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We are a prominent manufacturer and supplier of sophisticated medical vacuum filters and we enjoy a towering trust from many hospitals, pharmacy labs, pharmacy companies, dentists and other agencies involved in such critical production
Medical Vacuum Filter for HygienicSurrounding Asaresult ofcontinuoushealthcareservicesprovidedinmajorhospitalsandpremium healthcare facilities, biological fluids and waste is produced in a large quantity, which is replete withheavyconcentrationofcontaminantsinallforms(bacterial,solidandliquid).As such, it becomes necessary to remove such unwanted elements from vacuum pumps to preventsuction andtoprotectthesurroundingfromcatchinganyeasyinfection. Toaddressthisbio-safetyconcern,quality usetoextract contaminants out, quickly and completely. For such a purpose, Health Technical Memorandum2022hasbeendrafted, requiringhospitals’steadfastcompliance. At our place, we are a prominent manufacturer and supplier of sophisticated medical vacuum filters and we enjoy a towering trust from many hospitals, pharmacy labs, pharmacy companies,dentistsandotheragenciesinvolvedinsuchcriticalproduction.Ourelementsareplacedonvacuumpumpswheresuctiontakesplacetodetectandtakethebacteriaoutandtoensure safetyandhygieneofpumpaswellasofsurroundings,bybringingthechancesofcontaminationdowndrastically. Actually,inourmedicalvacuumfilters,aflaskisattachedthereby,whereinbiologicalfluids get accumulated and such can easily be washed and cleansed later for the overall purpose of sterilization.Nonetheless,itismandatoryforthesta"toexaminetheflaskeverysingledayandtotakecareofcleaningandsterilizationon regularbasis.Further,wealsoemphasize thatthefilterportionshouldbechangedtwiceinayear,(afterevery6months)orwhenthepressureratedipsto100mbas. Keepingourpromisetoservequalitydevicesweguaranteefiltertoriseabove0.005%ofpenetration,whichisalreadybeingmentionedinHTM2022meantforplaceswhereinfectioncanriseto recordlevelsorwheretestisconductedas per BS3928standard. Medical Vacuum Filters’ OperationalFramework: Oursystemhasvacuumwhichisforcedintothefilterfrominletportandthen,fromoutletport,cleanedandsanitizedvacuum,whichisfreefromanyimpurityandcontaminants,isprovided
bythefilter.Now,there isplaced themainchamber,wherebyvacuuminletandoutletisfittedandwhichalsohasadi"erentialgauge,placedontop. Insidethefilter,whenthepressuredips,suchgetsreflectedbythegaugewhichhasacouple ofdialsforeaseofhandling.Now,whenwereleasethecompressedairintothefilter,itslow pressure is accordinglydeterminedbythegaugeneedle. Clearly, when the medical vacuum filtergets cleaned of any impurities, the pressure drop becomeslow,whiletheneedlemovestogreenportion.Thefilterelementgathersimpurities from the incoming vacuum which simultaneously increasing pressure drop. Now, when the needleispushedtoredpart,itsignifiesthat thepressurerateis highandthe timetochange thefilterelement instantly,soastoemphasizeproperfilteringandsanitation. Finally, during the whole process, it is inside the filter that biological fluids gets collected alongside oil, after which oil and fluid are released from time to time from the outlet. In drain flask, there is collected biological fluid, which can easily be detached from the framework when the Ball valve is closed and keeping it in the separate chamber known as autoclave for lateruse.
M-VACSERIES Product Code: M-VACFILTER M-VACseries M-VAC filters are designed for medical vacuum applications. They are optimized for high efficient removal of bacterial and other contamination (solids and liquids) from the suction side of vacuum pumps preventing damage to the pump and the potential biological infection of the surrounding environment. Removed liquids are collected in a transparent flask which can be removed for sterilisation. The efficiency of the installed filter elements exceeds the 0,005 % penetration specified in HTM 2022 for infectious disease units, when tested in accordance with BS392
Characteristics Operating pressure volume flow rate Connections operating temp. Range standardcolor 20 to 2000 mbar(abs) 7, 5 to 787 Nm3/h 3/8’’ toDN150 1, 5 to 65°C RAL9003 • Applications • operating theatres • maternityunits • dental applications • pathologylaboratories • pharmaceuticalapplications • mortuary and post-mortemrooms Nitrogenium Innovations & Filteration India Pvt.Ltd.