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Catalog Shopping Adventure

Immerse in catalog shopping! Create unique shopping bag, collect items, get a receipt, and share your experience in Spanish. Engage in a fun, educational task while enhancing language skills.

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Catalog Shopping Adventure

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ¿Qué compramos por catálogo? • OBJECTIVE: Go catalog shopping and tell about your experience. • TASK: Step 1. Pick (cut) items required and put (paste) them in (on) your shopping bag. • How to create a shopping bag: With construction paper, cut the top to be used as the handle and attach it to the bag. Write a store name on the construction paper (shopping bag). • What to include in your shopping: minimum 2 different accessories, 2 different pairs of shoes and 4 different clothing items. Label them in Spanish (Ref. textbook pages 342/370).

  2. ¿Quécompramosporcatálogo? OBJECTIVE: Go catalog shopping and tell about your experience. • TASK: Step 2. Give your bag to the cashier (cajero-a) so he/she will make you a receipt. Receipt must include: • Store name and address, phone number • Items (in Spanish) and prices • Sub-total, tax (6%) and Total • Payment method (cheque or efectivo or tarjeta de crédito/debito) • Date (in Spanish) • Name of cashier and title. Eg.Paige De Hart, cajera (cashier) • Step 3. Answer questions about your experience while shopping, on the graphic organizer. Be ready to be interviewed in the classroom using this information. • Step 4. Exchange questionnaire and report one of your classmates shopping experience in writing to your teacher.

  3. Flash cards conjugating the following verbs in the Preterite • gastar – to spend • comprar – to buy • mirar – to look at • costar – cost *buscar- to look for (irregular in the yo form only>qué) *pagar – to pay (irregular in the yo form only >gué) *ir - to go (fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fuisteis, fueron) *irregular verbs

  4. Un día de compras y tu experiencia ¿Comprasterápidamenteo buscaste mucho? ¿Adóndefuiste de compras y cuándo? ¿Tegustóla tienda y porqué? ¿Qué compraste? ¿De qué color ? ¿Cuántocostaron los artículosquecompraste? (Listatodos los artículosen orden.) ¿Cuántogastaste en total?

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