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ERRÓ Born in Iceland 1932 „I paint because painting is a private utopia “.
ERRÓBorninIceland1932„I paintbecausepainting is a privateutopia“
Erró is a postmodern artist andthefirsticelandic POP artist. Hetakespopularimagesout of theiroriginalcontextand starts bymaking a collagewhichhethenpaintswithoiloncanvasmost of thetimebuthemakesalsomanyprintsandevenmurals. Heuses a lot of cartoonimagesandputsthemin a newcontext.
Many of Erro´s workare a kind of hommagetosomepreviousfamouspaintersasthisonewhich is partlyinthestyle of thefrenchpainterLéger
Youcanspottheface of Picassohereamongstsomecartooncharacters, and a bit of theCubiststyle
Thispaintinghas a strongreferencetothefamouspiece of Munch: TheScream
One of thecaracteristicfeatures of Erró´s work is theabundance of everything
This is a paintingontheicelandicnobelpriceauthor Halldór Kiljan Laxnes
Therearesomanywaystoworkwith Erró´s work, wefindhimveryinspiring. Weliketomakecollageswithimages of thingsthatwereallylike, butitcanbeaboutanything…food, animals, peopleorsomethingthat is POPularorinthespotlightrightnow.