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Protists. The most diverse kingdom of eukaryotes Mostly aquatic organisms Mode of nutrition is used to classify protists into 3 main groups Protozoa (ingestive, animal-like) Algae (photosynthetic, plant-like) Slime molds (absorptive, fungus-like). Directions. READ CAREFULLY

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  1. Protists • The most diverse kingdom of eukaryotes • Mostly aquatic organisms • Mode of nutrition is used to classify protists into 3 main groups • Protozoa (ingestive, animal-like) • Algae (photosynthetic, plant-like) • Slime molds (absorptive, fungus-like)


  3. A common protozoan is the paramecium – can you see the cilia? http://faculty.plattsburgh.edu/jose.deondarza/research/Photos/Paramecium.jpg

  4. Protozoans • Trypanosoma --------- is the protozoan that causes African sleeping sickness • Giardia ------------------ causes the diarrhea sickness contracted from contaminated water (yuck! – always bring your own water on hikes!) www.innovations-report.com/. ../report-19279.html martin.parasitology.mcgill.ca/.../ GIARDIA.HTM

  5. Rhizopods • This drawing of an amoeba illustrates the pseudopod. • Can you recognize the pseudopod in this amoeba? http://shs.westport.k12.ct.us/mjvl/biology/cells/amoeba.gif

  6. Plasmodium • These protozoans may seem harmless since they can’t move far on their own, but they use vectors, such as insects, to get them where they want to go. • Plasmodium (purple in a field of red blood cells) is the protozoan that causes malaria with the help of mosquitoes as the vector. parasitol.wkhc.ac.kr/ image/oth/mosq.GIF

  7. More Rhizopods: Note the psdeudopods • Heliozoans • Radiolarians • Foraminiferans

  8. Now that you are a protozoan pro, do you remember the next group of protists – those that make their own food? ALGAE Click to see the correct answer…

  9. Algae There are 6 main phyla of these plant-like protists: • Green algae • Euglena • Dinoflagellates • Diatoms • Red algae • Brown algae Let’s take a look…

  10. Green algae: chlorophyta • Green algae are thought to be the direct ancestor of land plants www.sonoma.edu/biology/ algae/Green.html www.acadweb.wwu.edu/.../ 25_hydrodictyon_40x.jpg http://www.acadweb.wwu.edu/courses/envr429-rm/Robin/images/envr429/27_oedogonium_40x.jpg

  11. The euglena performs photosynthesis like a plant, but has a flagellum and moves around like a protozoan – cool! Euglena http://www.cartage.org.lb/en/themes/Sciences/BotanicalSciences/MajorDivisions/KingdomProtista/Protists/euglena.gif http://www.bgbm.org/kusber/images/euglena.gif

  12. Dinoflagellates • have 2 flagella that make them spin; some can secrete dangerous toxins – one example is the red tides caused by Pfiesteria, which lead to fish kills http://www.infectiousdiseasenews.com/199906/S9a06587.gif http://biology.nebrwesleyan.edu/Courses/Labs/Biology_of_Animals/ZooLab9/Dinoflagellates_100X.jpg

  13. Zooxanthellae • Dinoflagellate that lives in a symbiotic relationship with coral. When removed via water warming coral dies (coral bleaching). Note the tentacle colonized by the zooxanthellae.

  14. Red Tides: Another dinoflagellate

  15. Diatoms This phylum of algae is noted for its symmetry and beautiful glass shells http://www.lifesci.ucsb.edu/mcdb/research/facilities/microscopy/diatom.jpg http://www.acnatsci.org/research/biodiv/diatompics/diatom.jpg http://www.nhm.ac.uk/hosted_sites/quekett/Others/Gallery/Helios/diatom.jpg

  16. Red algae: rhodophyta * The red pigment, phycoerythrin, allows red algae to photosynthesize at greater depths * The agar in the plates that we used for the bacteria lab was a red algae * Carrageenan (an ingredient in many ice creams) and Nori (the wrapping around sushi) are both red algaes www.alumni.ca/ ~thoga3n/redalgae.gif faculty.clintoncc.suny.edu/ faculty/Michael.Gr...

  17. Nori: red algae used for makisushi

  18. Brown algae; phaeophyta The largest living algae; kelp forms an underwater forest-like habitat. http://www.nmnh.si.edu/botany/projects/algae/Imag-Pha.htm http://www.sonoma.edu/biology/algae/Nereocystis.GIF

  19. Slime molds • Slime molds obtain food through decomposition of organic material • This is a slime mold> commonly found on grass. It’s called the dog vomit slime mold – eewww, gross!

  20. Okay, quiz time! • Name the three categories of protists – say them out loud to your partner * hint: one is animal-like, one is plant-like, and one is fungus-like click to see the answers • Protozoans (animal-like) • Algae (plant-like) • Slime molds (fungus-like)

  21. Matching:match each protozoan with it’s mode of locomotion Cilia (ciliaphora) Flagella (mastigophora) Pseudopod (sarcodina) Click to see the correct answers What protozoan doesn’t move? Click again to see answer… Apicomplexa

  22. Matching Part Deux:On a separate sheet of paper, match each numbered statement with the correct lettered organism (some used twice). Answers are on the next slide. • Pretty glass shells • Huge kelp beds • Lead to red tides • Causes African Sleeping Sickness • Sushi wrap • One type is “dog vomit” • Has flagella and chloroplasts • Have 2 flagella • Decompose their food • Causes malaria • Ancestors of land plants • Can photosynthesize at great depths • Dinoflagellates • Trypanasoma • Slime molds • Diatoms • Red algae • Brown algae • Green algae • Euglena • Plasmodium

  23. Answers • 1 d • 2 f • 3 a • 4 b • 5 e • 6 c • 7 h • 8 a • 9 c • 10 I • 11 g • 12 e

  24. Matching practice: Answers on next page • Dinoflagellates g. phaeophyta • Trypanasoma h. chlorophyta c. Slime molds i. rhodophyta d. Diatoms j. Euglena e. Paramecium k. Plasmodium • Giardia l. rhizopoda 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 8

  25. Answers • 1. i • 2. c • 3. h • 4. l • 5. e • 6. d • 7. k • 8. j

  26. Yes, you are now excused!

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