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Detailed overview of Hungary's involvement in various EU military missions in Africa, including mandates, key personnel, and operational details from 2003 to present.

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  2. AGENDA • EU ARTEMIS • AMIS Support Mission • AMIS Support Mission • Advisory and support mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo • EU Military mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo • EU Chad/Central African Peace Operations • EU Naval Operation in Somalia • EU Training Mission in Somalia • EU operations in Libya • EU Mali training mission • EU operation in the Republic of Central-Africa • Conclusions

  3. EU ARTEMIS Operation • The EU’s first fully independent mission in the African continent – between12th June and 07th September 2003 • Conflict between Hema and Lendu tribes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Ituri) • No NATO support – French leadership – limited operation (time, area)! • Mandate (UNSC res. No. 1484): • enforcing stability in Bunia, securing the airport; • security tasks (facilitating the settlement of Hema–Lendu conflict); • humanitarian activities; protecting refugees and civilians • supporting operation of MONUC, protecting UN operatives and facilities • Interim Emergency Multinational Force – MONUC took over • 17 countries/2548 personnel • Lt. Col. János Tomolya, Paris, national limitation

  4. AMIS Support Mission • EU support to AMIS(African Union Mission in Sudan)/Darfur operation – between June 2005 and December 2007 • Conflict between arabs and Africans – Sudan government part – AU peace support operation – EU financial and logistic support • Mandate: • operating and supporting AMIS II; • general and specialized training of African soldiers; • managing and implementing tactical-strategic air transports; • logistics supply, consulting - advisory group; • police assistance; • participating in humanitarian programs. • Maj. Ferenc Kajári - MO - June 2004 to June 2005, Kabkabiya, Capt. Janos Besenyo – log. advisor - June 2005 to December 2005

  5. Advisory and Support Mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo • EU Security Sector Reform Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (EUSEC RD Congo) - launched on 02 May 2005. • Mandate: • supporting Congolese government; • supporting the security and cooperation of the countries of African Great Lakes; • supporting the reform in the administration and financial system of the military, transforming the defense sector; • cooperating with the EUPOL CONGO RD peacekeeping mission; • humanitarian activities. • Mandate of the EU mission was extended, the personnel was increased to 60 people. • Registration – DDR programs – training – transformation of military structure – humanitarian programs • Hungarians from the begining

  6. EU Military mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo • EUFOR RD Congo – from 12th June 2006 until 30th November 2006 • Franco-German led mission – 21 Eu countries+ Turkey (2275 pers/20.9 million USD) • Mandate: • securing the Congolese parliamentary elections in accordance with the UNSC 1671 decision; • supporting the operation of MONUC; • supporting the Congolese government; • implementing security tasks; • protection of civilians; • securing the airport in Kinshasa; • humanitarian activities. • HQ in Potsdam(3 Hungarian officers/national restrictions), OHQ in Kinshasa N'Djilli – Libreville (1200 operational reserve)

  7. EU Chad/Central African Peace Operations • European Union Chad / Central African Peace Operations (EUFOR Chad / RCA) - from 28th January 2008 until 15th March 2009 • Mandate: • regional security, cooperation with the bodies of UN, Chad, Central African Republic; • patrolling; • protecting civilians and refugees, reintegrating them, securing international civilians; • delivering humanitarian aids. • 23 Eu contries+Albania, Croatia, Russia - Strategic command HQ: Paris/Operational HQ N’djamena and Abechi • 3396 personnel, "trial run" for EU's long-term operations, 119,6 million € • 4 Hungarian (logistic, personal, medical) served in the mission • Maj. Antal Csaba Kiss - analysis on the health risks of the mission

  8. EU Naval Operation in Somalia • EU NAVFOR Atalanta/EU Naval Operation in the Somali Republic – from 02nd June 2008. Currently operating on the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean • British led mission HQ: Northwood/Operational HQ: Djibuti • Mandate: • supporting the EU’s CSDP; • combatting piracy, securing trade routes, protection of civilian ships; • escorting ships of UN World Food Program and other humanitarian convoys; • supporting the operation of AU’s mission in Somalia (AMISOM); • supervision of fishing in the Somalian shores. • Problems: lack of sufficient intelligence, helicopters suitable for patrol, efficient medical insurance and tankers, unified regulations against piracy • Hungary: three IT Non-commissioned officers until 2010. Duty: registration of merchant vessels on a special website (Mercury)

  9. EU Training Mission in Somalia • EU Training Mission in Somalia (EUTM Somalia) – from 10th April 2010 until December 2016 • Spanish led mission – 125 persons, 11,6 million €/year • Trained 3600 Somalis/year - Till 2013 Uganda, from 2013 Mogadishu, liaison office (Nairobi), support unit (Brussel) • Advising Somali Army reform • Mandate: • supporting the implementation of Djibouti Agreement; • support for the Temporary Federal Government and government organizations, • enhancing the operation of AMISOM; • training Somali government soldiers on the basis of UNSC Resolution No.1872 • Hungary: 4 trainer/lawyer officersper shift, so far 18 soldiers participated

  10. EU operations in Libya • European Union Libyan Operations (EUFOR Libya) - 01st April 2011 - preparatory staff was set up in Rome, the actual process had not been launched • Disagreement between EU contries about the mission • Italian lead mission - 110 preparatory staff (Rome)/8 million € - 4 drafts for the operation • Mandate: • protecting Libyan civilians, securing their evacuation, • creating safe living conditions during the conflict; • support the work of humanitarian organizations in Libya • Lt. Col. Dr. Tamas Bognar, Lt. Dr. Zita Makrai -preventive medical activities and health risk assessment - national limitations but later released

  11. EU Mali Training Mission • Replacing the MINUSMA – EU Mali training mission was launched on 18th February 2013 extended until 18th May 2016 • French led mission – 582 personals (23 EU contries) – 23 millions € • HQ Bamako, Training Center: Koulikoro • Mandate: • Facilitating the restoration of constitutional order; • restoring and securing the statehood, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Mali, • repelling international terrorist organizations and organized crime; • training the newly-organized Malian Army units; • advisory tasks related to the reconstruction and employment of the Malian Army • Hungary: 15 people per shift (a liaison officer, 6 medical trainers and 3 soldiers) • Hungarian/Belgian trainer group (sniper) • No national restrictions!

  12. EU operation in the Republic of Central-Africa • European Union operation in the Republic of Central-Africa (EUFOR RCA) – from 10th February 2014 until 15th March 2015 • Strategic Command HQ: Larissa (Greece), Operational HQ: Bangui (RCA) – 31,6 million €/750 persons • Mandate: • stabilizating and securing the situation in Bangui until this task is transferred to MINUSCA; • protection of the civilian population, improving their living conditions, ensuring the operation of humanitarian aid; • Cooperation with French „Operation Snagaris”; • support the MINUSCA mission until it reaches full operational capability. • Part of the mission's activities were transferred to EUMAM RCA - reorganization and training of the Central African armed forces • Hungary:6 staff officers

  13. EUFOR Libya Libya – 2 people EUFOR CHAD Chad– 4 people EU Support Operation to AMIS Darfur – 2 people EUTM MALI Mali – 16 people EUFOR RCA Central African Republic – 6 people EUNAVFOR Somalia – 3 people EUFOR ARTEMIS Democratic Republic of Congo – 1 people EUTM Somalia Uganda - 18 people EUSEC Democratic Republic of Congo– 11 people EUFOR RD CONGO Democratic Republic of Congo– 3 people

  14. Conclusion • African continent is not indifferent for the EU • African conflicts influencing the security of Europe at several levels • Out of the 29 operations of CSDP, 16 was carried out in Africa. • From 2008 EU participated only in African Operations • Some EU countries refuse to take part African operations/limited mandate/ • No peace enforcement but peace support operations • Hungary is not keyplayer in Africa - change in the Hungarian foreign affairs priorities: “opening to the South„ processing our experiences in Africa is essential. • Existing Hungarian shortcomings: French-knowledge • EU shortages (intelligence, logistic, medical, IT, water purification)

  15. Questions? Thank you for your attention!

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