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Pre-bid Meeting Agenda. 9:30a – 9:45a Meet and Greet 9:45a – 10:00a Opening Remarks – Director Kelly & Deputy Director Simms 10:00a – 10:15a Presentation RFP Changes 10:15a - 11:45a Presentation and Q&A for 8 th and T St, NW 11:45a - 1:15p Presentation and Q&A for Florida and Q St, NW
Pre-bid Meeting Agenda 9:30a – 9:45a Meet and Greet 9:45a – 10:00a Opening Remarks – Director Kelly & Deputy Director Simms 10:00a – 10:15a Presentation RFP Changes 10:15a - 11:45a Presentation and Q&A for 8th and T St, NW 11:45a - 1:15p Presentation and Q&A for Florida and Q St, NW 1:15p – 2:00p Lunch Break 2:00p - 3:30p Presentation and Q&A for Amber Overlook
Opening Remarks Director Michael P. Kelly
Opening Remarks Deputy Director Nathan Simms
District of Columbia Department of Housing and Community Development Property Acquisition And Disposition Division Pre-Bid Meeting Solicitation For Offers #1 for 8TH and T Street, NW, Washington, DC August 6, 2014
Overview of DHCD – 8th and T Street, N.W, Washington, DC The DC Department of Housing and Community Development’s (DHCD) mission is to create and preserve opportunities for affordable housing and economic development and to revitalize underserved communities in the District of Columbia. DHCD fulfills its mission by: • funding the rehabilitation of single-family and multi-family homes • providing funding for homelessness prevention • addressing vacant and abandoned properties • overseeing the administration of rental housing laws • providing gap funding for affordable housing and community facilities • supporting communities through neighborhood-based activities • increasing first-time homeownership opportunities
Site Details – 8th and T Street, N.W, Washington, DC Neighborhood • Shaw is one of the oldest communities in the District and experienced significant growth during and immediately following the Civil War. A development boom expanded the District through the neighborhood up to Florida Avenue, then the District’s northern boundary. This development continued into the early 20th Century, as entertainment options (such as nightclubs, restaurants and theatres) came to grow in the northern portion of the commercial corridor1. Seventh Street became the area’s new cultural and entertainment destination. Growth in the neighborhood continued until the April 1968 riots following the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., which devastated Shaw’s commercial corridor. Urban renewal efforts in the 1970s and 1980s resulted in the construction of public schools, churches, a public library, one major commercial facility and a supermarket.1 • Home to numerous historic sites, such as the Howard Theatre and Carter G. Woodson House, the neighborhood is also the location of the new $850 million Washington Convention Center and the City Museum of Washington, DC. Because of its historic building stock, proximity to Downtown, and outstanding transportation access, Shaw is attracting both local and national retailers. Several new developments offer new residences as well as exciting dining and entertainment options (such as ethnic restaurants, live theater, and music venues) to serve the diverse residents of the community. Shaw is rapidly becoming one of the DC’s hottest residential neighborhoods. Zoning • The existing zoning is R-4, a low to moderate density residential zone. R-4 permits single family, duplex, rowhouse, and flat development (2 residential units) by right. The zone does not permit new multi-family development. The site does not meet the minimum lot area standard for a Planned Unit Development (PUD). Each new rowhouse/flat lot in the R-4 zone is required to have a lot area of 1,800 sq.ft., and a minimum lot width of 18 feet. Affordability • The developer shall demonstrate that 51% of all new units created shall be affordable to households with incomes at or below 80% of AMI. For this Solicitation, PADD requires a minimum affordability period of 15 years for homeownership and 40 years for rental housing.
Background & Goals – 8th and T Street, N.W, Washington, DC • Development Goals: • Mixed‐income developments; • Vocational training and/or local neighborhood job creation; • Good workmanlike construction, quality design and architecture that complements the existing architecture of the neighborhood; • Adequate financing from pre‐development through final completion; • Family style affordable dwelling units (2 or more bedrooms) which allow families to grow in place; • 51% of the units to be affordable at 80% AMI or below • A commitment to at least 15 years of affordability for homeownership and 40 years for rental projects ; • Community outreach and development coordination; and • Use of green materials, techniques and systems that meet the 2011 Green Communities Criteria.
Photos & Neighborhood Context– 8th and T Street, N.W, Washington, DC
8th and T Street, NW Questions and Answers
SFO - 8th and T Street, NW Karanja Slaughter, Manager, PADD 202-442-7282 Karanja.slaughter@dc.gov Adarsh Hathi, Project Manager, PADD 202-478-1351 Adarsh.hathi@dc.gov