1. Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Mistä on Habbot tehty? ITK Seminaari – Nuoret ja Media Paneeli: 20.4.2007
Satu Heliö, User & Market Insight, Sulake Corporation This is the front page of the template. Don’t change anything else then the text!
This is the front page of the template. Don’t change anything else then the text!
2. 2 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Sulake Corporation Interactive online entertainment: online communities, and casual multiplayer games
Founded 2000, HQ in Finland
Core Product: Habbo Hotel
Businessmodel: end user revenues and advertising
~300 employees, 19 countries
3. 3 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Habbo Concept Habbo is a new type of youth brand, based on one of the world’s fastest growing online communities for teenagers
Users create their personalised characters
User can browse the community site, visit different public rooms or go to other Habbos’ guest rooms
The key to Habbo is social interactivity: Meeting other Habbos and having fun together!
Growth by word-of-mouth
Over 7 million unique users monthly
Over 60 million characters created globally
4. 4 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Habbo User Profile
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Media Usage Globally
6. 6 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Habbo Users...
7. 7 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Research in Web 2.0 Environment In Habbo, one of the world’s fastest growing online communities for teenagers, you can feel and touch trends, hear teens’ opinions and get immediate reactions
Users extremely eager to participate in research projects, and respond with strong sense of duty
Quick way to get to teens’ opinions in over 20 countries
Core teens 13-17 year old, also tweens 10-12 yr
Enables data collection with versatile research methods
Note: legislation in different countries
8. 8 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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About the Segmentation Research The Global Habbo Youth Segmentation survey was conducted in May 2006 in 22 Habbo Communities
The users were invited through Habbo to an external survey form
42 400 Habbo users participated in the survey globally
NOTE: Each community has an equal weight in the analysis
The Research was conducted by 15/30 Research, a Finnish market research company that focuses on the youth segment
9. 9 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Objectives Main purpose to increase understanding of the Teenagers behind the Habbo avatars
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Survey Themes Who are they?
Values, attitudes, personality
What is their life like?
Interests, hobbies
Media usage
Consumption behavior
What do they do in Habbo?
Habbo usage, favorite activities etc
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Most Respondents 13-16 year old
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Global Teen Characteristics No 1 Value: having warm social relationships, both with friends and parents
Most rather conservative in their values
Fame, wealth and influence important to about half
Generally very positive self-image
A socially responsible world-view
Most claim to be tolerant, but many have negative attitudes towards minorities
Top 3 interests globally similar: music, movies and computers
13. 13 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Media Usage Globally
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Net Usage
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Money Usage Median respondents have 30 €/month for their personal use
Average amount is 110 €/month
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Consumption Behavior Even though many say they are experimenting consumers, most prefer to buy brands they know
40% say they are environmentally conscious consumers
Top Teen Brand listings available from all countries
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Global Habbo Youth Segmentation
18. 18 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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How does User Segmentation work? Cluster-factor analysis provides an accurate and reliable method for identifying groups with similar characteristics
The variables examined were personality, values, attitudes, subculture membership, areas of interest and consumption behaviour – no pre-assumptions were made
The segments were formed so that the variation inside each segment is as small as possible, and the variation between different segments is as large as possible
Using these statistical methods several clusters were found
After iteration and testing, a five segment model proved to be the most accurate
19. Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Global Habbo User Segments
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Achievers 56% Boys
Highest ratio among 13-16 yr old users
VALUES Material welfare and successPERSONALITY Self confident, ambitious, self centredATTITUDE Intolerant towards minorities, e.g. foreigners & homosexuals. Negative towards environmental issuesINTERESTS Sports (competitiveness), computers, fashion, partyingCONSUMING TRENDS Follow mainstream trends, buy also luxurious brands
21. 21 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Traditionals 49% Girls
Largest ratio in under 12 yr olds
VALUES Personal safety, ordinary life, risk aversionPERSONALITY Responsible, helpful, modestATTITUDES Conservative, but positive towards environmental protectionINTERESTS Nature, pets, sports (health)CONSUMING TRENDS Cautious, high savings rate
22. 22 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Creatives 59% Girls
Largest in 11-16 yr olds
VALUES Creative self-fulfilment, artisticPERSONALITY Open-minded, curious, active, socialATTITUDES Tolerant, strong social conscienceINTERESTS Wide range of cultural & intellectual interest, e.g. design and booksCONSUMING TRENDS Experimenting, ethical, creating upcoming trends
23. 23 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Rebels 52% Boys
Similar ratio in all age groups
VALUES Fun and enjoyment, fast-paced lifestylePERSONALITY Carefree, disobedient, open-minded, risk-takingATTITUDES Quite positive towards non-severe illegal practices, like computer piracy and mild drugsINTERESTS Extreme sports, gambling & betting, street culture, e.g. graffitiCONSUMING TRENDS Experimenting, low savings rate
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Loners 46% Boys
Size of segment grows with age
VALUES Security, unsocial IRLPERSONALITY Passive, generally unsatisfied, insecure, shyATTITUDES Quite positive towards homosexuality, but not foreigners. Somewhat supportive to computer piracy and similarINTERESTS Focused areas of interest, like computers, comics, role-playing, gaming, scienceCONSUMING TRENDS Selective consumers, not interested in trends nor environment
25. 25 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Global Segment Sizes
26. 26 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Segment Sizes in Different Countries
27. Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Habbos in Finland This is the sub title slide. To this you can add different Sulake/Habbo images (check instruction from Intra how/when to use what image) This is the sub title slide. To this you can add different Sulake/Habbo images (check instruction from Intra how/when to use what image)
28. 28 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Finnish Teens in Habbo Sample size 2480
Median age 13 years
Girls 61% Boys 39%
69% live in cities
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Finland – Top Teen Brands NOTE: The most preferred teen brands were asked with open questions – no pre defined options given
30. 30 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Finland – Top Teen Media
31. 31 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Finnish Users’ Differencies compared to other countries Personality
Finns are among the least ambitious users
Especially uninterested in obtaining influence in life
Values & attitudes
Very traditional attitudes, security-seeking
E.g. very positively disposed towards marriage
The most patriotic users (61% vs 26% other countries)
Less interested in having friends from foreign countries
More positive towards environmental protection and helping poorer countries
32. 32 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Finnish Users’ Differencies II Interests
Especially interested in comic books and most interested in reading books in general
Most interested in sports, exercising, health and well-being
More interest to nature and outdoor activities (e.g. highest interest towards fishing and hunting (41%)
33. 33 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Finnish Users’ Differencies III Media and Consuming trends
20 € for personal use/month
Most likely to prefer domestic products from all countries
Magazines are less important to Finns than other countries
34. 34 Firstname Surname – Sulake Corporation Oy
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Kiitos, Thank You!