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Explore Paul's Letter to the Galatian Churches, focusing on the works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit. Discover how to overcome negative behaviors and embrace spiritual fulfillment. Unpack the concept of faithfulness and the battle between the flesh and the Spirit. Learn about restoring fallen brethren with gentleness and mutual support. This study provides insights on living a Spirit-led life in accordance with biblical teachings.
Called To Freedom In Christ Studies From Paul’s Letter To The Churches In Galatia
The Works Of The Flesh(Gal. 5:19-21) How To Have More Fighting, Anger, Unrest, Stress, & Unhappiness (Emptiness) In Your Life
The Fruit Of The Spirit(Gal. 5:22-23) How To Have More Peace, Love, & Spiritual Fulfillment (Fullness) In Your Life
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Some concluding comments re: “Works of the flesh” & “Fruit of the Spirit” Specific acts/attitudes done in sin are referred to as “works”…behavior the Spirit is opposed to or does not approve
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Some concluding comments re: “Works of the flesh” & “Fruit of the Spirit” Dispositions & actions He approves are termed “fruit” because one “bears fruit” of the planted seed Lk 8:11 1 Pet 1:22-25
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Some concluding comments re: “Works of the flesh” & “Fruit of the Spirit” The Spirit did not plant nor want cultivated that which produces what is recorded in 5:19-21
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Some concluding comments re: “Works of the flesh” & “Fruit of the Spirit” Faithfulness in developing & maintaining spiritual character is likened to bearing fruit 2 Pet 1:5-8
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 …against such there is no law” 5:23 Best understood in law vs. gospel context Judaizers would imply the gospel Paul preached had no basis for moral living… only a revealed law system provided such
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 …against such there is no law” 5:23 Paul has proven otherwise…the one who lives the Spirit-led life will have nothing in his conduct the Law could condemn In fact, it “fulfills the Law” 5:14
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Spirit-led saints have crucified the flesh with its desires 5:24 Those belonging to Christ…accomplished at baptism 3:29 They are aware of the “battle” 5:16-18
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Spirit-led saints have crucified the flesh with its desires 5:24 Paul taught similarly to the Roman saints Rom 6:6-7, 12
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 If one has been made to live by the Spirit following his fleshly crucifixion, then he ought to “walk by the Spirit” 5:25 Conduct the Spirit directs, would approve Rom 6:3-5
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Paul also warns against boasting 5:26 Boasting re: law Rom 3:27-28 4:1-2 Such conduct only produces challenges (provocations) and causes envy…already identified as a “work of the flesh” 5:21
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Re: helping fallen-away brethren 6:1 Saints are to be concerned about brethren who have “fallen from grace” 5:4 How they treat, react to them is important to restoring them 2 Thess 3:6, 14-15
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Re: helping fallen-away brethren 6:1 Spirit-led saints who seek to “restore” apostates do so being mindful of their own potential to fall…they possess a spirit of “gentleness” A “fruit of the Spirit” 5:23
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Re: helping fallen-away brethren 6:1 “Restore” is an interesting N.T. word Same word as “mending” Mt 4:21 Same word as “like-minded” 1 Cor 1:10
3rd Proposition & Proof 5:1 – 6:10 Paul’s “proof” is the exhortations he gives the Galatian saints 5:13 – 6:10 Re: helping faithful brethren 6:2-5 Saints are also to be concerned about their brethren’s “load” v. 2a Our connection in the body makes this necessary 1 Cor 12:26 Eph 4:25b