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How to get Innovative ideas?. October 8th, 2010, Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S. Agenda. About Danisco A/S Why do we need ideas? Innovation – what is it? HOW to get Innovative ideas? INN Culture & Creative processes Fact finding/Analysis Technology-driven Innovation – core compentence
How to get Innovative ideas? October 8th, 2010, Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Agenda • About Danisco A/S • Why do we need ideas? • Innovation – what is it? • HOW to get Innovative ideas? • INN Culture & Creative processes • Fact finding/Analysis • Technology-driven Innovation – core compentence • Consumer-driven Innovation – Danisco Innovate • Innovation with the customer - Icebreaking • Blue-sky Innovation – Danisco IdeaLab • Summary Henrik Max Jensen Senior Scientist M.Sc. in organic chemistry (Univ. Århus) - 1993 NMR spectroscopy, analytical chemistry, chemometrics, organic synthesis and facilitator of creative processes Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
The world needs your ideas!Companies ask for new ideas…always Thomas Edison • Better utilisation of raw materials in the world • Smarter drugs/delivery systems • New materials • Be innovative, test and implement! • Large companies are always scouting for ideas to license or venture Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
DANISCO A/S: Food industries that we serve and more Bakery products Beverages Confectionery Culinary products Dairy products Frozen desserts Bio based solutions: Bioethanol Enzymes Detergent • Fruit preparations • Health & Nutrition • Meat, poultry & seafood • Oils & fats • Pet food Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S INN-06/02 4
Danisco inside… .. every 4th loaf of bread .. every 2nd ice cream .. every 3rd cheese .. every 3rd box of detergent Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Market positions Feed enzymes Technical enzymes Starter cultures Food enzymes Bio-preservation 2 2 2 2 1 Textural ingredients Sweeteners Emulsifiers Functional systems Danisco (DK) Degussa/Cargill (USA) Kerry Group (IE) Huber (DK/USA) Cognis (D) Novozymes (DK) PAI/Chr. Hansen (DK) DSM (NL) ABF(UK) Danisco's global position 1 1 2 1 Note: Partnership agreement with Firmenich on Flavours Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S 6
International presence: 80 locations in more than 40 countries Canada Scarborough USA Ardsley, NY Bakersfield, CA Beloit, WI Cedar Rapids, IA Elmsford, NJ Fairfield, NJ Lakeland, FL Madison, WI New Century Kansas, KS Palo Alto, CA Pine Brook, NJ Rochester, NY St. Joseph, MI St. Louis, MO Terre Haute, IN Thomson, IL Argentina Arroyito Buenos Aires Brazil Pirapozinho São Paolo Chile Pargua Santiago Colombia Bogota Guatemala Guatemala City Mexico Apatzingán Guadalajara México City Tecoman Tlalnepantla Veracruz Peru Lima Austria Lenzing Probsdorf Vienna Belgium Brugge Louvain-La-Neuve Denmark Brabrand Copenhagen Grindsted Haderslev Holeby Nakskov Nykøbing Tønder Finland Hanko Jämsänkoski Jokioinen Kantvik Kotka Naantali Säkylä Vaasa France Compiègne Dangé Saint Romain Epernon Fayencet Grasse Landerneau Melle Paris Roncq Sassenage Seillans Tourettees Vinay Germany Anklam Frankfurt Königslutter Niebüll Iceland Reykjavik Italy Granarolo dell'Emilia Milan Netherlands Leiden Zaandam Norway Bryne Oslo Portugal Faro Spain Barcelona Madrid Valencia Sweden Arlöv Köpingebro Norrköping Örtofta Switzerland Kreuzlingen UK Beaminster Lincoln Marlborough Oxfordshire Redhill Stockport Tullibody Wellingborough Croatia Zagreb CzechRepublic Smirice Estonia Tallinn Hungary Budapest Latvia Riga Lithuania Kedainiai Panevézys Vilnius Poland Olsztyn Poznan Warszawa Romania Bucharest Russia Moscow Serbia and Montenegro Beograd Slovak Republic Bratislava Ukraine Kiev Egypt Cairo SouthAfrica Johannesburg Cape Town Australia Sydney China Anyang Beijing Guangzhou Kunshan Nanyang Shanghai Wuxi Zhangjiagang India Haryana Japan Osaka Tokyo Korea Seoul Malysia Kuala Lumpur Penang NewZealand Auckland Singapore Singapore Thailand Bangkok • Sales offices • Innovation center • Production Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Denmark Danisco has app. 1.400 employees in Denmark on 5 different locations: • Copenhagen • Headquarter • Brabrand • Research and innovation • Grindsted • Production • Haderslev • Production • Tønder • Production Brabrand: 500 Grindsted: 570 Copenhagen: 260 Haderslev: 60 Tønder: 7 Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Well-positioned to move Danisco forward Sales & Application Food Ingredients Sales Industry Enzymes Technology GENENCOR ENABLERS BIO ACTIVES Bio Chemicals Projects Emulsifiers Gums & Systems Cultures Sweeteners Non-Food Ingredients Corporate - Technology & Business Development - Shared Services …END OF COMMERCIALS Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S 10
Becoming First Choice for innovation ”Becoming First Choice” • OurSTRATEGYis to create value by • Selecting and investing in the right • opportunities in order to deliver the right solutions first time, on time, and every time. • We will achieve this by: • Having engaged and empowered employees and an innovative culture • Having active company-wide innovation processes and tools • Leveraging knowledge actively through our network • Partnering with our customers to identify unmet needs VISION To be the most innovative bio-based solutions company MISSION To deliver profitable growth to ourselves and our customers through the creation of innovative solutions Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
FOOD HEALTH ENERGY CHEMICALS Addressing the global megatrands through our global innovation network from 6.9 to 9.1 billion people in the next 40 years
INNOVATIONWhat is it? • R&D by itself is not innovation but an investment that could lead to an innovation • Innovation should be embedded into every function throughout Danisco: ”An innovation is the conversion of a new idea into revenues and profits” Ram Charan, Game-Changer 2008 Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
INNOVATION: • A solution to a task is creative, when: • New and useful • the road is not straightforward Innovation: Succesful implementing of creative solutions Prof. Terese Amabile, HBS ‘Creativity in context’, 1996 Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S INN culture
The Innovator: Thomas Edison – 1091 patents(1848 – 1931) – founder of GE Edison Botanical Reseach Coop. 1920’ies search for altrnative rubber source. • the parallel circuit, • a durable light bulb, • an improved dynamo, • the underground conductor network, • the devices for maintaining constant voltage, • safety fuses and insulating materials, and • light sockets with on-off switches. Danisco BioIsopreneTM Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
HOW TO GET INNOVATIVE IDEAS? Creativity Creative processes Fact finding Technology driven Consumer driven Customer relations Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Danisco = Innovation CultureInnovation = (knowledge+dialogue)creativity Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S 18 Creativity INN kulturen
A view into the Creative brainIdentifying patterns – breaking them down – and creating new patternsA question of mindset Synapse density at Birth 6 years 14 years Illustration C. Kühl, Kilde:Rima Shore ”Rethinking the Brain” Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S Creativity
Breaking the thinking patterns: • Associations: images, fantasy, music, words • Dialogue • Use roles/new angles – views • Take on another persons identity • Create severe constraints – rather beautiful constraints • Ask postive open questions: in how many ways can..?, what if..? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
What do you see? Ideas for a new ice-cream? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Fact-finding Ideation Concepts Concept-development Pilot project Product-launch Product Koncept udvikling Creative Processes • Have a clear objective – stay focussed • Separate the process in open brainstorm sessions, followed by selection & evaluation. • Select the best ideas and work more with them (brainstorm again or conceptualise/literature/market search) before select/reject Reflect: - ever used a brainstorm session during your project to get ideas – why not? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Creative processesConcept/idea evaluation • Adapted from ’Blue Ocean Strategy’ Implementation Difficult easy High Low Strategic fit Low potential High potential Red ocean: where competitors are Blue ocean: sail alone Green: just do it! Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Fact finding/analysis • Knowledge, knowledge & knowledge • Core in Technology-driven Innovation • Intimite insight into technologies/problems • Market insights: • Market analysis/Market Trends/products sold – retrospective, often red ocean ideas • Close alliances with customers/partnerships • Consumer questionnaires • Consumer insights (interviews..) – unmet needs • Super-users • Open Innovation Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
HOW do YOU get ideas? • Reflect a moment: when, where, why..how? • How do you evaluate the ideas? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Technology-driven Innovation • Ideas from the science & knowledge present in a company • …or from a University Lab. • What can we do with the technology Science idea – reading literature-Great technology ! Is the market ready? Raw material availability Is it technical possible? Is it just an incremental innovation/an improvement? Can it be up-scaled Patent landscape? Stuck somewhere?! Need more ideas!? use a brainstorm Test in the Laboratory Evaluate the result Re-do/improve… Proto-typing/scale-up Documentation Often the competitor launches a similar product/patent at the same time – why? Product launch Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Technical/Expertise IdeationAsking the right questions… Stuck somewhere?! Need more ideas!? use a brainstorm Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
Technology-driven Innovation Breakthrough blue-ocean idea Implementation Soft’N’Safe • Example: Difficult easy DANISCO SOFT’N’SAFE – PVC softener/plastizer to replace phthalates. Green label - based on castor oil. High Low Strategic fit Low potential High potential http://www.danisco-softnsafe.com./ Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
ETHNOGRAPHY MARKET ANALYSIS Only possible to test offers that already exist Possible to find future innovation opportunities Research builds on actual, observed behavior - avoid verbal miscommunications Users answer what they think is important and restricted by their existing perceptions User behavior is observed Users tell about their behavior The analysis follows a fixed topic guide Observation follows the path that the user chooses to take CONSUMER-DRIVEN INNOVATION • Why use ethnographics? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
CONSUMER-DRIVEN INNOVATION 15 respondents Three countries: Germany, UK and Spain 75-150 hours of field work (5-10 hours with each respondent) 15-20 hours of video 400-500 photos 15 photo diaries 60-80 pages of field notes Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
CONSUMER-DRIVEN INNOVATION • Outcome: • Clear target-groups • Ideas can be grouped accordingly • New product launches focused • Pro-active to customers Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
CONSUMER-DRIVEN INNOVATIONDanisco Innovate • We are all consumers… • High quantity: >1000 ideas, voting, clustering.. • Evaluation: fit to divisional strategy • Selection: investigate patent-landscape Change the Reference field under ‘View’ –’Header and Footer’ and write in field ‘Footer’ Deactivate by clicking off the checkbox Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
INNOVATION WITH THE CUSTOMER • Creative ideation: ’Ice-breaking on the edge’ • – partners: • Hennig Olsen Is, Norway – isproducent • Danish chef: Mads Nybro • Tetra-Pak Høyer (ice-cream packaging) • Zentropa workZ • ’Second life’-creator from IO-Interaction (Hitman) • Consumers • WOW-gamer • + 6 Danisco food scientists REFLECT: HOW ARE YOUR ’CUSTOMERS’ or END-USERS? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
INNOVATION WITH THE CUSTOMERFact-finding + breaking orthodoxies about ice-cream What is Ice-cream NOT!! Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
INNOVATION WITH THE CUSTOMER • ’Ice-breaking on the edge’ Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
INNOVATION WITH THE CUSTOMERConcepts & prototypes – fast!! Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
IdeaLab – a new process for getting ideas • Breakthrough ideas (’Blue-ocean’) by • Cross-divisonal teams – taking out from daily routines – recombining knowledge and skills • Questioning orthodoxies (you would never say..) of the business • Identifying core competences • Consumer insight Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
ORTHODOXIES: THE ELEPHANTS IN THE ROOM Orthodoxy held: “Dealing with animal waste is a costwe have to put up with running a zoo . . . Orthodoxy Flipped: “What if animal waste was a profitcenter? Reflect: what are the orthoxies in your research area? Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
IdeaLab BioActives Enablers Genencor SAFI Representatives from each Division and from SAFI, for X weeks Representatives from T&BD as the “Support Team” Guided by Innovation consultancy IdeaLab Danisco Pipeline M A R K E T Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S
SUMMARY • Knowledge, knowledge…IS important…in-dept work generates ideas ….. break usual thinking patterns => blue ocean ideas • Work with/listen to/think as the end-users • Creativity can be ’forced through’ by focus • Separate brainstorm/ideation from selection • Select the ideas with most energi – from you heart • Dialogue – discuss – ideas - teamwork enhances the idea-flow • Concepts/ Prototype fast (lab-tests fast) • Successful Innovation by • Culture, Visions, Dialoque • ’Beautiful Constraints’ • High energy..workflow • Patience Thank for you listening Henrik Max Jensen, Danisco A/S