especially if the privilege isn't performed in that time period.
36. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 3 Defined Process
Multi-tiered approach
Different for different levels of documented training and experience, e.g.
practitioners coming directly from an outside residency program
practitioners coming directly from the organization’s residency program
practitioners coming with a documented record of performance of the privilege and its associated outcomes
practitioners coming with no record of performance of the privilege and its associated outcomes
37. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
Circumstances under which monitoring by an external source is required
No other qualified practitioner
Those available would be biased
38. 2009 Medical Staff Update
MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 7 Criteria to determine type of monitoring
Review type can vary, e.g. direct observation for certain privileges vs. chart audits for other privileges
periodic chart review
direct observation
monitoring of diagnostic and treatment techniques
discussion with other individuals involved in the care of each patient including consulting physicians, assistants at surgery, nursing, and administrative personnel.
EP 8 Defined measure to resolve performance issues
EP 9 Resolution measures consistently implemented
39. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.01 Focused Professional Practice Evaluation
Historical peer review process
triggered by practice indicators or performance issues or untoward outcomes
could meet EP's 2 – 9
would not meet EP 1 for a review for all privileges
40. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Traditional credentialing and privileging process:
Cyclical: every two years
Procedure activities
Revised process
Ongoing continuous evaluation
Identify Performance problems early and resolved
Results in Evidence-based privileging at time of renewal
41. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Information for Decisions to Maintain privileges
Process includes
Evaluation of each practitioner’s professional practice
Type of data to be collected determined by departments and approved by organized medical staff—not just negative/outlier/trending data but also data on good performance
Use of information from ongoing evaluation to determine status of privileges
42. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 1. Clearly defined process, e.g.,
Who will be responsible for reviewing performance data.
department chair, department as a whole, the credentials committee, the MEC, or a special committee of the organized medical staff.
how often the data will be reviewed.
frequency defined by the organized medical staff
three months, six months, nine, months, etc.
twelve months would be periodic rather than ongoing.
the process to use the data to make decision whether to continue, limit or revoke privileges.
the department chair, credentials committee, MEC, governing body
how data will be incorporated into the credentials files
43. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 2. The type of data to be collected
defined by individual medical staff departments and approved by the organized medical staff
Standards require evaluation for all practitioners not just those with performance issues.
Departments will know best what type of data will reflect both good and problem performance for the various practitioners in their departments.
44. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
The standard's rationale outlines suggested data that the organization may choose to collect along with the following suggestions for methodologies for collecting information:
period chart review
direct observation
monitoring of diagnostic and treatment techniques
discussion with other individuals involved in the care of each patient including consulting physicians, assistants at surgery, nursing, and administrative personnel.
45. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Most practitioners perform well
Data on their actual good performance
As well as those practitioners with performance issues
Failure to fall out on pre-defined screening criteria
is not sufficient to comply with performance data on every practitioner.
46. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
Zero data is in fact data.
Can be evidence of good performance, e.g., no returns to the OR, no complications, no complaints, not infections, etc.
It is also important to know when someone is not performing certain privileges over a given period of time
Not be acceptable to find at the two year reappointment that someone has not performed a privilege for two years.
47. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evauation
Zero performance of a privilege should be evaluated to determine possible reasons
is the practitioner no longer performing the privilege, e.g., no open cholecystectomies because they are now done laproscopically
is the practitioner taking patients needing the privilege to other organizations
is the privilege typically a low volume procedure that has yet to be done
48. 2009 Medical Staff Update MS.08.01.03 Ongoing Professional Practice Evaluation
EP 3. Information resulting from the evaluation needs to be used to determine whether to continue, limit, or revoke any existing privilege (s) at the time the information is analyzed.
Based on analysis, several possible actions might occur, including but not limited to:
revoking the privilege because it is no longer required
suspending the privilege, which suspends the data collection, and notifying the practitioner that if they wish to reactivate it they must request a reactivation
determining that the zero performance should trigger a focused review (MS.4.30 EP 5) whenever the practitioner actually performs the privilege
determining that the privilege should be continued because the organization's mission is to be able to provide the privilege to its patients
49. 2009 Medical Staff Update HR.01.02.05 EP 10 – 15 – PAs and Non-LIP APRNs
All PAs and Non-LIP APRNs
EP10. An equivalent process
EP11. Approved by the governing body
EP12. Evaluates applicant’s credentials
EP13. Evaluates applicant’s competence
50. 2009 Medical Staff Update HR.01.02.05 EP 10 – 15 – PAs and Non-LIP APRNs
EP14. Includes peer recommendations
EP15. Input from individuals and committees including the MEC to make informed decisions
No inherent right to a fair hearing unless organization policy
CMS requires Governing Body Grant Privileges
51. 2009 Medical Staff Update HR.01.02.05 EP 7- Other individuals brought in by an LIP NOT Applicable to PAs and APRNs under EP 10
Prior to the provision of care, treatment or services
For non-employee individuals brought into the organization by a licensed independent practitioner to provide care, treatment or services
Organization determines that the qualifications and competence are the same qualifications and competence required of employed individuals performing the same or similar services.
52. 2009 Medical Staff Update
HR.01.07.01 - EP 5- NOT Applicable to PAs and APRNs under EP 10 – 15
The organization reviews:
qualifications, performance and competence of each non-employee individual brought into the organization by an LIP to provide care, treatment or services
at the same periodic time frame identified by the organization for individuals employed by the organization. e.g., annually
53. 2009 Medical Staff Update Industry/Manufacturers/Vendor Representatives
No current standard
FAQ May be developed
Consultative advice – consider treating them as a contract employee, i.e.,
Verification of competence, limited orientation, performance evaluation
54. 2009 Medical Staff Update LD.03.01.01 – Culture of Safety and Quality—Effective January 1, 2009
EP 4 – Code of conduct defines acceptable, disruptive, and inappropriate behaviors
EP 5 – Leaders create and implement a process for managing disruptive and inappropriate behavior
No additional moratorium approved as requested by the AMA
55. 2009 Medical Staff Update Department of Standards Interpretation
Call Board – 630-792-5900 option 6
Online submission form:
www.jointcommisison.org, select Standards, then select Online Question Form
56. 2009 Medical Staff Update Questions?