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WP1. Project Management Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator

WP1. Project Management Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator. Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval. Eighteen Month Meeting Schedule - Thursday. Eighteen Month Meeting Schedule - Friday. Project Schedule, WP1-4.

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WP1. Project Management Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator

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  1. WP1. Project Management Josh Reiss, Project Coordinator Betty Woessner, Project Administrator Enabling Access to Sound Archives through Integration, Enrichment and Retrieval

  2. Eighteen Month Meeting Schedule - Thursday

  3. Eighteen Month Meeting Schedule - Friday

  4. Project Schedule, WP1-4

  5. Project Schedule, WP5-8

  6. Deliverables- Part 1 Type of deliverable: • R = Report • P = Prototype • D = Demonstrator • O = Other Dissemination level: • PU = Public • RE = Restricted group specified by consortium+ Commission. • CO = Confidential, for consortium + Commission.

  7. Deliverables- Part 2 Type of deliverable: • R = Report • P = Prototype • D = Demonstrator • O = Other Dissemination level: • PU = Public • RE = Restricted group specified by consortium+ Commission. • CO = Confidential, for consortium + Commission.

  8. Deliverable Procedure & Guidelines • WP Team Leader • Gather inputs from partners • Notify coordinator of conflicts between partners • lack of communication, delays… • Organise inputs into consistent, detailed, formatted document • Supplement with additional material, Incorporate summary, references, conclusions, etc. • Communicate with partners for editing, comments, criticism, suggestions • Deliver document to Coordinator 1 month before deadline • Implement changes & resend document atleast 1 week before deadline • Coordinator • Receive document at least 1 month prior to deadline • Assist in resolution of conflicts between partners • Edit document & provides comments, criticism, suggestions • Provide supplementary material to WP Team Leader • Receive revised document from Team Leader 2 weeks before deadline • Deliver document/prototype to Commission Edit & Revision cycles may occur more than once

  9. WP1 Milestones • Status reports & Co-ordination meetings • 1.1 Private website deployed (M1) • 1.2 Basic development tools; user groups; content databases; first scientific achievements; tentative dissemination & use plan; self-assessment & workplan specification (M6) • 1.3 Disseminate scientific developments; revised user-feedback methodology & workplan, software progress update (M12) • 1.4 Internal assessments; first prototype components available; Evaluation procedure specification and integration report (M18) • 1.5 Final prototype available, initial business plan; Initial evaluation results, revision requests & deployment procedure (M24) • 1.6 Final public & private reports issued, project ends (M30)

  10. WP1 Deliverables & Milestones • Deliverables • 1.1 Quality assurance protocols and policies (M3) • 1.2 Management, financial and activity reports (M12) 1.3 Management, financial and activity reports (M24) 1.4 Final Public Report (M30) 1.5 Final management, financial and activity reports (M30)

  11. Upcoming Work Plan – project roadmap • Months 1-6 Design & Specification • Function specifications • mock-ups, use-case scenarios • testbeds • Months 7-12 Algorithm development • proof-of-concept software • infrastructure • Months 13-18 Building the archiver • delivering feature extractors • metadata schema support • Months 19-24 Integration • System testing • Interface refinement • Months 25-30 Deployment • On-site software installation • refinement

  12. Meeting Emphasis • Integration is the key focus for upcoming months. • Begin deployment of complete EASAIER system by month 24. • Emphasise integration in presentations and discussion. • What functionality has been integrated into the EASAIER system? Are there any outstanding issues or further work required? • What functionality has been delivered for integration, but not yet fully integrated. What are the issues, how and when will they be dealt with? • What functionality has not been delivered? What is current status on preparation for integration? What are remaining issues, how and when will they be dealt with? • If there are no plans to integrate a certain technology, why not? • demonstrate integrated prototypes, whenever possible. • do not demonstrate standalone prototype if there is integrated or partially integrated prototype available. • The onlystandalone prototypes that you should demonstrate are new technologies that haven’t yet seen.

  13. Testbeds • Available • HOTBED • Hungarian speaker corpus • Instrument recognition • Oyez • Needed • Language testbeds • … ? • In Progress • Small, detailed testbed for system testing • RSAMD to report

  14. Integration Workplan – Completed or almost complete

  15. Integration Workplan – Planned for later / low priority

  16. Integration Workplan – In progress, WP2-3

  17. Integration Workplan – In progress, WP4-5

  18. Finance • 2nd payment received and distributed to partners. • Reminder: Audits should be done for the end of year 2 • 20% of funding will be witheld until successful completion of the project • Annual financial reporting should be received by Queen Mary by 15 May 2008 in order to make the deadline of 15th June • All funds for the period should be spent to receive maximum funding for the following period.

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