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ACTIVITIES OF THE FEDERAL MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT ON THE NATIONAL STRATEGY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF STATISTICS IN NIGERIA Presented By Mrs. O. B. Jaji Director (PRS) Federal Ministry of Environment Abuja A Presentation to the ADB Mission on the assessment of the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in Nigeria.
Introduction • In line with its statutory mandate for environmental management in Nigeria, the Federal Ministry of Environment has the responsibility of coordinating of relevant statistics in the Environment Sector for our national requirements and meeting international demands. • Nigeria’s interest in Environment Statistics commenced as far back as 2004 when the Federal Ministry of Environment first received the UNSD Questionnaires on Environment Statistics. • The participation of Nigeria at the Workshop on environment Statistics organized jointly by ECOWAS/UNSD/UNEP and held in Dakar in March 2005 further strengthened Nigeria’s interest in Environment Statistics. • Since then, Nigeria has always participated in many other workshops organized by the ECOWAS.
Introduction contd. • Nigeria has participated actively in the development of ECOWAS list of Indicators and Methodologies for Environment Statistics. • Nigeria is a member of the expert group in the on-going revision of the United Nations Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES). • Following the initiative of the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) on the National Strategy for the Development of Statistics (NSDS) in Nigeria in2008, the Federal Ministry of Environment inaugurated a Ministerial Committee on the NSDS which later produced a National Strategy for the Development of Statistics in the Environment Sector.
The Ministry’s Strategic Framework for Environment Statistics
VALUES AND PRINCIPLES The statistical data shall be: • of highest quality; • credible, of high integrity and trustworthiness; • user-driven; • empowering; and • promote staff motivation through capacity building and reward for good performance.
National Assessment: Objectives The national assessment was meant to: • Identify the major producers of environmental data in the public and private sectors in Nigeria; • Assess the type of environmental data currently being collected by relevant Federal and State Agencies as well as relevant private Organizations and NGOs nationwide; • Collate all available data and harmonize with internationally accepted database of UNSD/UNEP Questionnaire on Environment Statistics and the ECOWAS list of Indicators for Environment Statistics; • Identify the data gaps • Assess the capacity of relevant Agencies to collect environmental data (in terms of available human and material resources, technical-know-how, etc) • Produce a report for useful decision-making for further necessary actions.
Findings from the National Assessment The exercise has enabled us to: • Identify the key organizations that generate environment statistics; • Develop some primary data collection instruments; • Appreciate the logistic problems associated with acquisition of data from various agencies (e.g. reluctance of some Agencies in releasing data); • Appreciate the data gap; • The capacity needs for data collection and assemblage in the various agencies visited. In all, there was a general poor response to the questionnaires and this poor response can be ascribed to any or all of the following factors: • Lack of understanding of most of the indicators; • Lack of established system of regular data collection for the listed indicators; • Lack of appropriate facilities and personnel for data collection and storage; • Lack of budgetary provision for data collection; • Non-existence of an MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) for data exchange, hence some Organizations would like to release available data on cost recovery basis.
Way Forward The above observations further stressed the need for: • General sensitization on environment statistics at the national level and this can be done by: • Organization of a national seminar/stakeholders' meeting that will be attended by decision makers of relevant agencies at the Federal and State Government levels, relevant private Organizations and international agencies; • General public enlightenment through the print and electronic media • Drawing up of an MoU on the release of data; • Formation of the various organizational structure for environment statistics; • Organization of technical workshop on the compilation and management of environment statistics for designated desk officers in the various organizations; • Technical training for subject matter specialists on the actual data collection/measurement on the field including the use of high-tech equipment; • Identification and provision of relevant equipment for environmental data collection: • Budgetary provisions in the National Budget • Monitoring and Evaluation
The Stakeholders’ Seminar Participants were: • Permanent Secretaries (or their representatives) of Federal MDAs (Ministries, Departments and Agencies) and State Ministries of Environment nationwide (36 States and Federal Capital Territory); Main aims of the Seminar are: • To bring together all relevant stakeholders so as to jointly examine the scope of data and information needs; and • Share experiences and chart the way forward.
Objectives of the National Stakeholders’ Seminar The main objectives of the Seminar were: • To deliberate on the report of the National Assessment on the capacity for production of credible data on Environment Statistics in Nigeria, carried out with UNDP support in 2009. • To facilitate Nigeria’s input to the United Nations (UNEP/UNSD) Questionnaire on Environment Statistics for 2010; • To deliberate on ECOWAS programme on Environment Statistics and the revised list of agreed indicators for the ECOWAS Region; • To deliberate on the formation of a National Steering Committee on Environment Statistics; and • To build synergy and spirit of cooperation among Stakeholders’ with the common national interest of generating a stream of credible environmental data that can be effectively used for socio-economic planning at different levels of Government in Nigeria.
Cross Section of Participants The Statistician General of NBS Addressing the Participants
Participants at the National Stakeholders’ Seminar on Environment Statistics in a Group Photograph with the SG of NBS Technical Workshop banners
Technical Workshop OBJECTIVE AIM • To build a network of professionals on the field who would help in the collation of required environmental data from relevant Agencies, based on agreed indicators and templates • To instill the spirit of team work in these professionals
Participant at the Technical Workshop The workshop was attended by 50 enthusiastic participants from the Ministry’s field Offices and Federal MDAs.
Distribution of ICT Equipment to Desk Officers • On 21st April 2011, we distributed some computers (desktops) to our Desk Officers in Departments of the Ministry. • This event was a major landmark in our efforts towards the development of environment statistics within the Ministry. • The handing over of ICT equipment to Desk Officers in Departments was a demonstration of the Ministry’s commitment to e-governance. It’s a lowly beginning though, but we hope to be able to build on this as soon as the financial resources are available. • Through these equipment, the Desk Officers will have access to e-learning on their various desks, as soft copies of all currently available training materials on environment statistics will be loaded on their desktops for their private studies. • The event was presided over by the Permanent Secretary of Federal Ministry of Environment, Alhaji Mohammed Sambo Bashar who also gave an opening address
Workshop for Desk Officers from State Ministries of Environment and Federal MDAs held in Abuja (17-18 Nov. 2011) Participants at the Workshop Objectives of the Workshop The Workshop was aimed at: • Familiarising participants with the ECOWAS methodologies and list of indicators for Environmental Statistics; • Facilitating national compilation of relevant data; and • Developing the best approaches to addressing the several environmental data challenges. The workshop was attended by a total of 97 participants, comprising of Desk Officers from 27 States Ministries of Environment, eight Federal MDAs, Environmental NGOS, Desk Officers from Departments and Agencies of Federal Ministry of Environment, UNDP Representatives, Resource Persons and the reporters from Media Organizations.
National Workshop for Desk Officers on Environment Statistics A Cross-section of Participants at the Workshop Some Member of the High Table at the Workshop
Inter-Ministerial Meeting with Desk Officers from Federal MDAs held in Abuja on 7th – 8th December 2011, in Preparation for Abu Dhabi Summit on Eye on Earth
Consultative Meeting with Desk Officers from Federal MDAs Cross-section of Participants Cross-section of Participants
Inter-Ministerial Meeting with Desk Officers from Federal MDAs held in Abuja on 7th – 8th December 2011, in Preparation for Abu Dhabi Summit on Eye on Earth Closing up with Participants Desk Officers from Federal MDAs in a Group Photograph
Networking Plans with Key Stakeholders • To date, we have about 100 Desk Officers located in Federal MDAs, Ministries of Environment in 36 states of the Federation and FCT as well as in all the Departments/ Agencies and 36 Field Offices of the Ministry. • To facilitate on line real time data exchange in the near future , we are planning to establish necessary infrastructure for: • Networking with relevant Federal Ministries/Agencies • Networking with State Ministries of Environment in 36 States and the FCT The proposed plan is as demonstrated in the following slides…
Networking with Relevant Federal Ministries Federal Ministry of Environment
Networking with Relevant Parastatals NNPC: Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation AGIS: Abuja Geographic Information System NBS: National Bureau of Statistics NASDRA: National Space Research & Development Agency NPC: National Planning Commission NBC: National Boundary Commission ECN: Energy Commission of Nigeria NIMET: Nigeria Meteorological Agency RMRDC: Raw Materials Research and Development Commission FRSC: Federal Road Safety Commission AEPB: Abuja Environmental Protection Board OSOGOF: Office of the Surveyor – General of the Federation FMENV
NIGERIA’S PARTICIPATION IN THE EXPERT GROUP FOR THE REVISION OF THE UN FDES • Nigeria is a member of the Expert Group for the revision of the UN Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics (FDES). The expert Group has been working for the past two years and has produced the draft document which is currently undergoing global consultation. • Members of the Expert Group were drawn from countries across the world, with different stages of development and experiences in environment statistics as well as from international Organizations, to ensure the applicability of the outcome document. These include the followings: • Australia, Austria, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic , Estonia, Finland, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Jamaica, Mauritius, Mexico, Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Suriname, United Arab Emirates, and the United States. • INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS • European Commission, European Environment Agency, EUROSTAT, FAO United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, and the United Nations Statistics Division.
Mr. Paul Cheung, Director of the UNSD addressing the Expert Group
Future Plans: Short Term Within the Next one year, we are poised to:
Medium Term Plan In the medium term (within next two years), our attention will be focused on the followings: • Intensive advocacy for environmental statistics and information management; • Development of network facilities for online data input and dissemination to the general public in partnership with the National Bureau of Statistics; • Facilitation of regular trainings for subject matter specialists on environmental data gathering from the field in the various thematic areas of air, land, water, waste management, natural disasters, health and environment domains; • Facilitation of access to monitoring equipment; • Facilitation of regular funding for statistical activities
Long Term Plan In the long term (within the next 3-5 years), we intend to have achieved the followings: • Widespread advocacy for environment statistics in Nigeria; • Development of our national capacity for regular production of credible and accessible environmental data in Nigeria; • Facilitation of public access to environmental data and information; • MoU on data exchange with key producers of environmental data; • Establishment of linkage with international environmental information network; • Positioning of environment statistics as one of the major bedrocks for national economic planning and sustainable development in Nigeria.
Challenges and Opportunities for the Development of Environment Statistics and Information Management in Nigeria Challenges: • Grossly inadequate financial resources, equipment and material for environmental data gathering; • Need for capacity building for all persons involved in the collation of environmental statistics as well as the Subject Matter Specialists who are involved in the actual measurement/collection of environmental data on the field; • Need for public awareness on the import of environmental statistics and information in our day to day life; • Need for technology support . Opportunities: • A good number of Federal and State Agencies in Nigeria are now developing interest in environmental monitoring and data gathering; • With the recruitment of over one hundred Desk Officers for Environment Statistics in Federal and State Ministries and Agencies nationwide, a critical mass of workforce for the development of environment statistics in Nigeria is being created;
Opportunities contd. Opportunities: • With the gradual rise in advocacy at the high level of governance and public awareness, environment statistics may soon gain better political support and subsequently better allocation of resources; • Nigeria’s participation in the Expert Group for the Revision of the UN Framework for the Development of Environment Statistics has provided a golden opportunity for sharing international experience on the subject matter. • There exist in Nigeria many agencies in government, private sector, Non-governmental Organization/Civil Society, the academia and research institutions involved in various aspects of environmental monitoring and data gathering capable of providing valuable inputs into a common basket of information. • In consonance with the National Bureau of Statistics’ leadership in the development of national statistics in all sectors of the Nigerian economy, the Federal Ministry of Environment is in good stead to coordinate the collation of relevant statistics in the environment sector and development of a viable National Environmental Information Network (NEIN).
Our Requests • Environment Statistics is becoming increasing important in global discourse. To be able to match up our efforts with the increasing demand for qualitative and quantitative data in the environment sector, we need technical support for: • (i) Manpower development for the technical and administrative personnel that will be involved in the whole process of environmental monitoring, data gathering, processing, storage and dissemination; • (b) Acquisition of relevant environmental monitoring equipment for the relevant Ministries Agencies and Departments; • (c) Acquisition of computer hardware and software for environmental database management; and • (d) Organization of public awareness and advocacy programmes on environment statistics
END Thank You for Your Attention!