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Exploring Space: Course Overview & Objectives

This course on space and space travel covers properties of the space environment, interactions between Earth and planets, methods of exploration, and more. Expectations include basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, math, and computer literacy. Course elements include lectures, homework, quizzes, labs, and a writing component. Students will engage in experiential learning activities, including water rocket experiments. The course also emphasizes the exploration of our solar system and understanding our place within the universe. Grading is based on weekly assignments, labs, quizzes, and writing projects. The course aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of space and our celestial surroundings.

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Exploring Space: Course Overview & Objectives

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  1. Space and Space Travel ESS 102

  2. Space and Space Travel Lecturers: Prof. Walt HarrisRoom 265 Johnson Hall e-mail: harris@ ess.washington.edu Dr. Erika Harnett Room 267 Johnson Hall e-mail: eharnett@ ess.washington.edu Teaching Assistants: Matthew Smith Room 262 Johnson Hall e-mail: matthers@ u.washington.edu Ariah Kidder Room 262 Johnson Hall e-mail: ariah@ u.washington.edu Matthew Kuharic Room 362 Johnson Hall e-mail: kuharicm@ u.washington.edu

  3. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun. 2) To explore how the Earth and planets interact with space, and how this interaction affects our environment. 3) To Examine the Methods, Challenges, and Future of Space Exploration for both Human and Robot Probes. 4) To Introduce the Explorable Inventory of the Solar System and the Targets of Current Interest.

  4. Space and Space Travel Learning Materials: • Textbook “Sun Earth & Sky” by K. R. Lang 2) Web Site www.ess.washington.edu/Space/ESS102/ 3) Weekly Web Site(s) of Interest: 4) Moodle (We’ll get to this in a minute):

  5. Space and Space Travel Course Expectations: • Basic Understanding of Physics and Chemistry: • (Atoms, Molecules & their Parts, Energy, Waves, and Momentum) • Ability to use Basic Mathematical Techniques: • (Algebra, Geometry, and Scientific Notation) • Computer Literacy: • (Internet, E-mail, and Calculator) • Attendance and On-Time Submission of Assignments: • (Writing assignments submitted after the week due can not be accepted without valid excuse - Moodle assignments have defined time periods during which they can be done.)

  6. Space and Space Travel Course Elements: • Lecture, Homework, Quizzes, and Computer Labs. The primary vehicle for this section of the course is Moodle. https://webcourse.ess.washington.edu.35131/moodle/

  7. 2d) Water Rocket!!! Space and Space Travel Course Elements: 2) Experiential Learning. 2a) Weekly Laboratory: (Fridays-None this week!). 2b) Solar Viewing: (if we get a sunny day). 2c) Propulsion Lab: (How far can water get you?).

  8. Come Fly With Us ESS 205 - Access to Space Spring Quarter 2006 – 5 Credits Build an experiment to fly on a balloon at 100,000 ft No Prerequisites, Open to all Majors! Offered by Dept. of Earth and Space Science http://www.ess.washington.edu/Space/ESS205/

  9. Space and Space Travel Course Elements: 3) The Writing Component (credit): 3a) Rocket Project Report 20% 3b) Scientifically correct article. 80% Secrets to success on the writing component! 1) Working together = Good: Writing together = Bad 2) Use your own words (aka: If you can find it on the web, we can find it on the web)

  10. Space and Space Travel Course Content and Grading: } • Weekly Assignments based on text and lectures. • Weekly Hands-On Concepts Lab. (127 JHN) • Weekly Computer Lab. (21 JHN) 30% 30% 3 Quizzes. 40% Writing projects. Secret to Success:Do ALL of the assignments!

  11. A POP QUIZ!!! • Astronauts are weightless because there is no gravity in space. False!!! 2) Visible sunlight plays no role in the upper atmosphere and space. True!!! 3) The most difficult challenge in human space flight is the lack of air. False!!! 4) The major limitation to space travel is the weight of experiments. False!!! 5) The Earth’s magnetic field is essential for the existence of life. False!!! 6) The Sun is hotter now than it was during the time of the dinosaurs. True!! 7) Rockets work by pushing off from the launch pad and air. False!!!

  12. Space and Space Travel Topic 1: Foundation 1) A Brief Inventory of the Solar System and our reasons for studying it. 2) Highlights of Space Exploration. 3) Physical Perspectives on the Scale of the Solar system. • How Big? • How Far? • How Hot? • How Much? • How Long? 4) The Nature of Light and Light Propagation.

  13. Exploring our Star System: Why do it? The Copernican Principle: Any observation that suggests our position in the Universe is somehow unique or special is wrong or incomplete. What we know: We live in a star system that contains a single central Sun with several planets of different types orbiting it. Our Hypothesis: This is NORMAL. Is this true and what does it mean???

  14. Our Local Inventory: What makes up our star system? 1) A single central star with a temperature of 5785K. 2) Two sub-stellar giant planets of roughly solar composition. (Jupiter & Saturn) 3) Two icy-gas hybrid planets. (Uranus & Neptune) All of the above planets have large systems of satellites; some planet sized. (Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto, Titan, and Triton) 4) Four much smaller rocky (iron-nickel-silicate) planets. (Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars) 5) Two areas of remnants from planet formation, one rock based (Asteroid Belt) and one ice-based (Kuiper Belt). 6) An extended distribution of ejected debris located well past the planets. (Oort Cloud)

  15. Exploring our Star System How and Where? History is Written in what we see: The distribution, composition, and evolution of material in the solar system tells us how we got from a cold cloud of gas & dust to the present: 1) How did the Sun form and evolve? 2) How do planets form and where? 3) What does the distribution of planets and debris tell us about the early solar system? 4) How do planets change with time and what are the processes involved? 5) How does the interaction with the Sun affect conditions on a planet on various time scales? 6) What does our system tell us about others?

  16. Space and Space Travel Milestones in Space Exploration (1900-1970): • 12/17/1903: First Human Flight. 2) 1/13/1920: R. Goddard Rocket Propulsion Treatise. (NY Times Blasts Goddard) 4) 3/26/1926: Launch of First Liquid Fuel Rocket. 5) 10/04/1957: Sputnik 1 Orbits Earth. 6) 4/12/1961: Yuri Gargarin Orbits Earth. 7) 12/14/1962: Mariner 2 Flys by Venus. 8) 7/16/1969: Apollo 11 Lands on Moon. (NY Times Apologizes to Goddard)

  17. Space and Space Travel Milestones in Space Exploration (1970-2004): 9) 12/15/1970: Vernera 7 Lands on Venus 10) 04/19/1971: Salyut 1 is the First Space Station 11) 11/14/1971: Mariner 9 Orbits Mars 12) 07/20/1976: Viking 1-first long duration lander 13) 04/12/1981: First Flight of Shuttle Columbia. 14) 08/29/1989: Voyager 2 Reaches Neptune. 15) 07/4/1997: Pathfinder Lands on Mars 16) 12/17/2003: Attempt to recreate Kitty Hawk Flight Fails… 17) 01/2004: Spirit and Opportunity Land on Mars 18) 01/14/2005: Huygens Spacecraft Lands on Titan.

  18. Scales in the Solar System The Solar System is characterized by extremes: 1) The very hot to the very cold 2) The very big to the very small 3) The very dense to the very tenuous 4) The very close to the very distant 5) The very numerous to the very unique 4) The very fast to the very slow

  19. 0.000000001 10-9 Nano (n) (billionth) 0.000001 10-6 Micro () (millionth) 0.001 10-3 Milli (m) (thousandth) 1 100 Unity 1000 103 Kilo (k) (thousands) 1,000,000 106 Mega (M) (millions) 1,000,000,000 109 Giga (G) (billions) 1,000,000,000,000 1012 Terra (T) (trillions) Scientific Notation: Scientific Notation is a shorthand way of writing and multiplying large (and small) numbers. To do numbers that are not divisible by ten, we multiply by an exponential number. 4,275,000,000 = 4.275 x 109or 0.000374 = 3.74 x 10-4

  20. 103 x 10-9 = 10(3) + (- 9) =10-6 102 x 105 = 10(2) + (5) =107 103 ÷ 10-9 = 10(3) - (- 9) =1012 102 ÷ 105 = 10(2) + (5) =107 3.0 x102 + 2.6 x 105 =2.603 x105 1.0 x105 - 7.0 x 102 =0.993 x105 Using Scientific Notation: To multiply numbers using scientific notation we add the exponents. To divide numbers using scientific notation we subtract the exponents. To add or subtract numbers using scientific notation we work in front of the exponents.

  21. Scientific Notation Example Course Objectives: How long does light take to travel from the visible surface of the Sun to the Earth? Distance from Sun to Earth D = 150,000,000 km In Scientific Notation D = 1.5  108 km In Meters D = 1.5  108 103 = 1.5 x 1011 m The Speed of Light C = 3 x 108 m/s The time = distance/speed = D/C D/C =(1.5 x 1011)÷(3  108)=(15 x 1010)÷(3 x 108) D/C = time =5 x 102 = 500 seconds = 8.33 minutes

  22. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun.

  23. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun.

  24. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun.

  25. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun.

  26. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun.

  27. Space and Space Travel Course Objectives: • To Describe the Properties of the Space Environment and the Sun.

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