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It is model developed by Kevin Lane Keller, who is the marketing professor of the Tuck School of Business.There are basic four steps about the model which is based on four fundamental questions developed by the customers. Brand identity, brand meaning, Brand response and brand response.<br>
An Overview of Customer Based Brand Equity(CBBE) Model (Case Study) • Company Name: Home Of Dissertations • Website: https://www.dissertationhomework.com • Contact Number:+44 7842798340 Connect Now
Introduction to Customer Based Brand Equity Model • It is model developed by Kevin Lane Keller, who is the marketing professor of the Tuck School of Business. • There are basic four steps about the model which is based on four fundamental questions developed by the customers. • Brand identity, brand meaning, Brand response and brand response.
Customer Brand Equity • Customer Brand Equity model is applied by the company to improve their brand evolution in the market. • Brand salience is to identify the identify the customers. Fig 1: Keller’s model of Customer Based Brand Equity
Customer Brand Equity • Brand performance and imagery are interdependent • Brand responses is influenced by the judgments of the consumers • And if the above steps are successfully covered the company is able to build brand resonance
Background of the Company (Apple) • Apple was established on the 1st April 1976 by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne • It is an American corporation which manufactures computer hardware, software and other electronic goods such as mobile phones, iPods etc. • Since June 2015, Apple has become the ‘largest publicity traded corporation in the world’ by performing an extensive research followed by subsequent implementation in market capitalization
1.WHO ARE YOU -BRAND SALIENCE • Apple is becoming the most distinguishable brand in the worldwide only by its brand name • ‘Think different’ as the tagline said, only the people who are used to think differently are the most loyal and stable customers of this brand • As per its mission statement, Apple is bound to provide the highest standards of social responsibility as everything they do which can become an inspiration of the growing companies • The brand USP of Apple is the speed, the most secured apps and the good looking appearance
Brand Salience • Brand salience involves the function of quantity and quality of memory structures • Quantity of Memory structures: The quantity of memory structure determines how much the customers prefers the product towards availing it while in a buying situation. • Quality of Memory structures: The brand association and relevance among the customers is determined in this structure. For example, in case the brand is budget friendly for the customers they prefers to buy the product. This increases the brand salience because the budget of the product is as per the expenditure the customer can avail.
2.1WHAT ARE YOU?- BRAND PERFORMANCE • In the terms of durability, reliability and serviceability, no other brands can come across Apple • Innovation as its peak, when the name Apple is come • High price level differentiate it from its market competitors
Brand Performance • Increased brand performance helps to provide success to the company by increasing their brand value. • The brand performance at Apple is maintained by specifically determining their core messaging strategy, improving their presence in the social media, being sticky, improving the purchase traffic along with providing true value of the products during purchase by the customers.
2.2 WHAT ARE YOU?-BRAND IMAGERY • The apple users, feels that they are different from the rest as they are using the brand : Apple • Podcasting; is a hype throughout the world. You are the audience, you are the performer
3.WHAT ABOUT YOU?-CONSUMER FEELINGS • Apple has declared the ‘most intimate brand’ as per the survey of 6000 consumers • It also has the highest score for ‘Can’t live without the brand’ • It has neurologically hooked its customers (Forbes, 2014)
4.WHAT ABOUT YOU AND ME- CONSUMER BASED BRAND RESONANCE • Loyalty is the basic title, that Apple have won in several decades • Apple has its own page at social media where it attain the maximum customer support • Apple has made an stronger partnership with Levi’s and Nike, the most trusted brands in the world
CONCLUSION • According to the CBBE model perspectives, Apple has attain all parameters and has achieved the highest level of customer engagement • Its not only a brand, it is a passion as described by several customers • It is a Top fortune 500 company, which avails one of the largest contributions in the American economy
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