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Explore Mexico's journey towards standardizing time use classification for productive activities at the international level, focusing on the adaptation of ICATUS and CMAUT. Learn about key differences and Mexico's efforts in this field.
Productive Activities withinthe SNA, the MexicanExperience United Nations Expert Group Muting on the Revision of the United Nations Trial International Clasification of activities for the Fine Use Statistics (ICATUS) 11-13 june 2012. New York
The objective of thispresentationis to do a brieflyreview of the evolution of the classifiers of Time Use in Mexico, withemphasisontheefforts to achieve a standarization at internationallevel, particularlywithregard to productive activities within the boundary of work. The information appearing in this presentation was taken from the working papers: “Clasificación Mexicana de Actividades de Uso del Tiempo CMAUT. Documento Metodológico”. Norma Saavedra Salinas. “Directrices y referentes conceptuales para armonizar las encuestas sobre uso del tiempo en América Latina y el Caribe”. Ma. Eugenia Gómez Luna. 1
Mexicocarriedout Time Use Surveys in 1996, 1998 and 2002, integrated to the NationalSurvey of Income and Expenditure of theHousehold, whichhaveallowedtoobtain time-use information related to sociodemographic and occupationcharacteristics of household members, income, household expenses, and the characteristics of the housingtheyoccupy. In 2009 itwascarriedoutindependently the NationalSurvey of Time Use ENUT. 2
Maincharacteristics of mexican time use surveys Whatisimportantto note isthatthefirstclassifier as suchused in theMexicansurveyswasthe CMAUT. 3
The MexicanClassification of Activities of Time Use CMAUT Bornwith the objective of having a classificationthatappliesto ENUT 2009 and subsequent TU surveys. Ittaked as a startingpoint the ICATUS. Considered the importance of adapting ICATUS to nationalcircunstances. 4
Governingcriterion of the adaptation of CMAUT to ICATUS Respects the structure and organization of the ICATUS, who can distinguish between the productive and non productive activities, and within the first, the ones who are part of the SNA and the ones that are not within of this system, but yes in the general border of production. Use time activities Productives Non productives Formal sector NAS Educational Social life Household Services Culture Domestic Services NO NAS Sports Hobbies and games Support for household members Use of mass media Services/support to other household/community Personal care 5
Group levels in the CMAUT Main division Division Group Class 6
Productive Activities withinthe SNA Differences ICATUS - CMAUT CMAUT ICATUS 2005 Main Division Division Groups Main Division 01 Work in the formal sector and the household 011 Work in formal sector and the household 0111 Work in the formal sector 01 Work in formal sector 0112 Primary production work in the household sector 02 Household. Primary production activities 0113 No primary production work in the household sector 03 Household. No primary production activities 0114 Construction work and greater repairs in household sector 04 Household. Construction activities 05 Household. Delivery services activities 0115 Work in paid services delivery in the household sector Unlike ICATUS 2005 which considered five main divisions, in the CMAUT for the work within the boundary of the NAS, it was determined one main division and a division for labor in structured sector and the household sector, at group level are presented the activities that correspond to the formal sector and the ones that corresponds to the households, depending on the characteristics of goods and services produced. 7
ProductiveActivitieswithinthe SNA Differences ICATUS - CMAUT JOB SEARCH ICATUS CMAUT 012 Related activities in the structural sector 012 Job search and business creation. 022 Related activities in activities of primary production 032 Related activities in activities of non primary production 042 Related activities in activities of construction 052 Related activities in activities of services 8
Aspectsthatsupport the differences CMAUT - ICATUS Mexico has a NationalSurvey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE) whichispart of anIntegratedSystem of Household Surveyswhosephilosophyis to ensurecomplementarity of the measurementsmade for eachsurvey and avoidrepeating the measurement of the samesubject. The ENOE makes particular emphasis on the difference between work that is for the formal sector, and the one which takes place in the households. In countries like Mexico where informal economic units have an important weight, it doesn't be excluded that the job search also takes place in the household sector. Is very difficult for those seeking work, look for work in a business with a specific activity, or that the person may classify the activity business where he is looking for work. 9
Classifier of time use forAmerica Latina and the Caribe (CAUTAL) In parallelwaywith the preparation of ENUT 2009 conceptual framework, basedon CMAUT, in theframe of theConference of the American States (CEA), Mexicoparticipates in the work to achievea standarizedclassifier of time use for América Latina and the Caribe, the CAUTAL. The guiding principle of the CAUTAL, is to consider the general boundary of production of the National Account System. 10
ProductiveActivitieswithintheSNA Comparison ICATUS-CAUTAL ICATUS 2012 CAUTAL Division Group SubGroup Main Division Division The gap betweentheseclassifiers at thispointisgreatlyreducedwiththeproposedadjustments in the ICATUS 2012. 13