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Subcultural Theories. ▪ Several Theories emerged from late 1950s through the 1960s ▪ Attempt to explain the formation and activity of delinquent subcultures ▪ Subculture defined as a group (such as a street gang) that holds different norms and values than mainstream society
Subcultural Theories ▪ Several Theories emerged from late 1950s through the 1960s ▪ Attempt to explain the formation and activity of delinquent subcultures ▪ Subculture defined as a group (such as a street gang) that holds different norms and values than mainstream society • Combined ideas from both strain theory (Merton) and differential association –> “mixed models”
Specific Subcultural Theories 1. Status frustration (Cohen) 2. Differential opportunity theory (Cloward and Ohlin) 3. Focal concerns of the lower class (Miller)
Status Frustration (1 of 3) ▪ Albert Cohen ▪ From Merton: strain causes crime • BUT, for Cohen, not “American Dream” frustrations, but strain caused by inability to reach middle class • Can’t “buy” middle class status • From Sutherland: crime as learned • New values are passed on (learned by) new members of the subculture
Status Frustration (2 of 3) ▪ Turning point occurs when boys reach school age ▪ 1950s school systems entrenched in middle-class values and social networks ▪ Lower-class boys singled out by their dress, manners, and attitudes (“tracking”) ▪ Middle-class measuring rod • If cannot meet? In “market” for solution.
Status Frustration (3 of 3) ▪ Delinquent “reaction formation” = value the opposite of middle class: ▪ Aggression ▪ Toughness ▪ Hedonism ▪ Immediate gratification ▪ Loyalty ▪ Conformity Cohen: Most delinquency is malicious, negative and not utilitarian (not achieving American dream)
Differential Opportunity Theory (1 of 2) ▪ Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin ▪ From Merton: Lack of legitimate opportunities for success causes strain ▪ Blocked economic aspirations lead to poor self-image ▪ Frustration leads to delinquency • From Sutherland: much delinquency requires access to “illegitimate means” for success • Delinquents learn criminal trades within neighborhood
Differential Opportunity Theory (2 of 2) ▪ Delinquent subcultures ▪ Criminal subculture ▪ Where illegitimate opportunities exist, delinquents seek economic gain, view crime as a career ▪ Conflict subculture ▪ Where no illegitimate opportunities exist, gangs fight over turf and place high value on violence ▪ Retreatist subculture ▪ “Double losers”: Emphasizes drug abuse or other forms of escape
Focal Concerns of the Lower Class (1 of 2) ▪ Walter Miller ▪ Views entire lower class as subculture ▪ Focal concerns (values) foster delinquency. ▪ Lower-class youth respond to these values and develop a subculture of delinquency.
Focal Concerns of the Lower Class (2 of 2) ▪ Trouble: Violent situations, interactions with the police ▪ Toughness: Need to demonstrate that one can stand up to adversity ▪ Smartness: Street smarts ▪ Excitement: Thrill of engaging in conflict ▪ Fate: What happens in life is beyond one’s control ▪ Autonomy: Intolerance of challenges to one’s personal sphere
Focal Concerns of the Lower Class (3 of 3) • Social Structure • Predominance of female-based households contributes to this problem. ▪ Lower-class adolescents often go out on the streets to learn appropriate adult male behavior. • Criticisms of theory ▪ Failure to put the focal concerns in context ▪ Many middle-class youth share “focal conerns”
Focal Concerns Code of the Streets ▪ Elijah Anderson ▪ Lower-class youth guided by code of the streets ▪ Informal rules that govern interpersonal behavior ▪ Heart of the code is fear of being disrespected • Grounded within structural reality (despair, lack of opportunity, etc) of inner city life • TIE BACK TO SOCIAL DISORGANIZATION
Policy Implications ▪ Cohen = ? • Cloward and Ohlin? ▪ Mobilization for Youth program • Provide legitimate opportunities for success to members of the lower class (Job programs, apprenticeships, etc) ▪ Organize social institutions in poor neighborhoods (political power) • Miller • Importance of prosocial male role models (Men as Peacemakers?)
Subcultural Theory Criticism ▪ Narrow scope ▪ Focus on lower-class boys ▪ Does not account for white-collar crime, middle-class crime, or female offending ▪ Are gangs are truly subcultures? ▪ Assumes almost perfect socialization to gang
Control Theories • Control = shorthand for informal social control • Theories covered • Hirschi (social bonds) • Gottfredson and Hirschi (low self-control) • Sampson and Laub (age graded social control)
Assumptions about “Motivation towards crime” • Strain theory: motivation from some sort of strain (e.g. blocked opportunity) • Learning theory: motivation from delinquent peers • Control theory: there is enough natural motivation towards crime • No need to “build in” extra motivation • Real question? Why aren’t we all criminal?
Types of Control • Direct Control • Direct punishments, rewards from parents, friends • Indirect Control • Refrain from deviance because you don’t want to risk friends, job, etc. • Internal Control • Good self-concept, self-control, conscience
Walter Reckless’ Containment Theoryas precursor to “control” theories Inner (Good self concept) Containment • Outer Containment • parents/school • supervision • Pushes and Pulls • poverty, anger,delinquent • subculture DELINQUENCY OUT HERE !!!!!!
ENTER TRAVIS HIRSCHI • Causes of Delinquency (1969) • Was an attack on other theories as much as a statement of his theory • Self-report data (CA high schools) • Measures from “competing theories” • This book was the first of its kind!
Social Bond Theory • “Bond” indicates “Indirect Control” • Direct controls (punishment, reinforcement) less important because delinquency occurs when out of parents’ reach (adolescence). • Attachment • Commitment (Elements of the social bond • Involvement are all related to each other) • Belief
Or, Put Another Way… The Social Bond Attachment Commitment Involvement Belief Crime Fun, thrilling, quick and easy satisfaction of desires
Hirschi’s Evidence in Favor of Bonds • Attachment • Attachment to parents (wish to emulate, identify with) • Commitment • Grades, educational aspirations • Belief • Techniques of Neutralizations
Criticisms of Hirschi’s Theory • Delinquents do form relationships • Attachment to delinquent peers or parents increases, rather than decreases delinquency • Which comes first, bonds or delinquency? • Bonds more salient for females, and early in adolescence
Gottfredson and Hirschi (1990) • A General Theory of Crime • Same control theory assumptions • If we are all inclined to be deviant, why conform? • Because most of us develop “self-control” • “Internal control” • Developed by age 8, as the result of “direct control” from parents
Nature of Crime, Nature of Low Self-Control People with low self-control are therefore… Impulsive Risk-taking Physical (as opposed to mental) Low verbal ability Short-sighted Insensitive Criminal Acts… Provide immediate gratification of desires Are risky/thrilling Are easy/simple Require little skill/planning Provide few/meager long term benefits Result in pain/discomfort to a victim
The implications of low self-control • Explains “stability of criminal behavior” • But, how does it explain “aging out?” • Explains all crime and analogous behaviors • Analogous = same “nature” as criminal acts
Empirical Support • Moderate relationship between low self-control and both crime and analogous behaviors • Holds for both males and females • BUT • Not the “sole cause” of crime • May not explain white collar crime at all
“Age Graded Theory of Informal Social Control” • Sampson and Laub • We will cover this again in the “lifecourse” theory section • Takes Hirschi’s (1969) theory and made it “age graded” • The specific elements of the social bond change over the life-course • Also includes elements of “direct control” • Also throws in some other stuff (integrated theory)
Sampson and Laub Childhood Adolescence Adulthood • Parenting • Supervision • Discipline • Social Bonds • Family • School • Delinquent Peers Context Delinquency Adult Crime Individual Differences Length of Incarceration • Social Bonds • Marriage • Good Job
Policy Implications • Hirschi’s Social Bond Theory • Target attachment, commitment, belief • Gottfredson and Hirschi’s General Theory • Must focus on early childhood prevention • Train parents? • Sampson and Laub • Different targets for different ages • Importance of adult bonds (job, marriage)