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Landscape as concept and tool to integrate nature and culture values in spatial planning

Landscape as concept and tool to integrate nature and culture values in spatial planning. Per Angelstam et al. “Sustainable Development” and “Sustainability”. Different dimensions Economic Social Ecological variables Cultural variables Act of balance

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Landscape as concept and tool to integrate nature and culture values in spatial planning

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Landscape as concept and tool to integrate nature and culture values in spatial planning Per Angelstam et al.

  2. “Sustainable Development” and “Sustainability” • Different dimensions • Economic • Social • Ecological variables • Cultural variables • Act of balance • Performance targets in ecology (constraints) • Multi-level adaptive governance arrangement • Top-down for territorial overview • Bottom-up to secure participation and collaboration

  3. Nature values

  4. Culture values Silva Saltus Ager Hortus Domus

  5. Policies about natural and cultural values at multiple levels

  6. Policy implementation process Policy Evaluation (variables and targets) Governance (multi-level) Management in actual landscape

  7. Communication Actor Actor Actor Narra- tive Assessment Complex Simple Indicators + Targets

  8. Landscapes are social-ecological systems

  9. Landscape and disciplines

  10. Three landscape concepts

  11. Themes Composition Structure Function Spatial scales Macro Meso Micro Defining indicators

  12. Themes Composition Structure Function Spatial scales Macro Meso Micro Defining indicators

  13. Assessment

  14. Governance

  15. INCLUDE’s four questions • What characterizes a sustainable landscape, and how can it be evaluated? • What are the critical impacts of infrastructure and traffic on environmental qualities, and are there critical limits in this impact? • How can this impact be assessed and communicated to users? • What are the remedies, and how can the planning process be improved

  16. Framework: landscapes as social-ecological systems • Land use • Biotic • Abiotic • Governance • Culture • Attitude

  17. Thresholds and restoration

  18. Thresholds and restoration

  19. Communicative learning

  20. Lobbying Education Social learning Think-tank Spatial planning GIS models SEA Governance arrangement EIA

  21. Conclusions

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