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Spend 2012-2013 with CCTS improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington State. Center for Change In Transition Services improving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington state Seattle University OSPI State Needs Project. WELCOME to CCTS!.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spend 2012-2013 with CCTSimproving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington State

  2. Center for Change In Transition Servicesimproving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington stateSeattle UniversityOSPI State Needs Project WELCOME to CCTS! cc This webinar is closed-captioned. To see the captioning click on the cc icon just above the video.

  3. Website: www.seattleu.edu/ccts Email: CCTS@seattleu.edu Phone: 206.296.6494 Center for Change In Transition Servicesimproving post-school outcomes for students with disabilities in Washington stateSeattle UniversityOSPI State Needs Project WELCOME to CCTS!

  4. Meet the Team • Cinda Johnson, Ed.D • Principal Investigator • Sue Ann Bube • Director • Beth Charles • Project Coordinator

  5. “Simon” Says! Follow Sue Ann as she introduces you to Blackboard and its features. • Audio & Video Area • Sound Check • Closed Captioning • Participant Area • Use of icons • Chat Area • Texting/Instant Messaging • Name, email, school zip code

  6. Webinar Norms Raise your hand and wait to be called on by moderator If you have a microphone, please keep it turned off until called on You may ask questions by typing in the chat box or by raising your hand (if you have a microphone)

  7. Agenda What can CCTS offer you? Post-school Data (Indicator 14) IEP Review (Indicator 13)* Quality Indicator (QuIST)* Action Plan

  8. What can CCTS offer you? • Website • Public and personalized webinars • Workshops with CCTS staff • Assistance with analyzing and addressing district-level data • Training regarding technical tools such as our online data collection platform, the Transition Systemic Framework (TSF) • Access to district improvement tools such as the QuIST, Transition IEP Review, and TSF Action Plan

  9. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  10. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  11. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  12. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  13. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  14. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  15. www.seattleu.edu/ccts

  16. Post-school Data (Indicator 14) Click on blue triangle

  17. Post-School Survey The post-school survey, piloted in Washington in 1998, collects information on postsecondary outcomes • Includes: enrollment in education/training programs, employment, and contact with agencies after graduation The Post-School Survey is conducted every year between June 1 and November 1

  18. Post-School Survey • The annual collection and reporting of these data are mandated under IDEA Part B Indicator 14 • If you would like access to the Post-School Survey, contact your district manager • If you do not know who your district manager is, contact your special education director or CCTS

  19. New Post-school Survey Features • Improvements for the 2012 Survey will include: • Contact rate with thermometer graphic • Instant reports Did you know that the Contact Rate Goal on the State Performance Plan (SPP) is 70%? View your district’s contact rate as you go More info under survey status

  20. IEP Review (Indicator 13) Click on green triangle

  21. Transition IEP Review • Transition IEP Review is a optional self-evaluation tool for districts to monitor their own compliance with Indicator 13 • Indicator 13 is one of 20 indicators that is federally required to be considered when making district determinations • Indicator 13 is a compliance indicator, with a mandatory target of 100% • Districts use the CCTS TSF to review a small group of IEPs (5, 10, 15 or 20) based upon the district’s size

  22. Transition IEP Review

  23. Opportunities for Improvement

  24. Quality Indicator Secondary Transition(QuIST) Click on red triangle

  25. Quality Indicators in Secondary Transition (QuIST) The QuIST is a multi-dimensional program evaluation process designed for district/Local Educational Agencies teams to: Facilitate communication and sharing within and among the district and its interagency partners; Identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement; Promote planning and improvement; Evaluate and measure progress.

  26. QuIST’s Five Domains • School Activities • Work Activities • System Support • Family Involvement • Connecting Activities

  27. Parent & Family Training Domain

  28. Strengths 75% & Above Summary Report Graph

  29. Action Plan Click on TSF Action Plan Information

  30. Program Improvement Planning

  31. Questions?


  33. Future Webinars Tune in on Wednesday’s from 3 to 4 pm.

  34. Time for Feedback • In the pop-up box please answer the following three questions: • Type in at least one tool or support CCTS provided that you found helpful. • Let us know at least one way CCTS can better support your team this year. • What is your position within your district? 3) You will receive an email after the webinar asking you to complete a short survey. We would really appreciate your feedback! Any data we receive is used to improve the services we offer. Thank you for joining us today!

  35. CCTSContact www.seattleu.edu/ccts Email: ccts@seattleu.edu Phone: (206) 296-6494

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