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Review of training scope, foundational content, data-based decision making, leadership team establishment, staff agreements, and action planning. Prepare for upcoming school year.
NEPBIS TOT NEPBIS TOT Day 3 Day 3 NorthEast NorthEast PBIS Training of Trainers (NEPBIS TOT) PBIS Training of Trainers (NEPBIS TOT) Feb 27, 2018 Feb 27, 2018 Brandi Simonsen, Jen Freeman, Brandi Simonsen, Jen Freeman, Susannah Everett, & Adam Feinberg Susannah Everett, & Adam Feinberg
NEPBIS TOT Day 3 Advance Organizer NEPBIS TOT Day 3 Advance Organizer • Re-Introductions & Updates • Review training scope and sequence • Foundational content: – Focus on PBISApps and Evaluation Tools – Data-Based Decision Making – Systems to Support PBIS Implementation • Working lunch (plan 10-min presentation) • Video recording (10-min presentation) & feedback • Debrief, HW introduction, and wrap-up
Re Re- -Introductions Introductions & Training Updates & Training Updates
Review of NEPBIS School Team Training Scope & Sequence
T TIER IER 1 L 1 LEADERSHIP EADERSHIP T TEAM WHAT WHAT EAM & C & COACHES OACHES M MEETINGS WHO WHO EETINGS Minimum membership: administrator, grade level representatives, support staff 2 Coaches Admin, Coach, Data Entry YEAR 1 • 6 days of Team Training • 3 days Coaches Meetings • 2 days of TA per district • 3 days of Team Training Same above YEAR 2 • 3 days Coaches Meetings Same above • 2 days of TA per district Same above Same above • 2 days of Team Training YEAR 3+ Same above • 3 days Coaches Meetings Same above • 2 days of TA per district Tier 2 Training will also be offered to schools implementing Tier 1 with fidelity.
MAIN TRAINING OBJECTIVES MAIN TRAINING OBJECTIVES •Establish leadership Establish leadership team team •Establish staff Establish staff agreements agreements •Build working knowledge of SWPBIS Build working knowledge of SWPBIS outcomes, data, practices, and systems outcomes, data, practices, and systems •Develop Develop individualized action plan individualized action plan for SWPBIS SWPBIS for •Organize for Organize for upcoming school year upcoming school year
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1) NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1) Day 1 Day 1 Day 2 Day 2 • Review of SWPBIS from Day 1 • Overview of NEPBIS School-Wide Training • Getting Started with SWPBIS: Steps 4-6 • Overview of PBIS/SWPBIS • Preview Steps 7-10 • Getting Started with SWPBIS (steps 1-3) • Action Planning • Action Planning • Wrap up
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1) NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1) Day 3 Day 3 Day 4 Day 4 • Quick Review of SWPBIS from Days 1-3 • Review • Getting Started with SWPBIS (steps 7-10) • Non-classroom Settings • Classroom Settings • Action Planning • Action Planning (w/TIC) Focus of Focus of Today! Today! • Wrap up Tomorrow! Tomorrow!
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1) NEPBIS Team Training (Year 1) Day 5 Day 5 Day 6 Day 6 • Quick Review of SWPBIS from Days 1-4 • Function of Behavior • Escalation and De- escalation • Team Action Planning • Wrap up • Quick Review • Review TIC/TFI & Team Action Planning • Preview of Tier II and Tier III • Planning for the Beginning of the Semester/Year • Team Action Planning • Wrap up
T TIER IER 1 L 1 LEADERSHIP EADERSHIP T TEAM WHAT WHAT EAM & C & COACHES OACHES M MEETINGS WHO WHO EETINGS Minimum membership: administrator, grade level representatives, support staff 2 Coaches Admin, Coach, Data Entry YEAR 1 • 6 days of Team Training • 3 days Coaches Meetings • 2 days of TA per district Focus of Year 2! Focus of Year 2! • 3 days of Team Training Same above YEAR 2 • 3 days Coaches Meetings Same above • 2 days of TA per district Same above Same above • 2 days of Team Training YEAR 3+ Same above • 3 days Coaches Meetings Same above • 2 days of TA per district Tier 2 Training will also be offered to schools implementing Tier 1 with fidelity.
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1) NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1) Day 1 • Introduction and Focus on Coaching Introduction and Focus on Coaching Why Coaching • Coaching Self Coaching Self- -Assessment and Reports Assessment and Reports Introduce Yourself and Your school • Advanced Skill Building Basics of SWPBIS • Activity Identifying Resources • Preparation for Next Training Event Preparation for Next Training Event
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1) NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1) Day 2 • Introduction and Focus on Coaching Introduction and Focus on Coaching Quick Review and Focus on Facilitating Team Meetings • Coaching Self Coaching Self- -Assessment and Reports Assessment and Reports Re-introduce Yourself and Your school • Advanced Skill Building Coaching PBIS in Classroom and Non-Classroom Settings • Preparation for Next Training Event Preparation for Next Training Event
Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 Topics to be Covered in Tier 1 NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1) NEPBIS Coaches Training (Year 1) Day 3 • Introduction and Focus on Coaching Introduction and Focus on Coaching Quick Review and Focus on Coaching Tier 1 • Coaching Self Coaching Self- -Assessment and Reports Assessment and Reports Re-introduce Yourself and Your school • Advanced Skill Building In-Depth Understanding of Behavior • Preparation for Next Training Event Preparation for Next Training Event
Effectively Training Teams to Implement SWPBIS
TRAIN TRAIN Teach, Relate, Adapt, Implement, Navigate Teach, Relate, Adapt, Implement, Navigate •T Teach each content explicitly. •R Relate elate to audience. •A Adapt dapt presenter behaviors based on audience assessment data. •I Implement mplement to promote meaningful outcomes. •N Navigate avigate through the presentation.
Additional Effective Presentation Skills Additional Effective Presentation Skills T • Explicitly present Explicitly present new content that promotes generalized understanding and application of the concepts and skills. • Facilitate meaningful activities meaningful activities that allow the teams to apply the content. • Effectively solicit and respond to questions solicit and respond to questions, using tips provided in FAQ. • Effectively facilitate facilitate team activities and action planning. • Provide encouragement Provide encouragement! • Ensure all team members all team members meaningfully and actively participate. • Carefully monitor activities monitor activities to provide support as needed. • Assist teams with maintaining their focus on Tier 1 • Provide an agenda agenda or advance organizer. • Provide cumulative review cumulative review to highlight and build fluency key concepts and skills (i.e., “big ideas” of training). R A I focus on Tier 1 supports. N
N NE EP PB BI IS S' 'T Tr ra ai in ne er rs s' 'T TR RA AI IN N' 'E Ef ff fe ec ct ti iv ve el ly y What have you observed? TRAINING ROUTINES Organization Review New Content ·Model, lead, and test new content ·Use purposeful pacing, tone, gestures, and movement to emphasize critical content Activity ·Explicitly introduce each activity with clear instructions, expectations, and statements of intended outcomes ·Encourage and acknowledge team efforts ·Encourage teams to apply each activity to their local context and culture Guidelines ·Introduce guidelines quickly as a checklist for teams to use to ensure critical features are included in their action plans Examples ·Present each example (or non- example), and explicitly state what makes each a positive (or negative) example Teach content explicitly ·Begin training with an agenda or advance organizer ·Use transitions between slides and sections to remind audience of overall structure of training ·Provide cumulative review of key concepts and skills (big ideas of PBIS) at the beginning/end of each training day Relate to audience ·Ensure content is planned (and time allocated) to meet the unique needs of audience ·Maintain focus on overall agenda, but ensure pacing and allocation of time meets the needs of training participants ·Adjust organization, if needed, based on data ·Use common language ·Relate content to previous experiences of audience ·Adjust pacing, tone, gestures, and movement based on audience feedback ·Use informal (observations, fist to five) assessments to check participant understanding and adjust as needed ·When introducing new content, explicitly connect content to district- or school- based implementation and to their local outcomes ·Emphasize key guidelines within each list that are especially critical for audience ·Select and teach culturally and contextually relevant examples and non- examples ·Provide additional relevant examples if audience assessment data indicate that further examples are needed to apply the content or skill ·Effectively solicit and respond to frequently asked questions ·Select the smallest number of examples that sample the range of applications of that content or skill across contexts ·Whenever possible, use review to encourage audience participation and share local examples ·Based on data, adjust pacing of review content (move quickly through mastered content and slow down to reteach if necessary) Adapt presenter behaviors based on audience data ·If necessary, use guidelines as an opportunity to emphasize or re- teach specific content or skill the audience has not acquired ·Effectively solicit and respond to frequently asked questions ·Encourage teams to review guidelines during activities and use as a checklist for action plan items ·Assist teams with maintaining focus on tier 1 implementation ·Discuss connections among guidelines across sections (highlight similarities and differences) ·Based on feedback and performance, increase monitoring, explicitness of instructions, redirection, and feedback opportunities ·Ensure all team members contribute ·Review products and action plans during and after training to ensure alignment with meaningful local outcomes EXPECTATIONS Implement to promote meaningful outcomes ·Ensure only critical content and activities are included in agenda (i.e., use NEPBIS training materials as intended) ·Use review as an opportunity to have audience perform a quick self-check on whether key features are included in their action plan Navigate through the presentation ·Preview and provide frequent reminders of overall training structure ·Connect new content to previously trained information and/or big ideas of PBIS ·Explain how each activity builds upon past work and ensure that teams document critical steps in their action plan ·Ensure examples are directly related to the concept or skill being taught and make connection explicit ·Provide more review after long breaks to assist team members in maintaining fluency with critical content (big ideas of PBIS)
Effectively Reviewing SWPBIS
Review Overview & Getting Started with SWPBIS (Days 1-2)
SWPBIS is Framework Framework for enhancing adoption & implementation of Continuum Continuum of evidence- based interventions to achieve Academically & behaviorally important outcomes outcomes for All All students I.B.i I.B.i
SWPBIS Message! Successful individual student behavior support is linked to host environments or school climates that are effective, efficient, relevant, & durable. (Zins & Ponti, 1990) I.A.i I.A.i
Critical Features of SWPBIS Supporting Culturally Equitable Social Competence & Academic Achievement OUTCOMES Supporting Culturally Knowledgeable Staff Behavior Supporting Culturally Valid Decision Making (Vincent, Randal, Cartledge, Tobin, & Swain- Bradway, 2011; Sugai, O’Keefe, & Fallon 2012 ab) PRACTICES I.C I.C Supporting Culturally Relevant Evidence-based Interventions
OUTCOMES Guidelines for Good Outcomes Based on data Locally important and meaningful Applicable to all (culturally equitable) • Students’ social competence and academic achievement • Staff implementation of critical skills Observable and measurable Write as goal I.C.i I.C.i
Evaluation plan DISTRICTS/SCHOOLS IN TRAINING SCHEDULE Year 1 Training Winter Year 2 Training Winter Measure District Capacity Assessment (DCA) Function Spring Fall Spring Purpose Capacity Building— District Level Completed by district leadership team (with the support of a trained facilitator) to assess district capacity and to guide Action Planning. Leadership team self-evaluation (with support of external coach) to assess the critical features of PBIS across Tiers I, II, and III. X X PBIS Tiered Fidelity Inventory (TFI) Fidelity of Implementation— Building Level Progress Monitoring— Building Level X X X Used by school staff for initial and annual assessment of effective behavior support systems in their school and to guide Action Planning. A self-assessment tool that serves as a multi-level guide for creating School-Wide PBIS Action Plans and evaluating the status of implementation activities. Self-Assessment Survey (SAS) X X Progress Monitoring—Team Level Team X X X X X Implementation Checklist (TIC) Georgia School Climate Surveys An annual survey that assesses student (grades 3-12), teacher, and parent perceptions of school climate. The middle and high school surveys also include items about adolescent drug/alcohol/tobacco use, self-harm ideation and behaviors, school dropout, and parental involvement. The survey provides information to determine training support needs related to school climate, safety, and violence prevention. Office discipline referrals (ODR) provide data for monthly team reviews and decision-making by teachers, administrators, and other staff to guide prevention efforts and Action Planning. School Climate X X School-wide Information System (SWIS) Student Outcomes …and tools available at: Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly Weekly
SWPBIS Practices PRACTICES Classroom Non-classroom Family • Smallest # • Evidence- based • Biggest, durable effect Student I.C.iii I.C.iii
Continuum of Support for ALL Few Intensive PRACTICES Targeted Some Universal All I.C.iii I.C.iii (Sugai, Dec 7, 2007)
Key Systems Features Team Team- -based Implementation based Implementation Clear Action Plan Clear Action Plan Staff Buy Staff Buy- -in in Embedded Professional Development Embedded Professional Development Staff Recognition for Implementation Staff Recognition for Implementation I.C.iv I.C.iv
Team GENERAL IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS Agreements Data-based Action Plan Evaluation Implementation I.C.iv I.C.iv
Guidelines for Systems For each item in your action plan, ensure… Agreement by >80% faculty and staff Include procedures for informing others (e.g. families, community, district administrators, substitute teachers & staff) Includes procedures for providing instruction to new faculty, staff, students, etc. Schedule continuous evaluation of effectiveness, efficiency, and relevance Include in school publications (e.g., handbook, posters, newsletters) I.C.iv I.C.iv
Culture & Context Guidelines for Culture & Context For each item in your action plan, ensure… Involve staff, students, & families in development Contextually/culturally appropriate (e.g., age, level, language) Examine disaggregated data to ensure implementation of each feature works for all subgroups of students I.C.v I.C.v
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation Day 1 Day 2 6. 7. Day 3 8. 9.
Getting Started with SWPBIS Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation 1 1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Start with a representative representative team team, including admin, that “works.” And…if the same people always work…work smarter work smarter! • Do less…better • Do it once • Invest in clear outcomes • Invest in a sure thing • Be strategic about problem solving 6. 7. 8. 9. II.B. II.B.
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation At Abrigato School, we treat each other with respect, take responsibility for our learning, and strive for a safe and positive school for all! 6. 7. 8. 9. PRACTICES PRACTICES II.B.ii II.B.ii
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation 6. 7. 8. 9. PRACTICES PRACTICES II.B.iii II.B.iii
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation 6. 7. 8. 9. PRACTICES PRACTICES II.B.iv II.B.iv
In other words…we discussed that In other words…we discussed that you should follow these key steps you should follow these key steps RAH Classroom Hallway/ Commons Cafeteria Bathrooms Be on time; attend regularly; follow class rules Keep location neat, keep to the right, use appropriate lang., monitor noise level, allow others to pass Put trash in cans, push in your chair, be courteous to all staff and students Keep area clean, put trash in cans, be mindful of others’ personal space, flush toilet Respect Define Define Achievement Do your best on Keep track of your belongings, monitor time to get to class Check space before you leave, keep track of personal belongings Be a good example to other students, leave the room better than you found it all assignments and assessments, take notes, ask questions Do your own work; tell the truth Be considerate of yours and others’ personal space Keep your own place in line, maintain personal boundaries Report any graffiti or vandalism Honor Evaluate Evaluate Teach Teach Monitor Monitor Prompt Prompt II.B.iv II.B.iv
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation 6. 7. 8. 9. PRACTICES PRACTICES II.B.v II.B.v
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation 6. 7. 8. 9. PRACTICES PRACTICES II.B.vi II.B.vi
Getting Started with SWPBIS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Establish an effective leadership team Develop brief statement of behavioral purpose Identify positive SW behavioral expectations Develop procedures for teaching SW expectations Develop procedures for teaching class-wide expectations Develop continuum for strengthening appropriate behavior Develop continuum for discouraging violations of expectations Develop data-based procedures for monitoring Develop systems to support staff 10. Build routines to ensure on-going implementation II.B II.B We’ll discuss these today. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Intro to Intro to PBISApps PBISApps
Acknowledgements • Bert Eliason – University of Oregon • Jessica Daily – University of Oregon And the entire ECS/PBIS Apps Team!
Session Purpose & ELOs Purpose: To introduce the tools within PBIS Applications to help teams implement SWPBIS with Fidelity Essential Learner Outcomes (ELOs) • Describe generally what PBIS Applications is and what resources are provided to schools (e.g., PBIS Assessment, SWIS Suite, PBIS Evaluation) • Understand the role of PBIS Assessment in monitoring fidelity of PBIS implementation • Understand the role of the SWIS Suite in monitoring student outcomes • Understand the role of PBIS Evaluation for state, region, or district evaluation • Understand basic navigation of the PBISApps website and the SWIS Suite Demo account
About Us • PBIS Applications or PBISApps is a research unit, developed and operated by Educational and Community Supports (ECS) faculty and staff at the University of Oregon. • It is the maker of several web applications: o School-Wide Information System (SWIS) Suite o PBIS Assessment o PBIS Evaluation
PBIS Applications Mission: PBISApps supports educators to create effective and equitable learning environments for all students through high-quality data systems and training. • PBISApps has been helping make schools safe and more productive places for over ten years by empowering educators to make data-based decisions as problems emerge. • Our applications have been implemented in more than 25,000 schools in the US and abroad.
Continuous Quality Improvement Identify problems with precision Reassess and revise solution(s) as needed Monitor outcomes and compare to goal(s) Establish goal(s) Develop solution(s) Implement solution(s) with integrity and fidelity
Types of Information (Data) Fidelity Data Outcome Data Is the plan resulting in progress toward goals? Did we implement the systems and strategies we agreed upon?