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Which is the Manatee….. And which is me?

®. Which is the Manatee….. And which is me?. What is Me Time?. Me Time is more than just entertainment Whether offline or online, a number of activities compete, and they encompass all categories – communication, entertainment , information , resting and rejuvenating

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Which is the Manatee….. And which is me?

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  1. ®

  2. Which is the Manatee….. And which is me?

  3. What is Me Time? • Me Time is more than just entertainment • Whether offline or online, a number of activities compete, and they encompass all categories – communication, entertainment, information, resting and rejuvenating • Me Time, perhaps a misnomer, is about more than just ME • It is indeed a respite away from family… but also a means for being with others • Me Time is more than just a guilty pleasure • As such, certain times call for seizing an opportunity for more

  4. 93% of Women Agree with This Definition of “ME TIME…” “A break from your daily role as mother/wife/girlfriend/professional. A time you can relax or unwind, and indulge in personal time away from your everyday responsibilities and obligations.“

  5. It Tops All Other Activities Along with TV, Half Watch Online Video… ME TIME ACTIVITIES – SELECT ALL THAT APPLY OTHER ACTIVITES 57% Have People Over 55% Play Video Games 50% Garden 49% Watching Online Video

  6. … and Is Considered Top 5, as One of the Most Enjoyable Activities WHICH ACTIVITY DO YOU ENJOY THE MOST?

  7. Online = Connection, Fun, and Relaxation PRIMARY MOTIVATIONS FOR GOING ONLINE… Gain confidence Curr. events / Pop culture In touch with friends/family Connect / Sense of community Be organized / Save time Relax / Unwind Have fun / Be entertained Learn / Find answers

  8. What Moms Have to Say About “Me Time” “I'd start with a spa day. Then I'd spend a week getting stupid-irresponsibly blasted on the jersey shore, followed by a cruise in the Caribbean, then two weeks in an Italian villa....Hey a mom can dream.....And to answer the question NO I get no "me time" and probably won't for the next DECADE!” -- Anon Mom • “Chatting on FB with my very good friend at midnight hours!” -- Linda • “A glass of wine and a hot bath…..yes!” – Pam • “Watching wrestling or a football game with a cold budLite”-- Tracy

  9. ®

  10. 3 Me Times Sessions, Nearly an Hour Each NUMBER OF SESSIONS DAILY & MEAN MINUTES PER SESSION = Mean: 49 minutes # Internet Sessions/Day

  11. Night time Is the Right Time WHEN DO YOU GET YOUR ME TIME? 17% 8% 59% A blend of the above: 16%

  12. The Type of Internet Activities Differ by Day-Part TIMELINE OF INTERNET ACTIVITIES – PERCEPTUAL MAP Visiting adult-themed sites Emailing Online dating sites Social networking Watching UGC videos Playing online games Morning Reading news Watching movies or TV Sports scores/news Gambling Posting to blogs Reading blogs Online banking/investing Reading about relationships Evening Watching music videos IM Entertainment news Downloading music Using search engines Looking at home decor TV Show Info Looking for good deals Selling on online venues Reading about health/fitness Listening to online radio Shopping Getting Product info Making travel arrangements Daytime Getting new technology info Movie Info Looking for how-to information Note on Correspondence Analysis: The closer the activity to the day-part the higher the correlation Looking up recipes Making dinner reservations

  13. Why are we ignoring this information? Percentage of Yahoo advertisers that use day-parting in their targeting: 0.6% • Rough percentage of Yahoo advertisers that target their advertising message to the content context of the consumer’s activity: <5%

  14. Consider This Great Example: 3PM Recipe Time

  15. And there are Me Time marketing messages…. 11AM 7:20PM

  16. What are some examples of innovative marketing targeting moms at different stages throughout their day?


  18. In 2011: Mobile units sold > PC’s sold Source: Mary Meeker @ KPCB Annual Unit Shipments in millions

  19. Tablet sales will be ~40% in 2015 19

  20. Who Owns Tablets Today? Age Gender Tablet audience is broad: Males & females, 25-55+

  21. Tablet Audience Habits– It’s about Me Time! • Lean-back consumption • Use on sofa, in front of TV, or in bed • Often a shared device • Longer time spent compared to other media

  22. Media Engagement Radically Higher on Tablets 100 60 55 Minutes / Month/Per User 5

  23. iPad users are more receptive to interesting and interactive advertising compared to other devices Source: Nielsen Connected Devices Playbook Sept 2010 Page 23

  24. Celebrity Fashion on a Budget

  25. Thoughts I want to leave you with today • MOMS USE THE INTERNET FOR PRODUCTIVITY AND FINDING ME TIME. Going online is the #1 way women unwind. • MOMS ARE PRODUCTIVE DURING THE DAY AND WANT TO “VEG” AT NIGHT. • USE DAY-PARTING AND CONTENT-MATCHING IN YOUR DIGITAL MARKETING. Tax prep software in the afternoon, pretty shoes and beach vacations at night. • DEVELOP CONTENT AND MARKETING FOR TABLETS DIFFERENTLY AND DO IT NOW. • BREATHE DEEPLY AND PRESS THE OFF BUTTON. The interweb will still be here tomorrow.

  26. NAMASTE! Let’s do some yoga!

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