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Join us on Wednesday, September 11th, 2019 for an evening to learn about the new curriculum in Year 1. Get insights on the children's progress, the vision of our school, and key areas of focus such as mathematics, English, phonics, spelling, and reading.
New Curriculum Information Evening Year 1 Wednesday 11th September 2019
The children are settling in really well and new routines are being established. However, Year 1 does demand a more formal approach and it will take time for the children to become accustomed to this new way of working. (But they are doing really well!)
Vision In our school, we celebrate being part of God’s family where all respect themselves, others and the world around them. Our vision is to develop a safe, caring community of inspired, resilient lifelong learners with a spirit of curiosity, enabling them to flourish in an ever changing world.
Jeremiah • The Lord says for I know the plans I have for you… plans to give you hope and a future.
The New Curriculum in Year One Maths and English
Mathematics Non-NegotiablesCount to & across 100, forwards & backwards from any number.Read & write numbers to 20 in digits & words.Read & write numbers to 100 in digits.Say 1 more/1 less to 100.Count in multiples of 1, 2, 5 & 10.Know bonds to 10 by heart.Use bonds & subtraction facts to 20.Add & subtract:1 digit & 2 digit numbers to 20, including zero.Add any three 1-digit numbers with a total up to 20.Solve simple addition & division with apparatus & arrays. Recognise half and quarter of object, shape or quantity. Sequence events in order.Use language of day, week, month and year.Tell time to hour & half past.
How you can help in Maths! Assist your child in working towards the ‘Non Negotiables’ throughout the year. Ask them questions when you are out and about. Talk to them about time and routines. Practise counting – ask them to count up and down from given numbers. Do they understand what adding and taking away means? Making sure they are forming numbers correctly/the correct way round.
English In Year 1 we use stories to teach the curriculum. This term we are using Beegu. It was exciting on Monday when we found a spaceship had landed in the school playground!
Writing Non-Negotiables • Write clearly demarcated sentences. • Use ‘and’ to join ideas. • Use conjunctions to join sentences (e.g. so, but). • Use standard forms of verbs, e.g. go/went. • Evidence of: • Capital letters. • Full stops. • Question marks. • Exclamation marks. • Use capital letters for names & personal pronoun ‘I’. • Write clearly sequenced sentences. • Correct formation of lower case – finishing in right place. • Correct formation of capital letters. • Correct formation of digits.
Year 1 Phonics/Spelling We will be following the ‘Letters and Sounds’ scheme which breaks the phonics down into six phases. At the end of Year 1 all children take part in the Phonic Screening to assess what they can read. The government provide a ‘pass mark’ which is generated from an average score.
Year 1 Common Exception Words These words are statutory and children are expected to spell them correctly during their independent writing. A list of these words can be found in your information pack. We will practise these words during registration.
All children are encouraged to develop a neat, cursive script. However, it is important that they can form the letters correctly first! Handwriting will be taught during morning registration and reinforced daily.
1 Reading in Year 1 will adopt the three step reading approach- • Decode, • Fluency • Understanding (retrieval and inference) • The approach means that all children must read their • individual reading books 3 times. • This approach will allow pupils to develop their fluency • as readers, allowing them to encounter words a larger number of • times and further develop their sight recognition, thus • improving theirfluency and confidence as readers. • The approach prepares readers in becoming life long readers, • who read for meaning and enjoyment, as pupils develop a deep • understanding of what they are reading in order to answer • a variety of comprehension questions about the text and • the language they have encountered. • The three stages of reading will be used as an assessment • tool in school before the pupils progress to the next colour • book band. We encourage you to support this approach • at home. Reading in Year 1
How you can help in English • Listen to your child read regularly. Send in their reading books daily. • Practise/play games to help them learn their phonemes. • Learn to spell the common exception words.
Homework • Homework books with homework activities in will be sent out every Friday.. Homework is due back into school the following Wednesday. Homework may include a phonics game, writing task, maths spiralling or something linked to our topic. • Spellings will follow the same format as in Reception. You will receive a list of words with the homework on a Friday and these will be tested on the following Friday. • You will also receive a list of the common exception words and a phonics passport that you can use throughout the year. • You can do as little or as much as you feel is appropriate for your child.
Reminders P.E- Thursday and Fridays for 1P • Wednesday and Friday for 1SMason the monkey or Ted the Teddy will be sent home with a child on a Friday to spend time with.Library will be on a Tuesday for 1Pand 1S. Please ensure reading books are brought into school every day along with your child's reading record book.
Characteristics of effective learners We believe that these eight strands will not only develop effective learners, but also develop skills which will support children throughout their lives. • Resilience -The ability to respond to challenges and tasks that stretch your ability. • Creativity -The ability to apply a creative approach to tasks in all areas of learning. • Problem solving -The ability to consider alternative ways to complete a task. • Teamwork - The ability to adopt different roles when working as a pair, or a team such as taking the lead, listening to others and appreciating their viewpoints. • Motivation -The desire to achieve your personal potential and take pride in your work. • Independence -To attempt set tasks without reassurance and support. • Involvement and engagement in lessons-The desire to take an active role in learning opportunities. • Behaviour during unstructured time –The ability to behave in an appropriate manner during opportunities such as playtime and drama activities.
Growth Mindset – Learning Behaviours RESILIENCE The ability to respond to challenges and tasks that stretch your ability. MOTIVATION The desire to achieve your personal potential and take pride in your work.
Developing personal independence • Encourage your child to be responsible for their own belongings (homework, PE kit, coats, bags, changing books, letters home and slips etc). • Give your child responsibility to ensure that they have they have the correct equipment with them each day (PE kits/water bottles). • Work with your child to ensure that they can tie their laces, zip up their coats and dress themselves. • Please ensure that all uniform and PE kits are named then they can be returned if they are misplaced.
If you are concerned or have any questions please do come and talk to us.The best time to see us is at the end of the school day once we have seen all the children out.We understand your child is still young. We will continue to nurture and care for each and everyone of them. Hopefully, they will enjoy Year 1!Any questions?