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Europe. By: Dalton Key Cole Carden Hunter Carden. Countries. There are 44 countries in Europe Europe is 22,986,571 km² A combined total 857,000,000 people are living in Europe Forests cover about 45.4% Percentage of agricultural land 21.5%. 5 major cities in Europe.

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  1. Europe By: Dalton Key Cole Carden Hunter Carden

  2. Countries • There are 44 countries in Europe • Europe is 22,986,571 km² • A combined total 857,000,000 people are living in Europe • Forests cover about 45.4% • Percentage of agricultural land 21.5%

  3. 5 major cities in Europe • London, pop: 7,074,000 • Berlin, pop:3,387,000 • Madrid, pop: 2,824,000 • Roma, pop: 2,649,000 • Kiev, pop:2,590,000

  4. Climate Zones Tundra Alpine tundra Taiga Montane forest Temperate broadleaf forest Mediterranean forest Temperate steppe Dry steppe

  5. Major Rivers • Danube River is 1,171 miles • Dnieper River is 1,420 miles • The Don River is 1,224 miles • Elbe River is 724 miles • Loire River is 634 miles

  6. Major Lakes • Lake Vandrn is 5,650 sq. km • Lake Saimaa is 4,400 sq. km • Lake Vattern is 1,900 sq. km • Lake Ijsselmeer is 1,200 sq. km • Lake Malaren is 1,140 sq. km

  7. Major Sea and Oceans • The Atlantic Ocean • The Arctic Ocean • The Mediterranean Sea

  8. Bay of Biscay • One major bay in Europe is the Bay of Biscay • The bay is of the western side of Europe and between France and Spain • The bay has a maximum depth of 15,525 feet (4,735 meters) and is about  86,000 sq mi • The bay is known for it rough waters during WWII and was nicknamed “Valley of Death”. 

  9. Agriculture • European agriculture is among the most intensive and efficient in the world • Europe ranks first in the production of potatoes, rye, and barley. • Europe’s has the most productive fishing grounds in the world: North Atlantic Ocean, Norwegian Sea, The North Sea, and the Bay of Biscay

  10. Natural Resources • Germany is rich in iron ores, coal, and natural gas production • Europe also accounts for important minerals like copper, salt, potash, and nickel. • Belgium exports construction materials like carbonates, and silica sand • Italy has natural resources like coal, marble, mercury, potash, pumice, barite, zinc, nickel, asbestos, fluorspar, pyrite, feldspar, sulfur, salt, uranium, and copper.

  11. Europe’s Mountain Ranges • 1. Scandinavian Mountains - 1762 kilometers (1095 miles) • 2. Carpathian Mountains - 1500 kilometers (900 miles) • 3. Alps - 1200 kilometers (750 miles) • 4. Caucasus Mountains - 1100 kilometers (683 miles) • 5. Apennine Mountains - 1000 kilometers (620 miles)

  12. Europe’s Plateaus and Canyons • Plateaus: • Massif Central located in France can reach heights up to 3,000 feet. • Meseta Central lies in Spain and rises to about 2,300 feet. • Hardangervidda located in Norway, • Romanian Plateaus located in Romania and has two significant plateaus lie here, Transylvanian plateau which rises to about 1,500 to 2,300 feet. The other plateau is the Moldavian Plateau which rises to about the same height.

  13. Highest/Lowest Points • The highest point in Europe is Mount Elbrus, located in Europe reaches 18,510 feet. Mount Elbrus is located on the Western Caucasus mountain range. • The lowest point in Europe is on the Caspian Sea shore it reaches to -92 feet below sea level.

  14. Pripet Marshes • The Pripet Marshes occupy southern Belarus and northern Ukraine • The Marshes lie in the basin of the Pripet River. • The marshes cover an area of 104,000 square miles. • The Marshes include sandy lowlands, dense rivers with weak river beds and wide flood lands, and vast pine forests.

  15. Carmargue • The Carmargue is located in southeast France. • It is one of the best places for bird watching in Europe • Its ponds provide one of the few European habitats for the Greater Flamingo • It is also famous for the Camargue Bull and the Camargue Horse

  16. La Grand-Place • The Grand-Place is located in Belgium. • The earliest known written description of the Grand-Place dates way back to 1174. • The architecture provides a vivid illustration of the level of social and cultural life of that period in this important political and commercial centre. • The Grand-Place has served as a market for many years . • On August 14, 1695, Louis XIV of France ordered the bombardment of La Grand-Place. • After it was destroyed the city ordered the reconstruction of the La Grand-Place.

  17. Messel Pit Fossil Site • The Messel Pit is located in Germany • The Messel Pit is the richest site in the world for understanding the living environment of the Eocene, between 56 million and 36 million years ago. • This site provides unique information about the early stages of the evolution of these mammals

  18. Weird Facts: • The popular James Bond is a European film • Golf started in Scotland • Europe is also a name for a moon of Jupiter • Adolf Hitler is a European • In 1386, a pig in France was executed by public hanging for the murder of a child. 

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