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Chapter 19.1

Chapter 19.1. The Sun, Earth, and Moon. Objectives:. By the end of this section you WILL be able to… Describe why the night sky looks the way it does from Earth Identify which objects make up the solar system Explain how the moon affects the Earth. The View from earth.

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Chapter 19.1

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  1. Chapter 19.1 The Sun, Earth, and Moon

  2. Objectives: • By the end of this section you WILL be able to… • Describe why the night sky looks the way it does from Earth • Identify which objects make up the solar system • Explain how the moon affects the Earth

  3. The View from earth • Throughout the year the night sky changes • Why? • The earth and everything else in the universe is constantly moving • The Earth is not only spinning on its axis it is also orbiting the sun.

  4. The closest Star to us? • The Sun is the closest start to earth • It took thousands of years for people to realize that the sun is a star • It took just as long for them to realize that it was the center of our solar system • Why cant we see stars during the day? • In terms of stars ours is extraordinarily ordinary • The suns mass is about 330,000 times the mass of Earth

  5. Planets are celestial bodies that orbit the sun. • They are round because of their own gravity • They have also cleared the area around their orbit of debris

  6. Nature uses the sun to set daily cycles • What two essential things does the sun provide the earth with? • Heat and light • As the earth turns on its axis it experiences 1 revolution every 24h • The sun dictates many processes down to our sleep/work schedule • What other cycles does it cause?

  7. Planets and distant stars are visible in the night sky • Constellations are groups of stars organized in recognizable patterns • Many are named or patterned off of Greek mythology • Cassiopeia?

  8. A family of planets • The solar system consists of the sun and all of the objects which orbit it • The sun makes up roughly 99% of the mass of the solar system • The eight planets, their moons, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets, dust and gas make up the remaining 1%

  9. Gravity Holds the Solar system together • Every object in the universe pulls on every other object. • WHY!? • Because they all have mass • Another key component to gravity is distance(or proximity to another object) • The closer two objects are to one another the more gravity will affect each other

  10. Satellites • A satellite is an object in orbit around a body that has a larger mass • The moon is the earths satellite because earth has a larger mass. • In Roman mythology Mars was the god of war, his sons names were Phobos and Deimos. • Phobos and Deimos are the moons of the planet Mars • Only Mercury and Venus do not have satellites • (remind me about google earth)

  11. Satellites continued… • Some of the satellites in the solar system are larger than planets • For example; Jupiter’s Ganymede and Saturn’s titan are both larger than the planet Mercury • What keeps satellites in orbit around their planets? • GRAVITY! • Like planets, satellites can be observed because they reflect the Sun’s rays. They do not emit their own light!

  12. Eight planets orbit the sun • What about Pluto? • Pluto was downgraded to a dwarf planet • http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=2352188 • http://abcnews.go.com/video/playerIndex?id=2361776 • What do you think?

  13. Phases of the moon What causes the phases of the moon? http://videos.howstuffworks.com/hsw/10001-the-moon-phases-video.htm The entire phase cycle takes roughly 29.5 days You may have thought they were due to shadows! Trust me you’re not alone

  14. The moon • The Moon orbits earth at a distance of bout 384,000 km • The large dark areas on the moon called maria, are caused by lava flows from inside the moon early in its life • The Moon is also riddled with craters • Why isn’t the Earth riddled with craters? • How did the Moon form?

  15. Shadows do play a major role however, but not in the phases • Eclipses are caused my bodies casting shadows. • When the moon casts a shadow on the earth the sky may turn dark. This is known as a solar eclipse • When the earth casts a shadow on the moon it is known as a lunar eclipse

  16. The moon also affects earths tides • Most costal areas on earth experience a high tide and a low tide • These tides are due to the moon’s pull on water causing it to bulge in one direction • Because earth rotates, one area will have high tide and the opposite side will experience low tide.

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