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New Burn In (BI) Methodology for testing of blank Actel 0.15  m RTAX-S FPGAs

New Burn In (BI) Methodology for testing of blank Actel 0.15  m RTAX-S FPGAs. September 7 th – 9 th , 2005 Minal Sawant Solomon Wolday Paul Louris Dan Elftmann. Introduction.

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New Burn In (BI) Methodology for testing of blank Actel 0.15  m RTAX-S FPGAs

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  1. New Burn In (BI) Methodology for testing of blank Actel 0.15m RTAX-S FPGAs September 7th – 9th, 2005 Minal Sawant Solomon Wolday Paul Louris Dan Elftmann

  2. Introduction • This paper will cover a new approach adopted by Actel to implement the burn in testing of RTAX-S devices using the INCAL state of the art burn in test system • INCAL provided all of the elements needed for a complete operational system including: • Test vector pattern generator which accepts the IEEE 1149.11 SVF (Serial Vector Format) and pattern editor configured to Actel’s requirements for 80MB • Actel worked with INCAL to develop a modified driver board for deep JTAG test stimulus to enable node toggle coverage of the advanced RTAX-S feature set to implement the Dynamic Blank Burn-In (DBBI)

  3. AX and RTAX-S Device Architecture • AX and RTAX-S Device Architecture • Actel's AX and RTAX-S architecture is derived from the highly successful SX-A and RTSX-SU sea-of-modules architecture Figure 1: Sea-of-Modules Comparison Figure 2: Axcelerator Family Interconnect Elements Figure 3: RTAX-S & AX Device Architecture (AX1000 shown)

  4. History of DBBI • EPROM Based System • The Actel RTSX-S product is processed in an EPROM based burn in oven with bulk power supply for biasing • The burn in systems which have been used for RTSX-S burn in were sufficient for the device features and densities • System capabilities • Systems have a capability of 48 vector drive channels • A maximum vector depth of 8 Megabits • A typical EPROM that Actel uses is a ST Microelectronic M27C1001 (128Kb x 8) 1 Megabit UV EPROM • Vector clock frequency is 512 KHz • Four different voltage supplies • Manual operation required for setting voltage levels, temperature, power-up and power-down sequencing • No constant monitoring of the voltage, current, temperature or Device Under Test (DUT) output signals

  5. History of DBBI • Limitation of EPROM for RTAX-S and the switch to INCAL • Several limitations exist in the EPROM based burn in system • No system control • No system voltage and current monitoring capabilities • No DUT monitoring capabilities • Limited vector depth of 8 Megabits • Distinct advantages of INCAL Tracer I160 Burn in system over traditional burn in methodologies • Automated upload sequence of lot • Constant monitoring of the system, DUT input and DUT output signals during burn in • Deep vector capability (>200 Megabit) • Existing INCAL Tracer I160 Burn in system had a limitation in vector depth • Actel worked closely with INCAL to add the deep vector capability to the INCAL Tracer I160 driver board • Software support added to translate Teradyne J750 ATP test vector format to Serial Vector Format (SVF) format • Software support added for SVF • The Serial Vector Format was developed as a vendor-independent method to represent JTAG (IEEE 1149.1) test patterns in ASCII (text) files

  6. INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In System Features • INCAL System Overview • The INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In System is fully automated for control and monitoring at the system and DUT level • The system capabilities include • System controlled by Windows 32 bit computer operating system • Logging of system events • Logging of lot history • Four power zones enables different products to be run simultaneously under controlled thermal stress conditions • The system monitors temperature, run time and voltage levels Figure 4: INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In System Photo

  7. INCAL Setup File • Setup File -- Defines test conditions • Bias levels • Over voltage level • Under voltage level • Current limit • Power up & power down sequence • Vector data file • Burn In Board serial file • Burn In duration • Temperature set point • Temperature trip points • DUT monitoring definition • Sign of life • Vector compare • Frequency • Voltage Figure 5: INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In System Setup File Editor

  8. INCAL I-Scope Signal Monitor Feature • I-Scope Signal Monitor • I-Scope signal monitor is a valuable tool for debugging or verifying vectors • The signal monitor is used for: • Signal frequency measurement • Pulse width measurement • Visual inspection of vector data • Eight signals can be scoped & displayed on the screen • Monitoring is possible for each burn in board • Monitoring can be done at any time during the process Figure 6: INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In System I-Scope Signal Monitor Window

  9. INCAL DUT Status Window • DUT Status window • Feature available at any time during the process • Three window sections • Voltage & Alarm Status • Voltage set point • Voltage level on BIB • Power supply alarm status • Driver board alarm status • Driver Status • Driver board configuration and run status • DUT Status array monitor • The array represents the physical burn in board positions • DUT Status Color definitions • Green = Pass • Red = Fail • White = Empty • Black = Bad socket Driver Status Voltage & Alarm Status DUT Status Figure 7: INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In System DUT Status Window

  10. Burn In Of Actel FPGA’s • Burn In of Actel FPGAs • During blank device electrical testing, Actel devices are subjected to controlled voltage stress to the maximum operating conditions • Voltage stress testing of semiconductor devices is a much more effective screen than a temperature burn in • Actel takes advantage of the testability features of its FPGA products to provide effective dynamic burn in of blank devices • Burn in is required for all MilStd-883 “B” and “E” flow products • MIL-883E Method 1005, allows several types of burn in screens, which can be divided into two categories: • Dynamic Blank Burn In (DBBI) • Static Blank Burn In (SBBI)

  11. Goal Of Burn In • DBBI • Dynamic burn in applies AC signals to device inputs • These signals are selected so that the device receives internal and external stresses similar to those it would experience in a typical application • A properly designed dynamic burn in can effectively stress inputs, outputs, and internal circuits • Actel performs DBBI for four main reasons: • Stress un-programmed antifuses • Stress internal CMOS logic • Stress internal SRAM blocks • Stress I/Os • SBBI • Static burn in applies DC voltage levels to the pins of the device under test with the device powered up • Static burn in can be an effective screen for mobile ionic contamination failure modes, which affect device inputs or outputs • Effective design of seal ring barriers and device passivation makes this type of contamination highly unlikely

  12. Device Feature Coverage • General Description • The RTAX-S architecture is such that test and stimulation of internal logic elements as well as the external I/Os is possible through the IEEE 1149.1 Joint Test Action Group (JTAG) interface • The expanded vector depth capability of the INCAL Tracer I160 Burn In system enables Actel to run patterns with out limitations on pattern size for RTAX-S products • The burn in patterns are the same patterns used during Automated Test Equipment (ATE) testing of blank devices to test for functionality and apply stress • This ensures coverage of all the device features during burn in • The functional test patterns are monitored for functionality of each device during burn in real time Table 1: RTAX-S Burn In pattern sizes

  13. List of Burn In Tests • Burn In Tests • General description of patterns used for the blank burn in and whether monitoring is done for each test Table 2: List of RTAX-S Burn In tests

  14. Burn In Tests • Burn in for the DBBI test is run at a clock frequency of 2 MHz • The burn in tests are done sequentially as shown in Figure 8 with the duration of one test cycle represented as “T” • For one test cycle (T) each test gets executed once • Estimates for the number of times each test gets executed during a 160 hour burn in for the B-flow process are listed in Table 3 Figure 8: RTAX-S Dynamic Blank Burn In pattern sequence Table 3: RTAX-S Dynamic Blank Burn In pattern times

  15. Detailed Description • Bin circuit test • The binning circuit on RTAX-S consists of two ring oscillators that clock a counter • The path delay of the first ring oscillator is dominated by the CMOS transistor speed • The path delay of the second ring oscillator includes six antifuses programmed immediately after assembly • The second path also includes un-programmed antifuses to emulate antifuse capacitive track loading • This test is done by enabling the charge pump and loading an instruction through the JTAG interface • Once enabled the two bin circuit paths are exercised by toggling the TDI pin • TDO pin will toggle, but is not monitored during burn in

  16. Antifuse Stress • Antifuse Stress Test Circuit • Antifuse stress is done using the same Direct Access (DA) and Programming Voltage (PV) devices used during programming Figure 9: RTAX-S Antifuse Stress Test Circuit

  17. Antifuse Stress • Cross Antifuse • Cross Antifuse Stress patterns switch the voltage across the cross antifuses in the FPGA • This is done using the same DA and PV devices used during programming • During this test, all cross antifuses, clock antifuses and input class antifuses are stressed • I/O Antifuse Stress • I/O configuration antifuses are stressed in alternate directions • This is done via separate patterns in a manner similar to the cross antifuse stress patterns • During this test the I/O bank configuration antifuses are also stressed • Horizontal and Vertical Antifuses • These two patterns apply a stress pattern to the horizontal and vertical antifuses in alternate directions • These antifuses are utilized to extend horizontal and vertical segments • This is done using a similar methodology as the cross antifuse stress patterns with specific adjustments for the horizontal and vertical antifuse addressing scheme

  18. I/O Test • Clock Tests • Two patterns are used for this test to stimulate both the routed and the hardwired clock trees • The output stage of the clock multiplexers is toggled during these patterns • I/O test • Three patterns are used to toggle the different I/O standards • The aim of single ended I/O stress is to toggle all single-ended I/O input and output buffers in the device • This is done using the JTAG Boundary Scan Register (BSR) • All I/O pads including un-bonded I/O pads get exercised • The I/O pads are driven through states “high”, “tristate” and “low” levels during burn in • These states are driven on output buffers and read back at the input buffers as shown in Figure 10 on next slide

  19. I/O Stress • I/O test diagram • The I/O test is done by driving the output buffer through the OUTBSR and reading the value at the INBSR • The VREF and differential I/O testing is done by setting configuration MUXs to select either the VREF I/O input or the I/O pad input and going through the differential amp Figure 10: Simplified Diagram of I/O Circuit

  20. Core Logic Module Tests • Core logic modules are exercised and monitored during burn in with the Core Logic Module Tests • Combinatorial logic • Sequential logic • Buffer • The Buffer module takes a regular routed signal from the horizontal channel in the same row or the row to the North and drives its own Output-track • TX and RX • The TX module provides transmission capability to the horizontal and vertical highway channels • The RX module receives a signal from a horizontal highway channel in the same row or a vertical highway channel in the same SuperCluster column and transfers it to its own Output track for distribution with regular routing means • Carry chain • Logic modules in a column are linked into a carry-chain running from North to South • They provide high-speed propagation of carry logic for ripple style arithmetic functions • Carry-connect module utilizes a hardwired signal path which does not require a programmable interconnection

  21. Core Logic Module Test Example • The module test is done one row at a time using the programming voltage (PV) read-back method • Input is provided by turning on the Input Direct Access (IDA) devices and applying the stimulus on Horizontal Programming Voltage Drivers (HPV) • The output signal gets captured by turning on the Output Direct Access (ODA) device and reading the signal via the VPV • The values captured in the VPV are shifted out through the JTAG interface to the TDO output pin Figure 11: Core Logic Module Test Diagram

  22. D Q Voter Gate CLKB CLK Single Event Upset (SEU) Enhanced Sequential Module • The SEU enhanced sequential module shown in Figure 12 has additional circuitry (not shown) to inject faults into each latch to verify the voter gate circuitry during sequential logic tests • This test is monitored during burn in Figure 12: SEU Enhanced Sequential Module

  23. SRAM/FIFO Test • SRAM/FIFO test • There are four Built In Self Test (BIST) tests designed to test the FIFO counters for SRAM cascaded configurations • All blocks on the chip are simultaneously tested • FIFO logic for each block is cycled through the complete addressing sequences for all possible configuration depths • Test Methodology • There are three sections of Cyclic Redundancy Code (CRC) registers in each SRAM/FIFO block • Each section collects the test response from a specific type of circuit • Shifting control data into the SRAM/FIFO blocks through the tap port operates the BIST • The CRC signature result from running the BIST test is shifted out and compared against expected value from simulation

  24. Burn in System Comparison * Standard INCAL Tracer System Driver Board (non-SVF) Table 4: Burn in System Comparison

  25. Conclusion • Thru partnership with INCAL Technology, Inc. Actel was able to leverage industry standards (IEEE 1149.1) to develop a system that can be used for devices and technologies beyond Actel FPGAs • Actel has successfully implemented a new burn in methodology for the Axcelerator architecture • Significantly increased visibility into burn in operations • Complete system control • Constant monitoring of DUT functionality • Constant monitoring of voltage, temperature and current • System enables quicker turn around time for continuous enhancements of test coverage • ATE test patterns are easily converted to SVF format • Expanded vector depth capability enables Actel to run patterns with fewer limitations on pattern size • Ability of real time debug during burn in • Logging of system events and lot status

  26. Appendix Axcelerator Architecture

  27. Embedded Memory • Each core tile has either three (AX250 & RTAX250S) or four (All other devices) embedded SRAM blocks along the west side • Each variable-aspect-ratio SRAM block is 4 Kbits in size • Available memory configurations are: • 128 x 36, 256 x 18, 512 x 9, 1K x 4, 2K x 2 or 4K x 1 bits • The individual blocks have separate read and write ports that can be configured with different bit widths on each port • For example, data can be written in by 8 and read out by 1 • The embedded SRAM/FIFO blocks can be cascaded to create larger configurations • The embedded SRAM blocks can be initialized at power up via the device JTAG port (ROM emulation mode)

  28. I/O Logic • The Axcelerator family of FPGAs features a flexible I/O structure, supporting a range of mixed voltages with its bank-selectable I/Os: 1.5V, 1.8V, 2.5V, and 3.3V. • Axcelerator FPGAs support 14 different I/O standards (single-ended, differential, voltage-referenced) • The I/Os are organized into banks, with eight banks per device (2 per side) • The configuration of these banks determines the I/O standards • An I/O Cluster includes two I/O modules, four RX modules, two TY modules, and a Buffer (B) module • Each I/O module has an input register (InReg), output register (OutReg) and enable register (EnReg) Figure 13: AX & RTAX-S I/O Cluster Block Diagram

  29. Routing and Resources • The AX & RTAX-S hierarchical routing structure ties the logic modules, the embedded memory blocks, and the I/O modules together • The level 1 routing structures -- Figure 14 on next slide • In and between SuperClusters are three local routing structures: • FastConnect • FastConnects provide high-performance horizontal routing inside the SuperCluster and vertical routing to the SuperCluster immediately below it • Only one programmable connection is used in a FastConnect path • CarryConnect routing • CarryConnects are used for routing carry logic between adjacent SuperClusters • They connect the FastConnect output (FCO) of one 2-bit, C-cell carry logic to the FastConnect Input (FCI) of the 2-bit, C-cell carry logic of the SuperCluster below it • CarryConnects do not require an antifuse to make the connection • DirectConnect • DirectConnects provide the highest performance routing inside the SuperClusters connecting the C-cell to the adjacent R-cell • DirectConnects do not require an antifuse to make the connection

  30. Routing and Resources (con’t) • The level 2 routing structures -- Figure 14 • The next level contains the core tile routing • In SuperClusters within a core tile vertical and horizontal tracks run across rows and columns • At the chip level, vertical and horizontal tracks extend across the full length of the device • north-to-south and east-to-west • These tracks are composed of highway routing that extend the entire length of the track as well as segmented routing of varying lengths Figure 14: AX & RTAX-S Routing Architecture

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