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The Periodic Table. Using numbers and letters as symbols for the elements. Press Enter to continue. The Periodic Table. Doc Frog is often looking for ways to use numbers and letters as symbols working together.
The Periodic Table Using numbers and letters as symbols for the elements Press Enter to continue.
The Periodic Table • Doc Frog is often looking for ways to use numbers and letters as symbols working together. • The Periodic Table is one example of when a number and a letter can represent an object or concept. • Scientists and mathematicians often work with symbols. It’s like writing in shorthand! Press Enter to continue.
Periodic Table • Doc Frog found an interactive Periodic Table of the Elements, full of graphics and descriptive information, at www.webelements.com. • He copied and pasted 118 graphics from their website. It’s not considered plagiarism if you note the source! Press Enter to continue.
Pre-Keys 3 assignment • As the teacher projects these images on the computer screen the students will type the atomic numbers and letter abbreviations on their QWERTY keyboards for each of the Periodic Elements. • Students can then recreate the period table using PowerPoint, Word or Excel. • This familiarity will come in handy when they take Chemistry in High School and College! Press Enter to continue.
1H Hydrogen Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
2He Helium Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
3 Li Lithium Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
4Be Beryllium Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
5B Boron Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
6C Carbon Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
7N Nitrogen Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
8O Oxygen Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
9F Fluorine Use the arrow keys on the keyboard to move forward or backward in the presentation.
10Ne Neon
11Na Sodium
12Mg Magnesium
13Al Aluminum
14Si Silicon
15P Phosphorus
16S Sulphur
17Cl Chlorine
18Ar Argon
19K Potassium
20Ca Calcium
21Sc Scandium
22Ti Titanium
23V Vanadium
24Cr Chromium
25Mn Manganese
26Fe Iron
27Co Cobalt
28Ni Nickel
29Cu Copper
30Zn Zinc
31Ga Gallium
32Ge Germanium
33As Arsenic
34Se Selenium
35Br Bromine
36Kr Krypton
37Rb Rubidium
38Sr Strontium
39Y Yttrium
40Zr Zirconium
41Nb Niobium
42Mo Molybdenum
43Tc Technetium
44Ru Ruthenium
45Rh Rhodium
46Pd Palladium