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2006 TEAM NUTRITION TRAINING GRANT PROJECT RAVE Amey Herald, RD, Program Consultant for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, KY Dept. of Education

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  1. 2006 TEAM NUTRITION TRAINING GRANT PROJECT RAVE Amey Herald, RD, Program Consultant for the Child and Adult Care Food Program, KY Dept. of Education

  2. "This project has been funded at least in part with federal funds from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the view or policies of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.” USDA

  3. “In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability.” USDA

  4. Background Framework • Commonwealth of KY mid-decade review of Healthy Kentuckians 2010: Objective 2.3, “Reduce to 5 percent or less the prevalence of overweight and obesity (at or above the sex and age specific 95th percentile of BMI from the revised NCHS/CDC growth charts) in children (aged 1-5 and 6-11).”

  5. We Want Only the Best for KY Kids! • CACFP staff routinely visit and review cc centers. While most meals served meet the USDA requirements, there is often room for improvement in nutritional quality. • For example, snacks often served are juice and cookies or juice and crackers. There is room for much improvement. The nutrient content of snacks can increase!

  6. Background Framework • We wanted to increase the extent to which children in childcare are exposed to nutrition education, physical activity and the best meals that can be provided

  7. COLLABORATION • Save the Children U.S., Berea, KY- providing training and assistance in the Coordinated Approach to Child Health (CATCH) curriculum which has been successful in the CHANGE program. • CHANGE: Creating Healthy Active Nurturing Good Nutrition Environments- a physical activity and nutrition after school program with an emphasis on literacy. 65 model sites throughout rural America, including 33 in KY.

  8. CATCH Promotes Health • The CATCH program is designed to increase student knowledge and behaviors related to improved physical activity and nutrition patterns • Using fun, interactive and structured physical activities, classroom curriculum, food service and family involvement


  10. Who was Selected? • The six childcare centers chosen for the project were: • Doris Mae’s Child Care, Louisville • Hands and Feet Learning Center, Berea • Henderson Settlement Inc., Frakes • Kiddie College, Dry Ridge • Manchester Center, Lexington • Tammy Embry’s Playschool, Leitchfield

  11. Criteria Used For Selecting • Criteria used for selecting the child care centers included: • geographical location • for-profit or non-profit status • performance history being of good standing on the CACFP • An average daily attendance of 40 or less. • Several child care sponsors were given the opportunity to participate. These were the 6 that responded. Others declined due to staffing shortages, driving distance from Frankfort, etc.

  12. What is RAVE? • Child care centers tighten up the snack standards. • Child care centers provide 30 minutes of daily physical activity time in the form of games. • Child care centers provide a nutritional lesson or activity daily. • Parent outreach through take-home lessons, newsletters, displays and a family open house.

  13. Who is Targeted? • Primarily school age children at the center in grades K – 6 • Preschoolers at the Centers will participate in nutrition and physical activities as appropriate by age • Nutrition and Activity messages can potentially affect all children and families at the center

  14. RAVE PROJECT SNACK REQUIREMENTS • You must serve at least one fruit or vegetable component at each snack. • If extra servings are provided, they must be fruit or vegetable components. • Minimum portion sizes listed in the Food Crediting Guide or Food Buying Guide Exhibit A must be followed.

  15. Tools Provided to Centers • Physical Activity curriculum • Nutrition education materials • Financial Assistance for a RAVE Coordinator • Training, Training, Training • One on One assistance from a CACFP staff R.D.

  16. The Purpose of the RAVE Project • Improve centers’ capacity in providing healthier meals and snacks • Serve more fresh fruits and vegetables • Budget for fresh meats • Provide breads higher in fiber and nutrients • Plan structured and fun physical activities

  17. OBJECTIVES • Prove that regardless of a center’s location (in rural or urban areas) or profit status (whether for-profit or non-profit), that given the right training and technical assistance and tools, ALL centers can be successful in improving snacks and implementing physical activities in centers. • Increase access and promotion of healthy snacks and physical activities.

  18. Goals of the RAVE Project • Children in the six pilot centers will consume more fruits and vegetables and increase level of physical activity. • The RAVE pilot project will serve as an extended school day model for other child care centers in KY. • Family members of children in the six pilot centers will increase their knowledge and skills about healthy snacks and physical activities.

  19. Evaluation • The nutritional content of snack menus at the beginning of the pilot project and after nutrition education has been provided and technical assistance has been offered to the centers. • System for Observing Fitness Instructional Time (SOFIT) to track and increase in physical activity • Centers submitted reports on the parent open house and included parent feedback about RAVE.

  20. Summary of Project Activities

  21. Summary of Project Activities

  22. What We Hoped to Achieve! • More fruit and vegetables served at snack! • Nutrition education of the center staff members, children and parents • Behavior changes in physical activity at play time • CC centers outreached into the community • We hoped to demonstrate all centers can be successful if given the tools and training. YES!!!

  23. You don’t believe us? Let’s hear from one of the R.A.V.E. Sponsors!!!

  24. Did We Achieve? • Menu and Production Records for the 6 participating centers were analyzed for October 2006 prior to Rave. • A second analysis was conducted in January 2007, the first month that Rave was implemented. Let’s L k at the changes

  25. Changes in Fiber!!!

  26. Changes in Vitamin A!!

  27. Changes in Vitamin C!!

  28. Changes in Calories!!

  29. Cost Analysis • We also analyzed the participating centers reported cost for January 2006-June 2006. We compared this reported cost to the reported cost for January 2007-June 2007. The Results are IN!!!!

  30. Reported Food Cost

  31. Reported Program Labor

  32. Percentage of Reimbursement Spent on Food

  33. Cost Per Meal

  34. Our Focus This Year… • More fruits and vegetables at snack • Fresh • Frozen • Or canned • All seconds must be a fruit or vegetable • Water is a good alternative, although it is NOT creditable.

  35. Will You Improve Your Children’s Health? • Results have shown • Fewer behavior problems • Blood sugar is stabilized • Decrease in inhaler usage for those with asthma • Increase in attention span • Decrease in hyperactivity • Visible weight loss for overweight and obese


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