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SLm MaP. Concept: Egypt. LEQ: How were religion and politics tied together in Egypt?. Vocab. King Menes Akhenaten Upper/Lower Egypt Nile River Mummies Pyramids Papyrus Pharaohs Book of the dead Hieroglyphics.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. SLmMaP • Concept: Egypt • LEQ: How were religion and politics tied together in Egypt?

  2. Vocab • King Menes • Akhenaten • Upper/Lower Egypt • Nile River • Mummies • Pyramids • Papyrus • Pharaohs • Book of the dead • Hieroglyphics

  3. Standard: SSWH1b- describe the relationship between political authority and religion in Egypt. Egypt

  4. Three Time Periods

  5. Egypt the civilization • Becomes a civilization when King Menes unites Lower and upper Egypt

  6. Lower Egypt – near deltaUpper Egypt – middle Nile + highlands

  7. Geography • Life centered around the Nile • The Nile flooded regularly, causing the Egyptians to view the universe as a regular and orderly place.

  8. Ruled by pharaohs- Thought of as gods Politics

  9. Akhenaten- pharaoh will support one god He is almost supporting monotheism very different than the polytheistic religion in Egypt. Politcs

  10. Society was ruled by classes: 1. Royal Family 2. Wealthy landowners 3. Peasants 4. Slaves Egyptian Society

  11. Egyptian Economy • Traditional economy based on farming and trade. • Egyptians traded up and down the Nile, with Mesopotamians and sometimes with Indus Valley (in Pakistan)

  12. Cyclical View of nature 2 of the most important gods were Re (sun god) and Osiris (Underworld) Concern with an afterlife inspired mummification before burial. Quality of tomb= Social status Religion

  13. Pyramids of Giza

  14. Mummies • Egyptians who could afford to do so would have themselves mummified. • They believed in a better afterlife if their body was preserved.

  15. Scrolls with hymns, prayers, and magic spells to guide the dead = Book of the Dead Book of the Dead

  16. Egyptians wrote with picture symbols called hieroglyphics. They wrote on papyrus which was made from reeds to form paper.

  17. Images • Ziggurat • Pyramid

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