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CFI Fund Design

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CFI Fund Design

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  1. Information Session on the CFI Leaders Opportunity Fund UM Designated: LOF-New Investigator & LOF-E Established ResearcherA CFI infrastructure funding opportunity for excellent new and established researchersOffice of the Vice-President (Research)December 13, 2010- Fort Garry CampusDecember 15, 2010 – Bannatyne Campus

  2. CFI Fund Design • CFI is an infrastructure program - funds equipment and construction/renovations only • CFI is an institutional program – institution is the applicant (write proposal in 3rd person) • CFI is a partner program – contributes maximum of 40% of the total project costs • 40% to be sought from the Province: (Manitoba Research & Innovation Fund - MRIF) • 20% from Project Leader and Faculty/School

  3. Leaders Opportunity Fund • Serves needs of individual faculty member (or in groups of up to 3 members where there is a need to share infrastructure) • Expanded objective - attracting excellent faculty and retaining leading researchers • The University’s Strategic Research Plan (SRP) –http://www.umanitoba.ca/admin/vp_research/media/Strategic_Research_Plan.pdf

  4. LOF- New Investigators (LOF-N) • Within 36 months of first full time academic appointment at a Canadian university • Award: max. $400K total (or $160K CFI), up to $1M (or $400K) for group of 3; smaller projects also acceptable • LOF-N not open to faculty previously holding NOF, LOF or CRC Infrastructure award

  5. LOF - Established Researchers (LOF-E) • More than 36 months into first full time academic appointment at a Canadian university • Project Award max: up to $1M ($400K CFI) • LOF-E open to groups of up to 3 faculty members, where the LOF-E Project Leader must be an ‘established’ researcher

  6. Leaders Opportunity Fund First step: Work with your Unit! Project identification, Proposal development and Submission • Project Leaders must: • first consult with, and obtain approval from the Dean’s/Director’s Office • comply with established Faculty/School procedures and deadlines

  7. Nomination and Review Process • Potential candidates first work with Department Head, Associate Dean (Research)/Dean’s office – Units to establish own internal deadlines • Proposals must be submitted by Dean/Director to ORS by March 31, 2011. Incomplete proposals may be returned to Faculty/School and will not be reviewed by Advisory Committee to the President

  8. Completing the LOF Proposal • Why, What, How • What you want to do, not “what you want” • Focus on the individual(s) named • Qualifications, experience • Infrastructure needs • Value-added (for previous award holders) • Your Attraction to or Retention at U of M • CFI review focus on : • Excellence • Innovation • Impact • Answer the CFI questions for each section!

  9. Project Overview (2 pages) • Provide a very general description of the infrastructure requested including where it will be located; • Explain why the infrastructure is needed at this time; • How it enhances existing infrastructure; • What research or technology development it will enable; • Why that research or technology development is important for Canada and Manitoba. In this section you need to grab the reviewers’ attention, generate excitement about your research, and explain why it is timely.

  10. Quality of Research or Technology Development (6 pages) • Outline the major research or technology development to be undertaken; • Why the proposed activities are innovative; • How the proposed activities are unique or complementary to comparable research and technology development conducted elsewhere; • Why it is critically important to pursue the opportunity at this time for Canada. We recommend use of headings. This makes it easier for the reader to find the information, to help you arrange your thoughts and plans, and allow you to easily check that you have answered all the questions.

  11. The Researchers (2 pages) You may only include CVs for those researchers who qualify under our LOF-N/LOF-E streams • Demonstrate your expertise as it relates to the proposed research activities • What impacts has your research had? How will this infrastructure allow you to impact your field even more? • How will you use this infrastructure?

  12. Need for Infrastructure (2 pages) • Why is this infrastructure appropriate for these activities? Why is existing infrastructure insufficient? • Address any issues of accessibility, complementarity, duplication, and sharing with existing infrastructure (what is the availability of similar infrastructure within the institution and the region?) • Outline the value added of an additional award if you have received a previous award .

  13. Training of Highly Qualified Personnel (HQP) (1 page) • How will the proposed infrastructure enhance the current training environment for HQP in this area? • How will it prepare HQP for careers in research or other fields and train them in new skills?. (Where will your HQP go and why will they be marketable because of this infrastructure?) • Outline plans for training HQP including numbers (graduate/postgraduate etc.)

  14. Collaborations & Partnerships (1 page) • Describe in detail what collaborations or partnerships already exist and are planned - refer to existing,future and potential collaborations (name names!) and discuss plan to develop new ones • What steps have been taken or will be taken to create or strengthen collaborations or partnerships (include all sectors in your partnerships) • Why the infrastructure is essential to the collaborations or partnerships.

  15. Benefits to Canada (1 page) • Describe the expected benefits for Manitoba and Canada • How will these benefits be realized and over what timeframe? • Who will use the results of this research? • Where appropriate, provide plans for: -the translation of knowledge, including potential contributions to policy and practice; -the transfer of technology and skills, and the commercialization of products, services and processes. Always use concrete examples

  16. Integration with SRP (1 page) • Please refer to SRP template (in handout) or online: http://umanitoba.ca/research/ors/572.htm • The Dean’s/Director’s Office must provide ORS with this page (Project Leader works with Dean/Director) • Your Retention at U of M • How does this proposal further the institutional SRP?

  17. Suggested reviewers • six (6) individuals, may be considered by CFI in the selection of external reviewers • make sure you name someone who can act at arm’s length: no joint research or papers for the last 6 years, no family members, etc.

  18. CFI FINANCIAL INFORMATION This module requires: • total project cost to acquire or develop the infrastructure • justification for items requested • details on funding from other partners • plans for operation and management of the infrastructure

  19. Budget • All prices must include taxes, shipping and installation charges (UM current tax rate: 8.65%) • All costs must be listed in Canadian dollars • Eligible Cost is (Cash*Tax) + In-Kind = Total • Jurgens Bekker Senior Purchasing Consultant (Research) at 789-3348 or by email: jurgens_bekker@umanitoba.ca

  20. Detailed Budget Justifications (up to 10 pages) • For each major component or system identify the items and why they are required. • Used for… • Technical specifications… • Essential because… • Renovations/construction – provide details (location, size, nature of space, floor plan, etc.)

  21. Partner Funding Details Eligible partner contributions • Institutional funds (which includes start-up funds), trust funds or foundations • Departments and agencies of the federal government (federal grants) • Departments and agencies of provincial, territorial and municipal governments (provincial grants) • Firms and corporations (vendor in-kind contributions) • Non-profit organizations • Individuals Non-eligible partners • Members of the Tri-Council: Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) • Tri-Council programs (e.g. Networks of Centres of Excellence, Canada Research Chairs and Indirect Costs of Research Program) The CFI will, however, allow the cost of eligible item(s) to be covered in part by these non-eligible partners provided that this portion is not used to leverage CFI funds. The portion of an eligible item’s cost for which the CFI funding will be calculated (usually a maximum of 40 percent) will be the total cost of eligible item(s) less the funding received from the Tri-Council agency or program.

  22. Infrastructure Use Typically, applications request infrastructure that will be used only for research. • for less than 100% research use, CONTACT the Office of Research Services immediately - this will impact negatively on the award from CFI, otherwise put 100% use in the % Use column For the required explanation, please write: “ All equipment will be used exclusively for research and research training of HQP”

  23. Financial Resources for Operations and Maintenance (O&M) In this section the reviewer wants to know if you understand what is required to operate the equipment and what your plans are for obtaining the necessary funding. • Include a realistic O&M budget • Do NOT include O&M costs for equipment not in CFI budget or for research materials. IOF funds are available for LOF; request made through the Dean’s Office

  24. Plans for Management • How will you manage the research, the project, the infrastructure? • Describe how the infrastructure requested will be managed effectively and efficiently, in keeping with the size and degree of complexity of the project: Ask yourself: • is training required • how will you give access to others? • which others? (user priority statement) • how will you monitor use? • what planning and financing is required for future upgrades of infrastructure • You must prove this won’t be a white elephant!

  25. CV Remember, • this is your research profile • after a quick review, the reader should be impressed with your accomplishments • be sure to explain any practice that is specific to your discipline (e.g names in alphabetical order, or students listed as first author) which reduces your visibility

  26. Research Contributions (2 pages) • Start with an overall statement of impact • One approach is to choose a few major areas of contribution and group them under subject headings. • Or, you can subdivide into publications (describe why most important publications were influential and innovative) and sections for other activities that demonstrate impact (Awards, training of HQP, presentations, committee membership).

  27. Best of Luck! CFI proposals require planning & teamwork Work with your Units first! Contact Office of Research Services with any questions: Jackie Cooney cooneyj@cc.umanitoba.ca or ph. 480-1495

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