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Teacher Personal Styles and Environments. Student Perspectives. 1. Elementary studentts like school more 2. Middle school like school less and perceive less choice, interest, and enjoyment 4. Girls like school more than boys
Student Perspectives • 1. Elementary studentts like school more • 2. Middle school like school less and perceive less choice, interest, and enjoyment • 4. Girls like school more than boys • 5. Rural reported less interest and challenge and liked it less than urban • 6. Gifted kids in magnet schools more challenged than GT and nonGT in regular school
BRICKWALL 1. Punisher 2. Guilter DICTATOR: Classroom procedures and rules are enforced without student input Teacher STYLE leading to failure
JELLYFISH-Disengaged No structure, rules, or guidelines Inconsistent responses that tend to be reactive and more punishing Students have complete independence over classroom management with only institutional constraints • Teacher style leading to failure
BACKBONE 1. Buddy 2. Monitor 3. Manager Encourages students to devise their own classroom policies • Teacher style leading to success
Where do Teachers’ Need for Control come from? • Collected Experiences • Educational and Work Background • Personality Traits • Views and Ideas on What Education Should Be • Views on Roles of the Teacher vs. the Student
Reciprocal Control View Family History of Control CLASSROOM Opportunities for Control
SELF- EFFICACY An individual’s perception of their ability to perform a task • Kauffman and Wong, 1991 I Can!
HIGH SELF- EFFICACY • Allows teachers to perceive students as worthy of effort and attention!! Kauffman and Wong, 1991 I Can!
LOW SELF-EFFICACY • Reduced efforts or giving up entirely • Avoid challenges Kauffman and Wong, 1991 I Can’t
Teachers Who Lack Confidence • Low: ability to set up effective behavior management plans • Lower: adjusting lessons/materials • Lowest: ability to manage classroom stress Bussing et al., 2002
Teacher Perspectives • Result of past experience • Modifiable with success • Directly influences students’ behavior and attitudes
“Attainment of higher level learning objectives will not be achieved with relative ease through discovery learning; instead, it will require considerable instruction by a skilled teacher” Brophy (1986) –in Heward, W. L. (2003)- “Students’ minds are allowed very little freedom when specific psychological processes academic skills, and cognitive strategies are structured for them… the more structured the curriculum, the more passive become our students”Poplin (1988) Does structure help learning or inhibit independence? Versus
Development of basic knowledge and skills to levels of automatic and errorless performanceBrophy (1986) –in Heward, W. L. (2003)- Self-directed learning Drill & Practice Versus • Students take responsibility for their learning, which reduces behavior problems • Works for all students, especially those with BD(Merriam & Caffarella, 1999)
Are multiple methods the answer? • A defining characteristic of a good special educator is knowledge and skill in using a variety of instructional methods • Fuchs & Fuchs (2000); Lovitt (1996)
SPED teachers indicated it is “important” to collect performance data Greenwood & Maheady (1997) –in Heward, W. L. (2003) Direct, objective and frequent measurement of the student performance is one of the hallmarks in Special Education But 85% stated that they “never” or “seldom” collected and charted students performance data to make instructional decisions Is Frequent Assessment Important? Versus
Praise, approval and other forms of positive reinforcement have positive effects on student behavior and achievement Alber & Heward (2003); Maag (2001) Praise increases pressure to “live up to” praise w/ unrealistic expectations of future success, establishes a power imbalance, insults people if rewarded for unchallenging behaviors undermines intrinsic motivation Kohn (1993) -in Heward, W. L. (2003) Factors that contribute to low rates of teacher praise in classroom (Heward, 2003) will students will come to expect it? students should learn for “intrinsic” reasons. praising takes too much time it is unnatural to praise Does Praise increase or decrease Motivation? Versus
Self-esteem is more likely a product of high achievement and accomplishments Heward (2003) Teachers who worked to build student self- confidence had students with better academic performance & emotional health (Stough & Palmer, 2003) Do we build self-esteem or achievement? Versus
1.Cooperative practices= 2. Information explicitness= 3. High rates of choice= 4. Support (caringness) 1. increase of on-task behavior 2. benefits BD students in sm. group settings less activity & better attention 4. valued by students Teaching Practices with:Students w/ BD Beyda, Zentall, & Ferko, 2002
Yes!! High Expectations The most successful EBD teachers have “high expectations for students’ academic performance and conduct” • They can also, “readily bring a student’s behavior into line with their standards and tolerance”. • Reflective teachers had higher expectations M.Daugherty et al. (2003)Wong, Kauffman, & Lloyd, 1991
Frequent opportunities to respond, high expectations, and fast-paced instruction are especially important for students with learning and behavioral problems, because to catch up they must be taught more in less time, otherwise the gap between a normal and a disabled student becomes even greater. Kame’enui & Simmons (1990) Patience is a positive and valued trait in the classroom, but special education teachers often translate it into: Slowed-down instruction Lowered expectations for performance Fewer opportunities to respond Fewer in class assignments Fewer homework assignments Heward (2003) Not Patience?
But also Not DEMANDING! • Low tolerance for misbehavior • High standards of appropriate behavior • These teachers were also the most resistant to having a disabled student in their class Walker& Rankin (cited in Kauffman & Wong, 1991)
Is Emotional Climate Important? • Negative= fewer student gains • Positive= improved student self- concept and attitude toward school • Morsink, Soar, Soar, & Thomas, 1986
Theory • Goal of TA: to understand clearly what took place during the transaction and how to sustain mature transactions.
Components of Transactions • Three ego states ( more readily understood and applied than Freudian id, superego and ego. • The Child • The Parent • The Adult
The Child (before the age of 5) • Impulsive, demanding, whining. • “I’m not OK and you are” (child, anxious dependency of the immature, withdrawn, depressed). • Conflict with desire to win parent approval and desire to explore, touch, and test the world. • Non-verbal - tears, quivering lip, pouting, temper tantrums, high pitched, whining voice, rolling eyes, shrugging shoulders, downcast eyes, teasing, delight, laughter, hand-raising for permission to speak, nail-biting, nose-thumbing, squirming and giggling. • Verbal - “I wish, I want, I dunno, I gonna, I don’t care, I guess, when I grow up bigger, biggest, better, best, (and many similar superlatives).”
The Parent • Shaped by external events, represents lifesaving, talks with imperatives, directives, judgmental, extremes, rules, “truths” recorded from childhood, controls and nurtures • Non-verbal - furrowed brow, pursed lips, pointing index finger, head-wagging, horrified look, foot-tapping, hands on hips, arms folded across chest, wringing hands, tongue-clicking, sighing, patting another on the head. • Verbal - “I am going to put a stop to this once and for all,” “Now, always remember,” Evaluative words such as: “stupid, naughty, ridiculous, disgusting, shocking, asinine, lazy, nonsense, absurd, poor thing, poor dear, no! no!, sonny, honey, How dare you?, cute, there, Now what?, Not again!”
The Adult • Controls himself and the environment, can predict future incidents; thinks rationally; generalizes. • Ability to categorize and generalize. Adult tests or checks out the rules and information of the parent to see if they are right. The adult determines when the feelings of the child can be expressed and knows when to obey parent rules or child’s spontaneity • Non-verbal - Listening attentively. • Verbal - “How much, in what way, comparative, true, false, probable, possible, unknown, objective, I think, I see, it is my opinion, why, what, when, who, and how.” • “I’m OK - you’re OK” (mature adult at peace with him/herself and others)
Roles in Transactions • Four life positions: • 1. Child rules: I’m not O.K., you are O.K. • 2. Parent rules: “I’m OK and you’re not OK” (parent, criminal, psychopath, external locus of control, battered kids). • 3. Desirable: I’m O.K., you’re O.K.
Application • Communication Disruption is the result of tension among the three inner forces. • Parent and Child rule: I’m not O.K., and others are not O.K” Everything is hopeless (suicidal, homicidal).
Some things to ask ourselves… Which role do we play MOST of the time? The director role? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… The rescuer teacher role? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… Ruled by time role? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… The responsive teacher role? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… The passive teacher role? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… The entertainer role? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… Are entertaining or direction a child with his own agenda? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… Are we using a director role with a passive child? Weitzman, E (1992)
Some things to ask ourselves… The rescuer role with a reluctant child? Weitzman, E (1992)