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Ur, in southern Iraq. 2. Agricultural innovation . a. some early cities were based upon . irrigation. agriculture. b. For example, the ancient Sumerians . buil. t . dikes, canals, and reservoirs at . the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. c. At . Tikal.
2. Agricultural innovation a. some early cities were based upon irrigation agriculture. b. For example, the ancient Sumerians buil t dikes, canals, and reservoirs at the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. c. At Tikal , raised fields were built and flooded periodically. d. The Aztecs built chi n ampas -- raised gardens.
3. Occupational specialization . a. As agricultural production increased and a surplus was produced, some people came to pursue non - agricultural activities on a full - time basis. b. Clay tablets from the Sumerian city of Nippur record copper - and silver - smiths, merchants, potters, tanners, cle rks, Brewers.
a. Specialization led to an improved metal technology. i. Bronze Age (Bronze made of copper and tin alloy) in Mesopotamia began 3000 BC. ii. Plows and ax e s were used for agriculture ; iii. swords and shields are used for warfare. iv. Adornment
4. Lo ng - distance trade. a. The Egyptian pharaohs sent merchants to i. the Sinai Peninsula for copper ii. Arabia or spices iii. Asia for lapis lazuli (a blue stone) iv. Lebanon for wine v. Central Africa for ivory, ebony, leopard skins, cattle, slaves.
pochteca to: Aztec rulers sent the b. i. Guatemala for quetzal feathers and coc o a beans ii. The Gulf Coast for textiles, corn. iii. To the surrounding lakes for fish and waterfowl. iv. The pochteca also acted as spies.
5. Central Government. a. Central authorities regulate trade, agricultural production, religion, warfare, justice, and crime. b. They levy taxes. c. They raise an army to defend cities from outsiders. d. They store surplus food in case of floods, droughts, disasters.
e. Evidence for the presence of central authorities. i. Large centrally planned cities of Teotihuacan. ii. Writing commemorating the deeds of kings ; royal marriages, tribute, business transactions, maps. iii. Pictographs, ide ographs , hieroglyphics.
6. Social stratification. a. Ranked social classes. i. Early civilizations had hereditary classes or c astes . ii. Later with the acquisition of wealth, social mobility became more important.
Archaeological evidence for social stratification. 1. Burials. a. Egalitarian Neolithic sites had i. few and simple grave goods ii. utensils and figurines iii. no difference in the size or mode of burial.
b. Burial sites of stratified societies i. v ary in size, variety of the grave goods, mode of burial ii. for example , Maya burials of elite. iii. The skeletons of nobles indicate there better health, diet, status -- deformed cranium. iv. Buried in large pyramids.
2. Size of dwellings. a. Elite dwellings are large, well - spaced , and located in c entral d istrict. b. Elite dwellings conta in artwork, freezes, sculptures
3. Written documents. a. Clay tablets or Babylonians indicate aristocrats, three classes -- commoners, slaves. , lorers, conquerors b. Reports of exp priests. Bernal Diaz de c. For example, are: Castillo, Cortez , Sahagun