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What does gender have to do with climate change finance?

Explore the intersection of gender and climate finance, with an overview of current funding figures, implications for women, and recommendations for gender-aware climate finance actions.

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What does gender have to do with climate change finance?

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  1. What does gender have to do with climate change finance? Panama March 2011 Hannie Meesters

  2. Climate Finance Trivia • What is the estimated annual cost for adaptation in developing countries? Adaptation Cited from PPT of Jessica Brown, Overseas Development Institute

  3. Climate Finance Trivia 2 :What is the estimated annual cost for mitigation in developing countries? Mitigation Cited from PPT of Jessica Brown, Overseas Development Institute

  4. Climate Finance Trivia What amount of funding is currently being pledgedper year by donor governments to climate change (both mitigation and adaptation) in developing countries? Of this amount pledged per annum, what amount is actually spent per year (on average) ? What amount went to development aid in 2008? What amount went to financial bailouts in 2008? What amount was the collective income of the 729 women’s groups in 2005? $3.9 billion < $300 million $90.7 billion $4.1 trillion $79 million Cited from PPT of Jessica Brown, Overseas Development Institute

  5. Overview Recent Cost EstimatesGlobal Mitigation and Adaptation Measures HBF North America

  6. Introduction – Overview • Climate Change finance mechanisms limited benefit for LDCs and poorest and most disadvantaged within countries because of lack of capital, market access, knowledge, skills, decision-making powers • Women as a group generally least considered by modern financing mechanisms • Proliferation of new instruments for climate financing and a shift from UNFCCC/GEF to WB and MDBs, with good and bad (gender) implications • A challenge to ensure that gender is an important consideration in ongoing climate finance negotiations and fund operationalization

  7. German International Climate Initiative German Life WebGerman Carbon Financing UK Env. Transformation Fund African Development Bank. World Bank UNFCCC 14 Donors Australia’s Global Initiative on Forest and Climate Indonesia, PNG Norwegian Rain Forest Initiative Brazil, Tanzania, Many others CBD Global Environment Facility GEF-4: 6 Focal AreasAdaptation Funds Biodiversity POPS SPA Climate Int. Waters LDCF Land Degrad Ozone Deplet. SCCF Adaptation Fund To be developed World Bank Climate Investment Funds Clean Tech. FundStr. Climate Funds PPCR Forest InveFund LDC Tech Transfers Ren. Energies Fund BioCarbon Funds (12 Donors) Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (11 Donors) Stockholm Convention Montreal Protocol UNCCD Dutch Funds European Commission GEEFREF GCCA Japanese Cool Earth Fund US Clean Tech Fund Spanish MDG Fund UNDP Recipient Countries Courtesy David Reed, WWFUS; Update LS, 10/01/2008

  8. Evolving Climate Finance Architecture – Boom or Bust for Gender Considerations? New climate finance architecture with shifts of momentum & financing might to WB and MDBs from GEF and UNFCCC PLUS for Gender • Approach climate change as a development concern (WB and MDBs with gender-awareness; UNFCCC not) • WB and most MDBs have gender policies and are committed to gender mainstreaming (UNFCCC not) • Gender considerations as “conditionality” for dispersing funds? • WB/MDB Experience with social sector programs (health, education) MINUS for Gender • Focus on market-driven solutions (carbon finance) • MDBs are part of the problem (investments in oil, gas, mining) • Focus on scaled-up mitigation interventions and large-scale technology • Donor driven (see conditionality question) • Mostly concessional finance, not grants; treated as ODA • Few stakeholders from recipient countries (including women) consulted LianeSchaletek – Heinrich Boll Foundation

  9. Some Recommendations • Raise gender-awareness and commitment to gender equity with all institutions and donors (multilateral, bilateral, private) in the new climate finance architecture • Develop a set of gender-criteria for new funds • Gender audits of new climate funding mechanisms • Gender budgets and gender accounting for projects/programs financed under these new instruments (international and national level) • Improve women’s participation in stakeholder and consultation processes for climate finance issues

  10. The Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA) • Integrate a gender perspective into policy and decision making in order to ensure that the UN mandates on gender equality are fully implemented. • Ensure that financing mechanisms on mitigation and adaptation address the needs of poor women and men equitably. • Build capacity at all levels to design and implement gender-responsive climate change policies, strategies and programmes. • Develop, compile, and share practical tools, information, and methodologies to facilitate the integration of gender into policy and programming.

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