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ACHILLES and Early greece

ACHILLES and Early greece. Week Two. s uper/ sur = over/above/beyond. superior. surprise. superman. u n = not/none. uncertain. unconscious. untidy. b i = two. bicycle. binary. bimonthly. I. The Iliad and the Human Condition. Hector. Andromache.

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ACHILLES and Early greece

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  1. ACHILLES and Early greece Week Two

  2. super/sur= over/above/beyond superior surprise superman

  3. un = not/none uncertain unconscious untidy

  4. bi = two bicycle binary bimonthly

  5. I. The Iliad and the Human Condition Hector Andromache

  6. “. . . there at last his own generous wife came running to meet him, Andromache. . . She came to him there, and beside her went an attendant carrying the boy in the fold of her bosom, a little child, only a baby, Hector's son, the admired, beautiful as a star shining . . . Andromache, stood close beside him, letting her tears fall, and clung to his hand and called him by name and spoke to him: 'Dearest, your own great strength will be your death, and you have no pity on your little son, nor on me, ill-starred, who soon must be your widow.’ Hector answered, 'All these things are in my mind also, lady; yet I would feel deep shame before the Trojans, and the Trojan women with trailing garments, if like a coward I were to shrink aside from the fighting; and the spirit will not let me, since I have learned to be valiant and to fight always among the foremost ranks of the Trojans, winning for my own self great glory, and for my father.” . . . Then taking up his dear son he tossed him about in his arms, and kissed him, and lifted his voice in prayer to Zeus and the other immortals: 'Zeus, and you other immortals, grant that this boy, who is my son, may be as I am, pre-eminent among the Trojans, great in strength, as am I, and rule strongly over Ilion; and some day let them say of him: "He is better by far than his father,” as he comes in from the fighting; and let him kill his enemy and bring home the blooded spoils, and delight the heart of his mother.”

  7. I. The Iliad and the Human Condition Hector Achilles

  8. Troy (2004)

  9. I. The Iliad and the Human Condition

  10. I. The Iliad and the Human Condition • Depicts many elements of the human condition: life, love, depravity, suffering, redemption, death Late fifth-century manuscript

  11. Greek Cities and Colonies of the Archaic Age

  12. dis = not/none disconnect disorganized disrespectful

  13. inter = between/among Internet interpreter interstate

  14. circ = around circle circumference circulatory

  15. II. Bronze-Age Greece A. Islands of peace • Minoan cultures • Relatively equitable social structures • Unfortified towns

  16. II. Bronze-Age Greece B. Mycenaean culture of war • Walled cities, extensive militarization, economic stratification (1600 BCE) Mycenaean citadel

  17. II. Bronze-Age Greece C. Greek “dark age” • Constant rivalry and warfare • Overpopulation and migration • Written language lost • Steady decline from 1200-700 BCE Death mask

  18. III. Archaic Greece (700-500 BCE) A. Polis • Foundation of Greek life • Origins: an elevated area (acropolis) that held the agora • First republic: a true monarchy replaced with an aristocratic republic. • Limits: women and slaves • Hoplites: fighting in community

  19. III. Archaic Greece

  20. “Greek Gods and Goddesses”

  21. III. Archaic Greece B. Religion • Polytheism • Anthropomorphism • Temples: Olympia and Delphi • Rationality

  22. Arrichion

  23. III. A Tale of Three Cities A. Wealthy Corinth B. Martial Sparta C. Democratic Athens

  24. Scenes of Corinth

  25. A. Wealthy Corinth • Geography: a rich coastal plain and an isthmus • Wealth: role of the isthmus

  26. Crossing the Corinthian isthmus

  27. Paul and Corinth • Paul’s Corinth not the same—at least not physically • Visited twice • Wrote at least two letters to Corinth that reflect the difficulties of trying to spread the gospel in a cosmopolitan city

  28. quad = four quadruped quadrant quadruplets

  29. trans = across/through transportation trans-Atlantic Transformers

  30. Mal = bad/wrong/ill malignant malnutrition malfunction

  31. B. Martial Sparta • Martial structure • Society: Warriors, helots, and perioikoi • Government: At the head of the government were two kings who served as the commanders of the state army

  32. B. Martial Sparta • Peloponnesian League • Alliance: In place by 500 BCE and led by Sparta • Power: Made Sparta the most powerful polis; defense from Persians • Social control • Eunomia: elevation of duty and patriotism over individual interest. All about unity. • State control King Leonidas I

  33. C. Democratic Athens • Cleisthenes and democracy • Reform: After a series of tyrants, Cleisthenes seeks to democratize the state • Council of Five Hundred: all male citizens over the age of 30 must serve at least one term • Limits The father of Athenian democracy

  34. The Pnyx, the meeting place of Athenian citizens

  35. Paul and Athens • “Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols. So he argued in the synagogue with the Jews and the devout persons, and in the market place every day with those who chanced to be there. Some also of the Epicurean and Stoic philosophers met him.” --Acts 17:16-18}

  36. IV. Epilogue • Orders of classical architecture • Corinthian • Doric (Sparta) • Ionic (Athens) • A democracy of limits • Elevation of principles: of freedom, equality, and civic involvement • Irony: But often based on oppression and exploitation

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