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Imaging Strategic Planning Template

Imaging Strategic Planning Template. Imaging Performance Partnership. Imaging Performance Partnership. How to use this template. Ingrid Lund, PhD Practice Manager Imaging Performance Partnership 202-266-5699 lundi@advisory.com. Ben Lauing Senior Analyst Imaging Performance Partnership

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Imaging Strategic Planning Template

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  1. Imaging Strategic Planning Template Imaging Performance Partnership

  2. Imaging Performance Partnership How to use this template Ingrid Lund, PhD Practice Manager Imaging Performance Partnership 202-266-5699 lundi@advisory.com Ben Lauing Senior Analyst Imaging Performance Partnership 202-568-7996 lauingb@advisory.com Instructions The Imaging Strategic Plan Template assists you in developing a ready-to-present strategic plan that is goal-oriented, actionable, measurable and aligned with institution priorities. The template provides direction on key steps of the planning process: performance analysis, market assessment, strategic plan design, and plan evaluation. Review the available tools and exercises included in this document and add and remove slides to match the level of detail you need. The template is designed to be used as an active document across the life of the strategic plan. Progress on the plan can be continuously tracked using the scorecard provided and modifications can be made as needed. Templates for financial planning, implementation planning, and communication planning are also included. This template can be used for an individual hospital, service line or multihospital system service line. Throughout the template, “institution” is used to refer to either the hospital or the health system. The “notes” section of each slide describes the purpose of each component and provides instructions for the specific task to complete. Where appropriate, links to additional resources are provided to assist in the analysis. Further instructions appear on the slides as place holders and examples are provided throughout the template slides in italics. After completing the template, remove the Advisory Board slides and delete/replace all placeholder and sample text that appears on the slides to share the presentation with stakeholders. If you would like further assistance please contact:

  3. Mapping our studies to meet your strategic goals Source: Imaging Performance Partnership. Notable Imaging Performance Partnership Resources

  4. Add your institution’s logo here Imaging Strategic Plan DATE VERSION (E.g., Draft, Final, Draft 3.0) Program/Department Name

  5. Road Map Strategic Plan Overview 1 2 3 4 CURRENT PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS FUTURE MARKET ASSESSMENT PLAN DESIGN PLANSUMMARY • Mission and Vision • Previous StrategicPlan Review • Current volume performance • Goals & Objectives • Initiative Design • Initiative Prioritization • Financial Summary • Implementation Timeline • Total Investment Summary • Interdepartmental Support • Performance Scorecard • Communication Plan • Volumes • Patients • Payers • Payment Reform • Employers • Physicians • Competitors • Technology • Regulatory Changes


  7. Current Performance Mission and Vision Institution Mission and Vision Describe your institution mission here. Imaging Service Line Mission and Vision Describe your service line mission here.

  8. Current Performance Key Accomplishments 20XX-20XX 20XX-20XX Strategic Plan Review

  9. Current Performance Key Metrics 20XX-20XX 20XX-20XX Strategic Plan Review INCREASE SHARE IMPROVE QUALITY MAINTAIN MARGINS • Describe factors/challenges that contributed to why you were not able to meet your target. • Describe factors/challenges that contributed to why you were not able to meet your target. • Describe factors key to surpassing your target.

  10. Outpatient Imaging Volumes by Modality Historical Outpatient Volume Performance Outpatient Historic Performance, All Sites 2010-2012

  11. Comparing Our Volume Changes to National Benchmarks Source: Imaging Performance Partnership 2013 Volumes Benchmarking Survey. National Outpatient Growth from the Advisory Board Outpatient CT Growth Outpatient MRI Growth 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012

  12. Comparing Our Volume Changes to National Benchmarks Source: Imaging Performance Partnership 2013 Volumes Benchmarking Survey. National Outpatient Growth from the Advisory Board Outpatient Mammography Growth Outpatient Ultrasound Growth 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012

  13. Comparing Our Volume Changes to National Benchmarks Source: Imaging Performance Partnership 2013 Volumes Benchmarking Survey. National Outpatient Growth from the Advisory Board Outpatient Nuclear Medicine Growth Outpatient X-ray Growth 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012

  14. Comparing Our Volume Changes to National Benchmarks Source: Imaging Performance Partnership 2013 Volumes Benchmarking Survey. National Outpatient Growth from the Advisory Board Outpatient PET/PET-CT Growth Outpatient Interventional Radiology Growth 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012

  15. Comparing our Inpatient & ED Imaging Volume Change by Modality Source: Imaging Performance Partnership 2013 Volumes Benchmarking Survey. National Inpatient and ED Growth from the Advisory Board Inpatient and ED Volume Change by Modality 2012 versus 2011


  17. Imaging Performance Partnership HOPD Outlook Service Line Forecast Compendium 2012 HOPD Volume Mix Source: Imaging Performance Partnership Outpatient Market Estimator. Estimated Growth Rate, 2012-2017 HOPD Volume 2012 Volume 991K PET 12M MRI 23M Ultrasound 5-Year Growth: 9% 17M Mammography 8M Nuclear Medicine PET 38M CT X-Ray Nuclear Medicine 87M X-Ray MRI Mammography Ultrasound CT Demographic Clinical Market Increasing population of Medicare-aged individuals drives increased imaging Continued adoption of advanced technologies continues to buoy volumes Payers expanding the types of imaging services that require pre-authorization Improved consumer perceptions of the value of imaging services drive demand New screening options drive volumes: MRI (breast and cardiac), spiral CT (lung), and tomo (breast) Patients increasingly sensitive to cost of outpatient imaging services Drivers/Barriers Increasing clinical evidence supports increased adoption of CCTA Payers seek to shift volume away from HOPD and/or high-priced providers Controversy around mammography guidelines leads to some consumer avoidance Payers scrutinizing appropriateness, seeking to reduce unnecessary/duplicate scans and radiation exposure

  18. Future Market Assessment Service Volumes Expected Volume Growth by 20XX • Enter Service Volumes Here 10,000,000 15,000,000 10,000,000 4,000,000 17,000,000 53,000,000 Implications of changes in volume: • Describe impacts here • E.g., Current capacity is insufficient to meet expected volume growth in MRI.

  19. Future Market Assessment Market Forces Impacting Imaging Services, 2012-2017 • Patients • E.g., The aging population will require expansion of facilities and specialists to meet patient imaging needs. • Price sensitivity and consumerism will impact patient volumes. • XXX • Payers • E.g., Payer steerage towards lower cost imaging centers will disfavor Nanna Hospital. • XXX • Regulatory Changes • E.g., Controversy over mammography guidelines will lead to some consumer avoidance. • XXX • XXX • Payment Reform • E.g., Increased appropriateness scrutiny may limit utilization. • Imaging’s role in total care costs may draw scrutiny under reform. • XXX • Technology • E.g., Will need to explore costs of low-dose CT scanners to capture patient volumes. • XXX • Employers • E.g., Will need to consider partnerships with Lily Co. to capture volumes. • XXX • Competitors • E.g., Independent lmaging Center B’s lower costs will make it difficult to compete for patients, need to send clear messages to patients of high-quality facilities at Nanna. • XXX • Physicians • E.g., Competition with national radiology groups will require long-term staff planning. • XXX

  20. Future Market Assessment Patients: Geographic Distribution of Market by Region Potential Target Market Areas Patient Origin by Region Zip Code or County Region 4 Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Implications of geographic distribution of patients across service area: • Describe impacts here

  21. Future Market Assessment Patients: Age Distribution Comparison of NannaPatient Distribution to Current Region and Future Region Distribution Percentage of Population by Age, 2012 Percentage of Population by Age, 20XX NannaHospital Patients, 2012 Neverland County, 2012 NannaHospital Patients, 20XX Neverland County, 20XX Under 18 18 to 44 45 to 64 65 and Over Implications of shifts in age distribution on services: • Describe impacts here

  22. Future Market Assessment Patients: Payer Mix Comparison of NannaPatient Distribution to Current Region and Future Region Distribution Percentage of Population by Insurance, 2012 Percentage of Population by Insurance, 20XX NannaHospital Patients, 2012 Neverland County, 2012 NannaHospital Patients, 20XX Neverland County, 20XX Medicare Medicaid Commercial Uninsured Other Implications of shifting payer mix: • Describe impacts here • E.g., Current payer mix at Nanna does not reflect distribution at market level, need to attract patients with commercial payer insurance.

  23. Future Market Assessment Payers: Anticipated Changes in Reimbursement Models, Levels Key NannaHospital Payers: X, Y, Z Implications of the shifts in payer strategy: • Describe impacts here • E.g., Necessary to show how our program reduces overall cost of care for patients to remain provider of choice for payers.

  24. Future Market Assessment Payment Reform NannaHospital’s Payment Reform Strategy Impact on Imaging Service Line Payment model under consideration by institution: Discuss the payment model(s) your hospital is moving towards here. E.g., Participating in Medicare Shared Savings Program. Implementation Actions : Patients and Services Affected: • List steps the institution has taken towards implementing the new payment model. • List patient groups and specific services that will be affected by this shift. Implications of the shift in payment model: • Describe impacts here • E.g., shift to hospital-physician bundling may require closer attention to day-of-discharge imaging to reduce extending LOS.

  25. Future Market Assessment Employers: Anticipated Growth, Shifts in Payment Strategies Implications of the shifts in employer size, strategy: • Describe impacts here • E.g., Lily Manufacturing Co. represents viable, insured population; potential to build relationship with Lily to contract for imaging needs

  26. Future Market Assessment Employed Physicians: Anticipated Changes in Staffing and Leadership Estimating Physician Need Total Diagnostic Radiologists US Population in Millions 308 M 322 M 335 M Physicians/ 100,000 People 9.2 9.2 9.1 1US Department of Health and Human Services, “The Physician Workforce: Projections and Research into Current Issues Affecting Supply and Demand ,” December 2008. Implications of physician employment trends: • Describe impacts here • E.g. Number of expected retirees will exacerbate current capacity issues; necessary to bolster recruitment efforts.

  27. Future Market Assessment Independent Physicians: Referral Planning NannaHospital Imaging Referring Physicians and Practice Watch List Implications of physician referral trends: • Describe impacts here • E.g., Significant referral leakage to Hospital B will impact volumes, need to assess why physicians are choosing B over us.

  28. Future Market Assessment Competitors: Market Competition Assessment Implications of shifts in competitors’ growth efforts: • Describe impacts here • E.g., Hospital B’s increasing imaging staff will make it difficult to compete for fastest service, need to send clear messages to potential patients of high-quality facilities at Nanna.

  29. Future Market Assessment Technology Insights Technology: Overview of Imaging Technology Implications of technological changes: • Describe how current technology capacity compares to the market and how this impacts the service line.

  30. Future Market Assessment Technology: New Technology Needs Implications of technology needs on service line: • Describe the impact here

  31. Future Market Assessment Regulatory Impact

  32. Future Market Assessment Themes Emerging Across Future Market Assessment 1 2 3 4 5


  34. Strategic Plan Design Defining Terms Goal Objective Initiative Definition Institution level goals that address broad strategic issues defined by the leadership such as growth, quality, patient satisfaction, physician alignment, financial health, etc. Program-specific, high level action items that address system level goals such as increase brand awareness, promote secondary market, increase technology utilization, etc. Focused action items that meet adefined objective such as implement 24/7 patient information hotline, launch media campaign to promote service, develop internal processes, etc. • Grow Volumes • Improve Patient Satisfaction • Increase Market Share • Improve Care Process Examples • Online Patient Scheduling Portal • Patient Flow Assessment • % Increase in Volumes • % Increase in Patient Satisfaction • % Increase in Primary and Secondary Market Share • Decrease in Wait-time to Results for Mammography • Number of New Patients per Month • Decrease in Total Appointment Duration Sample Metrics 34

  35. Strategic Plan Design Institution Level Goals & Imaging Objectives Goal Objective Initiative Institution Goals Improve Patient Satisfaction Goal #3 Goal #4 Goal #5 Grow Volumes • Objective #1 • Objective #2 • Objective #3 • Objective #1 • Objective #2 • Objective #3 • Objective #1 • Objective #2 • Objective #3 Service Line Objectives • Increase market share • Capture latent demand • Strengthen relationship with referring physicians • Improve Care Processes • Improve Patient Experience • Improve Patient Access

  36. Imaging Performance Partnership Objective and Initiative Design Instructions • Goal #1: Grow Volume • Objective #1: Increase Share • Initiative #1: Online Patient Scheduling Portal • Initiative #2: Mobile Screening Bus in Secondary Geographic Market • Objective #2: Strengthen Referrals • Initiative #1: Physician Survey • Initiative #2: Revamp Physician Liaison Program • Prioritization of Initiatives Related to Goal • Financial Summary of Initiatives Related to Goal • Implementation Timeline for Initiatives Related to Goal Marketing and Planning Leadership Council Strategic Plan Design The following section of the strategic plan template will assist you in designing, prioritizing, and planning initiatives that address measurable service line objectives. This section is organized by institution level goal. For each goal-based sub-section, add one slide for each objective outlined on the Institution Level Goals & Imaging Objectives page. Then add one slide for each initiative that corresponds to the objective. For each institution level goal, you may have 1-3 objectives and for each objective, you may have several initiatives. Finally, for each sub-section, prioritize initiatives, summarize financial resources required, and provide a high-level implementation timeline. For example, a subsection might include the following slides There are three sets of strategic plan design slides in this template: Blank Template Slides—copy and paste these slides as needed to complete your plan [Goal #X – 6 Slides] Sample Set 1—examples of how the template might be completed [Grow Volumes – 6 Slides] Sample Set 2—examples of how the template might be completed [Improve Patient Satisfaction – 6 Slides] After completing the strategic plan design slides, delete the sample slides and blank slides.

  37. Goal #X: Goal Strategic Plan Design

  38. Goal #X: Goal Objective #X: Title Goal Objective Initiative DRIVERS Internal External • Describe internal drivers here • Describe external drivers here BARRIERS External Internal • Describe internal barriers here • Describe external barriers here

  39. Goal #X: Goal Objective #X: Title Goal Objective Initiative Initiative #X: Title Description

  40. Goal #X: Goal Initiatives to Goal Goal Objective Initiative Prioritization of Initiatives by Potential Impact and Feasibility Highest Priority High Potential Impact on Goal Lowest Priority Secondary Priority Secondary Priority Low Low High Feasibility of Implementation • Initiative 1 • Initiative 3 • Initiative 2 • Initiative 4

  41. Goal #X: Goal Financial Summary Goal Objective Initiative Investment Required for Initiatives to Goal

  42. Goal #X: Goal Implementation Timeline Initiatives related to Goal

  43. Goal #1: Grow Volumes Strategic Plan Design

  44. Goal #1: Grow Volume Objective #1: E.g., Increase Market Share by % Goal Objective Initiative DRIVERS Internal External • Strong referral protocols from employed physician practices • Substantial marketing and advertising budget • Competitor closing down facilities, scaling back on service offerings • Currently unmet demand within the market BARRIERS External Internal • Lack of capacity in region 3 • EMR integration behind that of competitors • Competitor employing significant numbers of new physicians

  45. Goal #1: Grow Volume Objective #1: E.g., Increase Market Share by X% Goal Objective Initiative Initiative #1: Online Patient Scheduling Portal An online patient scheduling portal will provide patients and potential new patients with the ability to schedule their appointments 24/7. The portal will: Show patients a calendar of available appointments. Allow patients to reschedule or cancel appointments made either online or on the phone. Direct patients to the office scheduling department phone number if they require further assistance. 45

  46. Goal #1: Grow Volume Initiatives to Grow Volume Goal Objective Initiative Prioritization of Initiatives by Potential Impact and Feasibility Highest Priority High • Initiative 6 • Initiative 4 • Initiative 2 • Initiative 3 Potential Impact on Volume • Initiative 5 • Online Patient Scheduling Portal Lowest Priority Secondary Priority Secondary Priority • Initiative 7 Low Low High Feasibility of Implementation

  47. Goal #1: Grow Volume Financial Summary Goal Objective Initiative Investment Required for Initiatives to Grow Volume

  48. Goal #1: Grow Volume Implementation Timeline Goal Objective Initiative Initiatives Related to Growing Volume

  49. Goal #2: Improve Patient Satisfaction Strategic Plan Design

  50. Goal #2: Improve Patient Satisfaction Objective #1: Improve Care Process Goal Objective Initiative DRIVERS Internal External • Updated broadband technology to transfer images • New staffing model ensures 24/7 coverage • Patient population well-educated and health literate, comfortable with imaging technology • Local payers beginning to reimburse for care coordination efforts BARRIERS External Internal • Only 50% of physician practices on EMR • Lack of effective means for communication within department • Physician shortage resulting in long wait times; physician recruitment highly competitive • Local payers not yet reimbursing for alternative visits types such as e-visits using store-and-forward technology 50

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